Age rating(U.S.): PG 13

Rotten Tomatoes - 42% critic score | 64% audience score
IMDb - 6.9/10 stars
Roger Ebert website - 2/4 stars
Metacritic - 53/100
***Scores are not final; may change in the future

Movie summary: Action oriented and lacks the philosophical characteristic the anime franchise is notable for. Typical good cop, bad cop plot.

I am not surprised when the director(Rupert Sanders) other involvement was only Snow White and the Huntsman

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7 years ago*

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The trailers were amazing until they started giving a little about the story. The small glimpses were generic at best.

Reading the critics, it seems to be actually the problem of this movie.

7 years ago

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Now I'm sure to not watch that at theater. maybe when torrent ready :p

7 years ago

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