So, in all the sales there's a thread or a poll of someone asking what game to buy, or what do we buy on the sales, what about if we say "Hey, this game is good, for this reasons, and if you have some extra money, you should buy it"?

Recommend a game that you love for other people that may like it, something like this:

Game Name:
I recommend it because:

6 years ago

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It was a good christmas sale for you?

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Let me be the first one.

Game Name: Darkest Dungeon
Genre: Turn-Based RPG
Discount: -70%
I recommend it because: I love turn based rpg, and hard games, the game never hold your hand, you don't have the advantage at any point, neither the enemy, you have to struggle trough the hard and beatifull lovecraft-ish world to survive, also, it's stress mechanic is amazing, your heroes can go crazy or they can be an amazing asset with stress. Also, the game it's hardcore, example, your hero dies? HE DIES, point, he can't come back (actually yes but it's really rare and it come as the first day that he gets in the game) and they will die, a lot.

6 years ago

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Game: Neverwinter Nights 1 Enhanced Edition
Genre: Turn-Based action RPG
URL: Link
Discount: -70%
I recommend because: It is an old classic game that still holds strong to this day. The game is close to 18 years old and has been enhanced with newer models and other QOL improvements. The story is spectacular, the gameplay is amazing and better than almost all new games in the genre. And it tickles nostalgia for all of us who played D&D Pen and Paper in our youth.

6 years ago

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dammit! you made me buy it! Added you to WL lol.

6 years ago

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Thank you. And you were apparently already on mine.

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

6 years ago

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I am playing both. While Pathfinder is great it just doesn't have the scale the old Neverwinter games had.
I hope Pathfinder adds more classes/prestige classes down the line or opens up for steam workshop.

6 years ago

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I agree this is an excellent game! Additionally, I'd like to mention the huge variety of mods available, allowing new adventures, stories, gameplay mechanics, etc. One mod I can recommend is A Tangled Web, part 1, absolutely loved the brand new adventure. :)

6 years ago

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Was going to buy it but ran out of cash, The game and the DLC's have the highest sale so far so i was really wanting to get em all since i never tried the DLC's but i'll guess i'll wait for the next sale.

6 years ago

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That sucks hope you get it next time.

6 years ago

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an awesome game back in the days, I loved it so so much when it came out. definitely a must for any RPG lover

6 years ago

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Can i ask, are the dlcs needed for story, or is the game playable even without them?

6 years ago

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You can easily play the game without DLC's Though I do recommend playing them through at least once.
What the DLC's does is basically further the story campaign along and have no change in gameplay.

6 years ago

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Game Name: AO International Tennis
Genre: 3rd person tennis
Discount: -50%
I recommend it because: it's actually well discounted (base price has been lowered in nov2018), and enjoyable with a controller. It's an accessible tennis sim, and a good compromise between Tennis elbow 2013 (sim) graphically dated and Virtua tennis (arcade) GFWL and no more available. Unfortunately there is no fun training mini-games but there is a basic career mode and a detailed character editor. Not Top Spin quality level, but if you search a modern tennis sim on PC, it's a possibility.

6 years ago

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Game Name: Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning
Genre: Open world RPG
Discount: -75%
I recommend it because: It took me by surprise when I played it for the first time. It is a very beautiful game and feels very skyrim-like.
The characters, quests, story and voiceacting makes it very wholesome and a real joy to play. Which is great, considering there's about 100h worth of gameplay!

6 years ago

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Nice fun game to play. Its not as well known as some of the bigger titles but I remember it being very polished and enjoyable. Definitely one for people who like Witcher style games to try out.

6 years ago

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Yeah, it's one of steams hidden gems I'd say!

6 years ago

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I blame EA :D

6 years ago

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I've played the game on Origin quite some time ago and I can definitely recommend getting this game.

Despite its age, the game holds up amazingly well against modern standards for an open world RPG. Plus like the OP said, the game will surprise you with its breadth and depth, and is easily worth tens to hundreds of hours of gameplay :)

Quick fun fact: The story (and world-building) in this game was written by R. A. Salvatore, a NY bestselling author. He's known for writing the Forgotten Realms book series :)

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

6 years ago

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I think it's only around $3 on Origin, so even cheaper!

6 years ago

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Game Name: The Witcher® 3: Wild Hunt
Genre: Open World RPG
Discount: -50% Main Game, -60% GOTY Edition
I recommend it because: It's amongst the greatest RPGs I've played. It's critically aclaimed and loved by fans. Supporting CD Projekt Red is also one of the reasons to get the game, because it feels good to support people who make games with passion and not for the money. It's a beautiful experience which everyone must experience to truly understand how good the game exactly is !

6 years ago

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Game Name: Hegemony III: Clash of the Ancients
Genre: Strategy
Discount: -75%
I recommend it because: It combines elements from Age of Empires and Total War and adds plenty of unique ideas. And it's from a tiny indie developer, supporting their products over a long time (the exception was Hegemony II, where they had a publisher who messed with their production).

6 years ago

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Game Name: Fight The Dragon
Genre: RPG (Hack and Slash)
Discount: -80%
I recommend it because: It's a "must have" if you like to play couch-coop because this game is infinite and you can also collaborate with the community by creating new maps with your own stories. If you have any friend to play over the internet there's a 4-Pack that can be suitable for you aswell.

