8th months ago I had a giveaway for the "Killing Floor." The winner never marked it received, and they were also last online 8 months ago. So I have no way of knowing if they used it or not before they left and never logged on again. Is there any way to tell if it's been used?

alternatively, can I create a new giveaway and if the key has been used just put a note in the description that I can buy a new copy/key and gift it to them if the key doesn't work?

7 years ago

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You should be able to check that user's profile to see if he has it in his library. There is a Steam icon on his profile with a link. This doesn't guarantee that user didn't use it elsewhere, but should give you a good idea if he used it for himself.

7 years ago

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It's not in his library. Thank you for the advice!

7 years ago

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Killing Floor was given for free since then, so you can't create a new giveaway for it anyway :/

7 years ago

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Really? Huh. Which website?
Thanks for the information!

7 years ago

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It was free for a limited time on humblebundle.com (one month ago)

7 years ago

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Make a ticket requesting staff to mark it as received.

7 years ago

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I didn't think about that. Thank you! I sent a ticket in with the information. Thanks!

7 years ago

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I think there is no way of telling whether the key has been used or not. You can try redeeming in the account which already has the "Killing floor", the key won't be redeemed saying you already have the game.
And as per "Killing Floor" you can't make any giveaways because it was previously given out for free. But you can give it out on Orphan key thread.

7 years ago

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Okay. After I hear back from staff, I'll drop it off there.

7 years ago

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There is no way to know if they activated it or not. Even if wasn't on their profile, they could have activated it on an alternate account.
Regardless of the game being available for free, as long as you are willing to provide another key for the person using it, if the key was already used, I don't think there's anything to worry about (assuming you're not doing it for CV, there are countless options to give something away, even if it was free before).

7 years ago

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