Do the abs workout every 3 days and drink a protein shake everyday. It usually takes a couple months to achieve decent abs, but it depends on each individuals body and genes.
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High Intensity Interval Training is pretty good. Like do jumping jacks, jump rope, etc. for 5 minutes then rest for 2.5 minutes, then keep going like that. Muscle building exercises can detract from burning fat because our body has a hard time doing more than one thing at a time. So be careful lifting while trying to get that six pack. Sprint training is great for getting rid of body fat. Cut rye, barley, oats, and wheat (at least for a while to get rid of some gluten buildup in your body). I do martial arts so I would have a six pack if it wasn't for the dang ice cream i keep eating. Keep up the good work! Good luck finding the Six Pack Dream!
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Maaaaan even oats & rye? Guess I'm not getting any visible abs anytime soon. It's hard dieting when your mum doesn't support it and you go school every day. I did the weight-losing part last year, but it seems getting that summer body seems like a distant dream :(
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That's just from my personal experience. Most peoples bodies react different ways so the best way to find out what works is to try it out. I'm physically incapable of exceeding 20% body fat.
BTW. If you live in a cold area, losing body fat will make you get cold a LOT faster. Also the fat your body stores is used for energy, so you will feel like you aren't as strong as you were.
Fun Fact: If you want to survive taking a cyanide pill, gain as much weight as you can. Cyanide loses its effectiveness the more body mass you have.
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Getting abs is all about a shit ton of cardio excersise and healthy eating contrary to popular belief things like sit ups dont really do a lot gotta cut away that fat first! To answer your questions:
Hard to say varies person to person I would expect a longer time tbh
No its better to have 2-3 workouts where you push yourself to the limit than 6 sessions where you cant from fatigue from other workouts.
You seem to have a few good exercises for working your core, try sitting with your legs raised and and with a weighted ball or dumbbell move it from side to side (hard to explain)
I personally dont like p90x and other programs
5.Protein(chicken, fish) fruit and veg and not too much carbs
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Diet is much more important for visible abs than what you do in the gym. That's where your focus should be. Cut out junk food completely, limit your carbohydrate intake, eat lots of protein and healthy fats. Your diet should revolve around chicken breast, low fat cheese, eggs, fish, whey protein, oats and nuts. Of course, fruit and especially vegetables are a given. Cardio helps a lot too, either high intensity for short periods or low intensity for long periods.
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Swimming is pretty good when it comes to cutting fat. You'll have to swap it up eventually to keep from forming a subcutaneous layer of fat.
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I agree, legs are pretty important. I'm not sure how much the effect would be since ArchinFall seemed to just be aiming for the six pack.
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Barbell squats and dead lifts build an awesome core and keep your legs from looking like noodles. They will also build up your back muscles, which is very important when focusing so much on abs. You can ruin your posture if you solely work abs and not your back to compensate.
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I try to stay away from the Leg extensions and stuff. I just stick with good old squats.
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1) No, you need to do a lot more than just Ab Ripper X and CardioX. Plyo has a lot of squats etc that work your core incredibly well, which I see you've been doing a bit but you have to hammer all aspects.
2) One hour every day with one rest day will do good, you only get out what you put in. Alternate different parts of your body obviously so you don't hit the same area every day otherwise you'll have no time to repair. There's no point hammering abs when the rest of your body will be nowhere near as defined.
3 & 4) Do all of the P90X Program, not just sections.
5) Diet is the most important, you want to set a specific protein and carb goal and hit it every single day. Alternate meats and support it with heaps of vegetables. Seeing as your 5,5 I think 60kg is a good area to be at, which means you need to exercise a little bit less than your intake of carbs so you can use it to fuel muscle growth. There's literally a billion pages about diet out on the web and you'll have no problem finding one to help you cater a plan that suits yourself. (Please make one don't just grab what someone said worked for them off the internet and do it, look at how much protein and carbs you need and then look at what you like eating and its makeup and create a plan that works specifically for you).
Hope this helps a little.
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1) Keep in mind that you already "have" abs, lack of definition is either a result of being hidden under a layer of body fat or under-utilized core muscles (or some combo of both)
2) Well, er, yeah, you put in the time you will get results (short of some crazy glandular issues or whatnot). There is a limit to this however; 1 hour a day 4-6 times a week should have significant results for you, but just don't overdo it and give your muscle groups a chance to recover. You won't get to your goal if you're sidelined by injury.
3) Since you're doing P90X, why not go for other workouts in the routine? It sounds like you're already doing a lot of the things that the workouts include, but sometimes it helps if you're not in a gym or with a trainer to have something pushing and guiding you along. The workout system is designed to target everything from flexibility & core strength (don't neglect this - it is essential to good health and fitness, and if you need a better reason, being limber and balanced will help in bed as well) to muscle and toning - you just need to decide whether muscle mass (fewer reps, more weight) or lean muscle (more reps, less weight, or use resistance bands). Kenpo & Pylo will give you more cardio (fat burning) core strength, along with toning up your legs and arms IIRC. Muscle burns more than fat, as they often say, so even if you only want to improve certain areas of your body, working more areas of your body.
4) See 3
5) That's a whole 'nother topic, but general guidelines for trimming down would include limiting fats (obvious, but also be choosey about which fats you do eat, a few slices of avacado or a small handful of almonds to help with hunger are good health choices), increase protein intake while reducing carbohydrate intake (within reason - keep your body running and your metabolism going and don't starve yourself, naturally). Tracking your daily calories might help you define better goals as well.