6 years ago

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Game Name: Crusader Kings II
Genre: Grand Strategy
Discount: -75%
I recommend it because: See attached image below

View attached image.
6 years ago

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Paradox actually had a great sale for CK2 on their own store. The Royal Collection (with all expansions) was sold for $68, dramatically cheaper than the same bundle in the Steam sale.

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

6 years ago

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You just have to dive in and start failing. The learning curve is half of the fun.

6 years ago

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It took me 3 attempts but I love it now

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 months ago.

6 years ago

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I have it on Uplay, is a beautifual and crazy game. Good for SP fans, and for everybody who likes the surreal humor too

6 years ago

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Game Name: 100% Orange Juice
Genre: Anime Board Game
Discount: -75%
I recommend it because: If you are a fan of online board games and anime then this is the perfect game for you. I currently have 138 hours played on this game and it is still extremely fun to me. The community is really awesome, I've never encountered anyone who was rude and met one of my best friends through this game.

6 years ago

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i've wanted that one for years but it has dlc (19, even) so it's a no-no

6 years ago

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The dlc are not mandatory for the most part since they just give you new characters to play as (there are some voice packs and 1 costume pack as well). The ones that I would come close to calling "must haves" are the ones that include new cards, which is 2 of them. The rest you can ignore or wait for a sale since odds are you'll find 1-3 characters you like and just play as those 99% of the time.

6 years ago

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I second this ^ the characters you get aren't even necessarily better than the ones from the main game. I have all the DLCs but they are definitely not required to enjoy the game! The base game has plenty of characters!

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Game Name: Deus Ex: Human Revolution - Director's Cut
Genre: Action RPG
Discount: 85%
I recommend it because: I just love everything about this game - The whole premise of the game, the sci-fi setting/atmosphere, the gameplay (you can go lethal or non-lethal, or both), the engaging storyline (where your decisions actually matter; multiple endings), the superb graphics, the epic techno music ( go listen to the OST! )... everything!

This is a game that will draw you into its world, get you personally vested in the many plights of its people, and once you've completed your first playthrough, make you feel hollow inside - like when you've finished watching the final episode of your favorite TV series.

It's the first Deus Ex game I've played and I'm an instant, and massive, fan :)

6 years ago*

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Invisible Inc + Contingency Plan Bundle
75% off
I am contemplating getting this one. It is developed by Klei, and they are favorites of mine.

6 years ago

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Amazing game, go for it if you haven't already.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Game Name: Divinity: Original Sin Echanced Edition
Genre: Turn based RPG
Discount: 75%

I recommend this game because it is one of those games you can immerse yourself into and just become the hero you made for a while. Personally I've always wanted to play D&D games (I tried Baldur's gate) but found the pause and play in fights a bit tedious. Turn based battles has always been my preferred battle system in RPG. The only downside in this game is the inventory management, but other than that, everything seems perfect. I'll try saving money for divinity 2 on next sale, hopefully it will be cheaper then.

6 years ago

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$10 for this game is a steal, both solo and co-op are a lot of fun!

6 years ago

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add to get that collectors edtion to get 1 more copy!

6 years ago

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+1, one of the best games I've ever played.

6 years ago

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game name:deep rock galactic
genre:Indie,action, coop
dicosunt: 25%
Why recommend: one of the best EA games done right, tons of content already + future roadmap, just support these amazing devs if you are interested :)
also, if you are looking for a awesome fighting: KILLER INSTINCT- 75 off,
Awesome soundtrack, combos, modes, for its price u will get the most featured fighting at market, for its price its a steal, recommend buying with soundtrack.

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

6 years ago

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Game Name: Book Of Demons
Genre: APRG, Isometric Hack & Slash, Dungeon Crawler (like Diablo, Torchlight, Path Of Exile)
Discount: 20% off
Why Recommend: It's an awesome tribute to one of the greatest ARPG's ever created, Diablo. I don't often say games are worth full price but this one is. I voted for Book Of Demons in the 2017 Steam awards for the best game of 2017. With all the horror stories of Early Access this wasn't one of them. The devs set a great example of how EA should be handled and it just had a great official launch.

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

6 years ago

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Already did by the guy up there.

And if you have Darkest Dungeon, high chance that you will also have -66% coupon that can be put on top of that discount.

6 years ago

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+1 from me. I got it 70% off and it was more than worth my money.

6 years ago

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Game Name: Hollow Knight
Genre: Metroidvania
Discount: 34% off
Why Recommend: This game is easily one of the greatest Metroidvania games ever created. Another title easily worth full price. I nominated Hollow Knight for best game of 2018 in the steam awards.

6 years ago

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This is one of the best games I've played this year. Amazing in every aspect. If you like challenging platformers this is a must.

6 years ago

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Game Name: CrossCode
Genre: RPG / Puzzle
Discount: 25%
Why Recommend: It's a great action RPG, with depth to the combat & skills, lots of places to explore, and tons of puzzles. It's kind of reminiscent of SNES rpgs such as Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past, Secret of Mana, Chrono Trigger etc but with much more fluid movement for a modern era. The story is really cool too; it's a single player game but it's set in a MMO universe. Lots of sidequests and places to explore if you're a completionist too.

6 years ago

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