Interesting idea.
I really need to buy my own copy of Windows some time. Got OEM Windows 7 with custom video card drivers. Upgrading to official drivers breaks everything. Quite irritating, so I'll probably purchase a Windows 8 disc and key soon.
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Or wait for your free Windows 10 upgrade in a few days?
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Don't want to risk it if that breaks it as an update. Besides, since I have to disable regular updates, I haven't had the Upgrade to 10 popup.
With a disc, I can start everything from scratch.
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Even so, update kills my PC.
Windows update (beyond Critical) = Blue Screen every time
Official video card update = Blue Screen every time
Steam update of video card = Can you guess it?
I expect the Windows 10 update will have the same problem when it installs over the same problem files as the rest. Its why I want to buy my own install disc and start from scratch. No problem files then.
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If the ISO is available then you'll be able to start from scratch. I had Win7 and bought the Win8 upgrade via web when it was just released and had a highly discounted price. I burned the ISO and made a fresh Win8 install (not an upgrade over Win7), so I'm guessing it will be the same on Win10 (but obviously can't be 100% atm).
If you want you can add me on Steam and ask me after the 26th, as I'm planning to do a fresh W10 install on my W8.1 machine.
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what the heck did you do?
dont upgrade to win10 and stay on 8 (if you upgrade)
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I'll stick to official stores. I'll get a disc and its pretty much certain that others won't have the same key.
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Could you please give example link to offer or subreddit ?
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I bought from the moderator (s5ean)
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So... these guys are simply microsoft partners/resellers that instead of selling their keys for 100-150 bucks like in (their) store, they sell them for 20-30 bucks because they love reddit? I don't know. And considering that they all seem to mention that there can be problems with the keys in which case they'd give you another one instead - there definitely seems to be something fishy about all of this.
If someone knows more than me, please shed some light on what's going on here.
Quite honestly I would definitely love to have legal windows and office versions... especially a cheap legal win7 ultimate is is very tempting to me. But well, I'm afraid since the prices in that reddit thread are just too good to be true, right?
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I'm pretty damn sure they already know if one is using some form of hack (usually that emulates KMS activation). There was a time when they tried to combat piracy and pretty easily invalidated all activator tricks with a single update. Nowadays they know it's better to let people get all updates; less zombie machines get infected by Russian/Chinese/Brazilian hacker teams.
Not to mention that for them it's Office that really counts, and the companies. In this regard they are the same as Adobe. Everyone knows that the vast majority of the internet memes were made on cracked PhotoShop. But as long as you don't make money out of it, they don't really care that much.
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I SEE WHAT YOU'RE DOING! This is totally a thread to catch piraters! Lol just kidding! Very kind of you, sir llama!
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Woah! Guys!
If anybody has problem with a Get Windows 10 app (for example like me that it wasn't appearing in tray) check this link:
I don't know if I was single with this problem and if it was because of MSDNAA copy but it works fine for me! Exactly the part starting with This section posted by Susan Bradley:
Good luck! ^^
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I have a problem with the Get Windows 10 app -- it won't go away!
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Thanks to microsoft having an agreement with my college i have, almost every software relased by them for free, since MS DOS 6.11 to Windows 8.11 and office
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Keep trying! You'll graduate from college eventually! :-)
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what do you mean with that ? ;-; how do you know that i am doing terribly!? ;_; i have a final in 7 hours, i am scared ;-;
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Llama fur tends to acumulate keys that are in the air
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I'll hijack your thread to ask something you (or someone else) might be able to know...
I have a friend who lives in another country and she has an Asus K55N laptop. It came with Windows 8 and I THINK it's one of those OEM that has the key recorded in the BIOS. Her son (who doesn't live with her) once installed Linux on it, and now she wants to go back to her original Windows 8 to upgrade to Windows 10 and then dual boot later.
Question: Is it possible to erase the key from the BIOS in any way? Is it guaranteed that, if she installs Windows 8 on the laptop again, it'll use the key that's registered in the BIOS?
Thanks. :)
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"Is it possible to erase the key from the BIOS in any way"
If it's not write protected then it's possible, but that's very unlikely to happen unless done intentionally. You could use a tool such as RWEverything to verify that the license is still in the BIOS.
"Is it guaranteed that, if she installs Windows 8 on the laptop again, it'll use the key that's registered in the BIOS?"
Yes. If the right edition of the Windows installer is launched, it'll read the key from the BIOS and skip the serial key entering step, but one big disclaimer: If you don't have official recovery media you have to be sure to use the exact version of Windows 8 that came with the system, and there's no way to figure that out just by reading the key from the BIOS (the key will not work in the Windows 8 Setup tool to download an ISO because it is not retail, so you must use the Windows Installation Media Creation Tool and select the correct edition).
For example: if the laptop was using Windows 8.1 but originally shipped with Windows 8, you have to install Windows 8 because the Windows 8.1 installer will not accept the key in the BIOS. Cheaper laptops that ship with 8.1 use a version called "Windows 8.1 w/ Bing", and for that you have to download the Single Language edition of 8.1 as the key will not be accepted on normal 8.1.
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This will be perfect for me since I got the embedded 8.1 from Dreamspark that doesn't get the free upgrade.
*Edit if I can get so lucky
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I already own a legit copy of Windows 7 Home Premium. But I'll wait a few days after July 29 to upgrade my PC to Windows 10. I still have nightmares of Windows 8 fiasco on my laptop ( before 8.1 came around and fixed most of them ). I hope Windows 10 works fine with all the old games.
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Really? 8.1 with Classic Shell hasn't bothered me at all tbh. I will wait 6-10 months before I upgrading. I've read that once you upgrade your license automatically changes to W10 license, meaning you can't legally downgrade later!
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Wow... sounds complicated and tedious, guess that more professional and technical uses differ a lot from me, the average joe... I do hope they do better this time around!
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8.1 was a really big improvement over Windows 8. Windows 8 was too broken and really annoying to use. Couldn't play most of my steam library too. After I upgraded to 8.1 on my laptop, it got much better. Didn't find it as comfortable or stable as XP but it was as good as Windows 7 and much better than 8 or vista.
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Me too. I really dislike Windows 8. Though upgrading over 600 system sounds daunting to me.
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Llama Puzzles are coming back, w00t!
Nice, just make some kind of filter puzzle so that people who already own Windows are obligated to READ that this is going to be only for folks with pirated versions.
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i use a pirated ver of win7, i was poor and young :c...
was saving to buy it but then i broke my ass, literally. Thank you llama.
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If you guys don't have teh moniez for Windows Office, OpenOffice is a handy open source alternative that gets the job done.
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Maybe it's just me, but i find that LO is faster than OO.
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I have a legit version of Windows 7 Ultimate and didn't got the option to "upgrgade" to Windows 10. Not that I would want to anyway.
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Thanks llama, I am going to have to keep an eye out on here. I am one of guys you speak of. My windows is actually the only thing I have that isn't 100% legit now. Been working on getting an official copy, but the price has been a huge put off for me for now.
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189 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Wintermute75
With Windows 10 right around the corner I'm guessing some of you want the free upgrade but are running a pirated version of Windows, I did for many many years. So I am going to be giving away copies of Windows 7 Pro and 1 year subscriptions for Office 365 over the next few days. If you have a legit copy of windows, please give those who don't a chance. I'll start with the usual shitty Llama puzzles, if you guys want to suggest another way to hand them out, let me know.
Office 365: 8iKNowRight?X-MHFWG-WJR92-TFX66-YG7FJ
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