There ya go.. don't know why you posted here exactly, and I only saw this because I thought you were someone else, but maybe some of this will help. Oh, and try Yoga too.. you'll feel like an idiot the first few times but trust me it really helps.
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When you said Kenpo, which Kenpo were you referring to?
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Hey, just asking but has anyone seen the worlds largest biceps? I think he was from Egypt?
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It takes a long time to get abs and it's more about NOT having any fat over them covering them up. I did a program that got me up to 500 sit ups in one exercise routine, so roughly 20-30 minutes I'd be doing 500 3-4 times a week. No 1 ab shows. Why? I have fat covering them up. If you have a "flat" stomach and yes I do mean flat then you can eventually build your abs up to show through. However, don't focus just on that as it might kill your spirit if you don't see results in 5 weeks.
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If you have been doing the same program / routine for pretty long time now, you might want to change it so the areas that you haven't used so far will get more focused.
Overall if you want to look leaner, buffed, ripped. you're in a pretty good weigh right now for any of these.
So in case you have some fat left you need to burn it, while focusing on your core to get good workout so after that what you will eat will get you more muscle
Know that you don't choose which area you will lose fat at, but you choose which muscle area you focus to work on.
Also 1 pound of muscle are much leaner in size compared to 1 pound of fat.
So you will burn fat and build muscle so looking at the weight isn't what gonna tell you, you're doing it right.
but if you take photos every week or two you will notice the big different in mind if you're doing everything right of course.
Type of workout in general you need in around 30min cardio and 30mins muscle and the right diet by diet lower carbs but still a good amount of protein in game a day.
Your goal is to burn fat with that during cardio, building good muscle base full body this will help with your daily caloric burn, meaning that you burn more calories burning the day. also you need to build the muscles for them to show behind your skin.
Most important don't take "diet" as not eating properly in order of thinking to get faster results which will bit you in the ass faster than anything you do.
I would suggest you read more about this and listen to few more videos of what trainers say, so it will sink into your brain.
With better understanding of what you're doing and how your body works, you will start to understand what type of workout you need what type of food you should eat, how much sleep, how long the workouts should be etc..
Good luck and remember you're doing it for yourself.
P.S some video game nerds are 5+ years fitness trainers, but i still love cake and vigyagaimz.
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You should start lifting. The more muscle you have the more easily to stay fit, burn fat. Also, having perfect abs and flabby everything else is not what the ladies want. ;)
You don't need "guns" but you certainly should have toned arms. P90x's plyometric workout is probably the best fat burning exercise, it really gets the heart rate going and kicks your butt. Yoga is also great for building your core. It's not just the front that matters, but your back as well. You can't cut corners to look good.
You should also worry less about weight and more about inches. Measure various parts of your body you want to get smaller or bigger. Inches matter more than weight alone.
Also, protein, protein, protein, protein. The nice thing about protein is that your muscles need it and most proteins make you feel full longer so it also helps maintain your blood sugar and hunger. Just make sure it's lean protein, obviously. (beans are pretty amazing) Also be sure to have some nice dark green veggies. Also You should also take a supplement that fits your needs since you're working out, changing routine, your body could probably use it.
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This is like what I mentioned earlier, but watch your protein intake... you can die if your protein intake exceeds 45% of your caloric intake. Quoted from
Protein Poisoning
Eating a diet too high in protein can, after several weeks, result in death. According to the Food and Nutrition Board of the National Institute of Medicine, "rabbit starvation" can occur when you get 45 percent of your calories from protein. Such protein-rich diets can lead to symptoms that include nausea, weakness and diarrhea, those these symptoms abate when the protein content of your diet is reduced by increasing the amount of fats or carbohydrates.
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I've done some P90X and can say it's one workout which actually really, really works, but you need to commit yourself to it!
30 Minutes before (pre) or after (post) the workout, I suggest 100% Whey Protein mixed with just water (chocolate is my fav).
15 Minutes after the workout, if really sweaty and tired, have a banana to prevent musicle burn. Muscle can burn off like fat under extreme exercise.
Make sure you take a day off, when the muscles are relaxed they will start to feel tired/sore while building. Keep the exercises mixed like the program suggests and they will keep developing.
Your probably get abs within 2-4 weeks, just stomach fat hides it (this can be hard to remove, taking additional weeks or month depending on how determine). One sitting carido like rowing/biking, plus one standing carido like the treadmill/walking will help with that. Plus, health eating of course.
PS: Sitting down for 6 hours + a day at your computer gaming/working or at the tv can add to your weight even if you exercise.
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I weigh 133 pounds and I'm 5,5 1/2 feet tall. I used to weigh 155 pounds last year and doing CardioX for quite some time has helped me out a lot (22 pounds seems like a big difference to me). I've also done other things during that time such as curls, jumping jacks, pull-ups/chin-ups, push-ups, sit-ups, crunches, squats, and stretching. I've lost some weight, but I also gained muscles. I have a little bit of fat around each part of my body (except for my thighs because it's pretty big).
I am still doing P90X mainly because I want to be healthy and look fit (for the girls (; lululul). The two workouts that I've been doing from the P90X program so far are CardioX and Ab RipperX. Not only that, but I am still doing those other things up there too. I'm trying to burn the fat and obtain the abs within 4-5 weeks. I've also been maintaining my diet and eating healthy.
Now Here Are My Questions:
1)Will I be able to get abs within 4-5 weeks in my current state?
2)Will the amount of time I put into working out/exercising help me get the body I want faster?
3)What other exercises should I do?
4)What other workouts in the P90X program should I do?
5)What do you suggest I put into my diet?
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