RACE Injection causes false positives, like for example here, which I've confirmed with support to indeed be a false positive.
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Hello knsys.
Since yesterday all giveaways that I try to enter by http://www.sgtools.info/giveaways/ send me a message that I didnt have activate a game or my profile is private.
But my profile on steam is not private and according to this http://www.sgtools.info/nonactivated/piscaaa I have activated all wins....
After contact support he said that my account is fine. But still cant enter on ga
Hello piscaaa.
Your account looks fine. SGTools is a third party site which we are not responsible for. Read this to contact the dev.
Can you help me?
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Related to yesterday's database rebuild:
New train system is on the works.
You'll see that now giveaway creation part accepts multiple steamgifts url's. The first one is considered the main giveaway and it'll be the one that appears on the sgtools protected giveaway detail.
You'll only be able to enter wagons to sgtools during giveaway creation time, and they cannot be modified (either removed or added). If you need more wagons you will need to create another giveaway altogether.
In short, a wagon will only be considered protected if it has been added during giveaway creation time, that gives more control over trains and closes some spaces that malicious users could use to try to ban other people.
When the system is finished, you will only be able to check invalid entries for wagons that are on the system associated with the main giveaway.
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Is this working yet? When I go to the manage giveaway page, the create giveaway box has an example with multiple giveaway links in it, but no matter what I do it doesn't work. The example's links are all connected with no spaces, but doing it that way it tells me the URL is invalid. If I put multiple links separated by spaces or line breaks and press the Create button, it just loads and loads. I left it going for a while and eventually it came back with an "500 Internal Server Error".
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This is what I see in the example (attached image). All the links are one line with no space or line breaks. I first tried with spaces and it just sits there loading. I stopped it after a minute or two, then tried with line breaks and got the same thing. That time I left it going while I switched to another tab to look up this post and that's when I got the error. I then tried it all together with no breaks like what I see in the example and it just gives an error about invalid URL.
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Sorry for the "duplicate" post, seems I messed the topics.
Seems it doesn't work right for me for giveaways. It says I have multiple wins while I don't and my ratio is not what it says it is. For example if I check it from here I can see (like I know) that I don't have multiple wins. So I can't enter some SGTools giveaways because of it... And yes I just synced my account.
It doesn't mark me as duplicate winner now, but still my ratio is wrong.
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Having an issue with correct SGTools synchronization. The SGTools protected GA updated today and claims that I have a multiple win, but I don't. I checked on http://www.sgtools.info/multiple/DanZDK which confirms that I don't. My latest win was
WARMACHINE: Tactics - Mercenaries Faction Bundle (DLC) which might be in conflict with WARMACHINE Standard Edition that I won a long time ago? But the website can detect the difference, so shouldn't the GA edition also?
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Seems that steamgifts paging system is not working properly, sometimes reporting the last giveaway on the next page.
I'll add a protection against this kind of steamgifts errors when I get time
Edit: It looks like a bug introduced on recent change
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It's always a good idea to manually check everything that is automated, and more knowing how bad steam api is.
That being said, people report quickly if there is a sneaky game that gets detected as a positive when it shouldn't, so usually is flagging correctly.
Your case is a correct flag, you don't own that game, you own a similar one, but not the one that you won :)
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Hi Knsys,
can you add a personal blacklist for sgtools similar to steamgifts ? Some of my RU/CIS "friends" were already blacklisted here at sg but i guess a few have still access to the sgtools website,pass the sgtools requirements and reveal the original Steamgifts URL a short time later in this russian 2ch board.Some kind of revenge,i guess.
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A SGTools blacklist would create a drama of epic proportions, so I don't think it's a good idea.
Even in the case that you describe, they will be rerolled and a strike on the ban system for breaking in without a valid entry. At the end, they will just stop entering random private giveaways.
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Well,the main problem are not the leaked entries (small fry) but those sg users who publish the original sg URL at 2ch.As long as they can pass the sgtools requirements this will be a neverending story but OK let's drop the idea.
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New Infraction system on the works.
Infractions replaces bans on "entered sgtools protected giveaway without a valid entry" cases. This will use a strike system to ensure that a user is really aware of those infractions before being banned.
Right now users serving a current infraction (aka an infraction with an ending time greater than now), will see a red bar on the top of every giveaway-related page informing of the time it'll expire. They can do every operation on sgtools apart from checking giveaway's requisites and getting urls.
If you were banned now you'll see a 3000 years infraction ending time, don't worry, the strike system still is on the works and the infraction time will adapt itself to the correct value after strike system is finished.
This is just the first step towards the strike system :)
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Can we get custom rules for date since last non-activated win and allow a certain number of non-activated wins? I'm willing to forgive the first mistake, so I'd like to allow people that have one non-activated win to enter or maybe if their last non-activated win was over a year ago to enter a giveaway. It looks like you have this custom rule for the multiple wins, but I don't see it for non-activated wins.
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It's not always so easily fixed. The post that got me thinking about this, a guy won a giveaway 3 years ago, the key didn't work, so the creator gave him 2 other games and he marked it received. He can't fix it because the game is no longer available on Steam or sold anywhere anymore.
My reason for using SGTools was to weed out people that have broken the rules multiple times. Someone that broke a rule over a year ago, served their suspension and learned from their mistake and has been good since then I'd be willing to forgive. I doubt I would ever use the multiple wins exception. If someone won a game and didn't activate it, they obviously didn't care about the game the first time if they didn't activate it (and probably re-gifted it), so to keep entering giveaways for it and win it a second time, I can't see any reason to forgive that.
