Hello and welcome to my first puzzle/quiz tryout.

This is a mathmatical quiz / puzzle, at around a new high schooler level, and if not you could quickly look up some stuff and try to figure it out by that, anyways... As the title says, it is for Portal 2!

Giveaway ends the 24/6/12 - Which means you have a little more than 6 days.

Start here!

If you're not into the puzzles.. You can enter my first giveaway here!

Do leave a comment on what you think is good, or if I made an error, because that would suck, but otherwise, best of luck!

IMPORTANT: Seems like I made a typo on question 3, it's supposed to be: ...+ 4^(-0.5) -...
Sorry for the confusion!

IMPORTANT: If you run into a question and you don't think it has an answer, try 0 in an Ascii table and type that in (begin with capital letter) - Oh and it is not the char you type in, it is the description.

IMPORTANT: Part 2, question 3 is lacking a + sign. 1st line is supposed to be 3x + 4y - 23 = 0, again.. So sorry!

IMPORTANT: Part 2, question 5... I was an idiot.. The middle part of it is "x = 3", instead of 2.9 as it really should have been since I was looking at it wrong. Sorry >.<

IMPORTANT: Part 3, question 4... I have no idea what I was doing, the correct answers are "B = 26.2, C = 33.8, a = 9.03" but somehow I managed to screw that up. If you hit those numbers, you are awesome! Here's the answer that I ... for some reason put in there. "a = 3.9, B = 52.3, C = 85.7" Again.. Terribly sorry for these mistakes.

A little hint for you people, if you're having problems with part 2 question 2, remember what you can and what you cannot divide with.

1 decade ago*

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Part 3

Does anyone got a 2 question solved correctly? I cant get it right, altho the answer seems correct

1 decade ago

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I am not that used with mathematical problems formulated in english , and even tho i have basic understanding of english it's hard to follow what i'm asked to do. i've got to some arcsin that eventually went complex O.o

1 decade ago

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I found only one answer for question 5 of part 2:
(6 - sqrt(86))/5

Can't get past question 4...
The answer is a complex number... How on Earth do I input it?

1 decade ago

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Check what quiz author wrote above.

1 decade ago

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Enlighten me. -.-

1 decade ago

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It was to Question 4.
Question 5 is something i can't pass (but can`t say why...).

1 decade ago

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The only answer that fits question 5 of part 2 is an irrational number rounded to -0.1

1 decade ago

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Not exacly... but should we round such numbers to ONE DIGIT = 0 or something like you did... this is problem for me.

1 decade ago

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"Answer has only one decimal in it."

Yes exactly. I've got no clue how on Earth did you try to solve that identity but that is the only valid answer.

Anyone who said otherwise must have used Wolfram... -.-
Wolfram is highly unreliable for this type of computations.

1 decade ago

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Stuck on Part 3 Question 4.
Can't get the exact answer as the question want.
Do we have to use Cosine Rule to calculate all of variables or can we use Sine Rule once we find a variable using Cosine rule?

1 decade ago

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My bad (again), OP edited.

1 decade ago

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I really don't get the anwser for Q5 part 2... I tried solving it by hand and I get sqrt(59) and sqrt(86)... how can the solution be a finite number?

1 decade ago

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Round it to one digit after decimal point :p

1 decade ago

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But it says that online one anweser has decimal on it... that is if I understood the meaning right!
"Answer has only one decimal in it."

1 decade ago

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Ok... Im starting to hate this one ;) There are four digits as answer. Two below 0 and two above 0. First two are in {-1,0) and second two in {2,4} (if we count answer mistake itll be {3,4}). Is this right? If yes... i don`t know how to format it well...

1 decade ago

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I don't know what to write either, nothing works...

1 decade ago

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Mildan (once again thanks for great puzzle - best one i`ve done here) if i write you answers to Q5, could you tell me what should i write into Quiz form? :>

1 decade ago

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Part 4, Q5, I think equation 1 should read: 1st: 2y - 3x + 6 = 0

1 decade ago

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Yes there is a + there... Again typo on my part...

1 decade ago

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All was going well until trigonometry. Thanks though for the puzzle :D

1 decade ago

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so many typos there...

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by Mildan.