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I keep being told I have an infraction? Not sure why, haven't broken any rules??
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New Infraction system.
Infractions replaces bans on "entered sgtools protected giveaway without a valid entry" cases. This new system will use a strikes based calculations to ensure that a user is really aware of those infractions before being permanently denied of getting thought sgtools giveaways.
Strike system details:
Users currently serving an infraction will see a red bar on the top of every giveaway-related page informing of the time it'll expire. They can do every operation on sgtools apart from qualifying for giveaways and getting the url.
There is still permabans in place (currently only 5), for the following cases:
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Just to add a lil' humor, change the 4th infraction to 9001 years. :3
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Hi, I currently have an infraction and I have no idea why I got it. I haven't received any strikes so I'm curious as to why this is the case.
EDIT 1: Okay, I just realized I had received a PERMABAN. but I haven't done ANY of those actions. I'll concede that I might (Maybe? It may have originated from Playblink as I remember steamgifts giveaways being shared there a few times) have entered a giveaway through a leaked URL, but I've certainly not have done any of the actions that merits a permaban.
EDIT 2: Just checked the rules checker, it says that I did not activate some DLCs. But 5 of the 6 DLCs listed were part of the GOTY version I won, and for the final DLC I activated it the moment I had found out I won. Could that be the reason why I was permabanned?
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Hi Pyxios,
You have two strikes, the permaban was a glitch on display, an old cache that is now updated.
Checking your two strikes, it seems that you were affected by the timezone glitch that we were discussing a nearly a month ago, did you just realize the infraction?
I'll recheck your infractions and lift the ones affected by the timezone.
PS: Only giveaway part can get you an infraction, so the number of unactivated wins or multiple wins is not relevant for infractions.
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Alien: Isolation (1 Copy) (7.5$ Total)
Lords Of The Fallen™ (1 Copy) (3$ Total)
can you fix it, because steamgifts delete this games from bundle list
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Is there a custom rule that says you can't enter if one of your giveaways is "Failed to be sent"?
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It ensures you have kept up with the rules and haven't created a giveaway on the past that you have no intention of giving t9 the orson that's drawn. I think it goes right along with the other basic rules.
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As far as I know, the rule that forces you to deliver a game was introduced long into SGv2, but I can assure you that in SGv1 there was the possibility to get a "hit on send %" without any penalty, in fact there was an indicator of that percentage in every user profile.
I remember reading threads about that in sgv1 and if I remember well there was a thread when this changed with alot of people opinions.
Long story short, I don't think punishing a long-time normal behavior for a later rule it's a good idea, even more because usually those people were heavy contributors.
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Got referred to this thread now to report invalid entries, since the other thread is closed. Hope i'm doing that right here now.
The sgtools giveawayID id: 0f5f0589-0964-11e6-a85e-04019cc0dc01.
If i'm posting it somewhere wrong, please tell me where i can post then.
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Won today this pack http://store.steampowered.com/sub/81374/ (Ru/CIS gift), but Rules checker says that i didn't activate Helicopter 2015: Natural Disasters (http://store.steampowered.com/app/350540) & Construction Machines Simulator 2016 (http://store.steampowered.com/app/355330) from this pack. Don't know what the problem...
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+1 I am in the same position as him :P
yes my game is activated.. but I guess the steam API reports a different code?
The giveaway in question is this : https://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/fLGzM/sector-724
The game : http://store.steampowered.com/app/459410/
My account is always public so I'm sure you can check this by yourself. Thanks!
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Trying to look up my own sent CV using the tool brings up the following error:
"Oops! An Error Occurred
The server returned a "500 Internal Server Error".
Something is broken. Please let us know what you were doing when this error occurred. We will fix it as soon as possible. Sorry for any inconvenience caused."
Noteworthy is that I have exactly the CV requirement for level 5, not one cent more or less.
Checking my won CV works properly, as well as the rule checkers.
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Hi there...so with the "New train system," we have to enter all of the wagons' URLs at the time we create the SGT GA? And if we don't, then those wagons are not SGT-protected and not subject to re-rolls?
Man, I wished I noticed that change. Now all but one wagon is available to cheaters, so far as I can tell.
Oh well, I won't make the same mistake twice.
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.. Well.. maybe i will get a few blacklist for suggesting this but...
Today I suddenly realize only 9.6% of my Total Gift CV are from public Giveaways. and only 8.2% of my winning CV are from public giveaways...
Which means.. people that include myself don't quite trust public giveaway that much and not making/joining enough of them...
Can you add a script to allow me to make some special case GA? And maybe more people will use them...
like only people that 25% of CV are from making public GA can join this GA? (25% can be a user define % would be even super)..
Another option to limite those 25% to be region Free Giveaway would be even more super.
I will promise to do a GA for 5 copies of hpyerdevotion noire if you make that Script possible. Maybe more people will join me.. make it a SG public giveaway awareness week or something...
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Prus666 already got the answer for you, the first requirement is easily done with custom rule :)
Second one is more tricky, since I don't store separated values for region restricted games, so at the moment is not feasible to distinguish only the public region restricted part of the CV.
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SteamGifts Tools is a tool in a form of a website that lets you do some interesting checks to steamgifts mechanics:
Link www.sgtools.info
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