Screenshots: Giveaway Entry, Filtered Comments, Unfiltered Comments, Options: Comment, Options: Filter

The Steamgifts Giveaway Improvement Script was originally designed to automatically thank the giveaway's creator when entering their giveaway; Saving you both time, and making sure you remain polite; But has evolved into much more. It is now a general efficiency improvement tool for everything to do with the giveaway page of It comments and enters a GA with a single form submit, halving the amount of server communications time it can take to both enter and comment on a single giveaway. The script also makes the site slightly more stable when the site is particularly laggy and unresponsive. Specifically, because it uses AJAX requests; If one fails it can tell, and the script just sends another one, and so on and so forth until the request gets through. Additionally, you can specify a number of End Behaviors to perform, after you have entered into a giveaway, including closing the tab.

The script first looks for any content in the page's comment box, and will use that if it is available. Otherwise, it uses whatever custom comment you have set, or just defaults to "Thanks!", if one is not available. When the script submits a comment it records this, and stores an expiring data point to remember not to auto comment if you re-enter this giveaway. You can also set a specific "end behavior", to perform after submittal of both the comment and entrance into the giveaway (e.g., close the page).

The script is also built with a filter specifically designed to recognize other auto thank comments, as well as a host of other generic thanks spam. Filtering them out, and adding them to the "thanked" summery. So you can personalize and lengthen your default comment as much as you want, while still having it filtered out as generic "thanks" spam. The filter ignores your own comments, but will filter out all default auto thank comments, while leaving the personalized ones (read: comments that you wrote for a specific giveaway). When the script encounters replies, it only filters out the entire comment tree if every single comment is considered spam, otherwise the entire tree is left intact. While viewing the comments, or through the options menu, you can add more messages to filtered list, or more authors to the whitelist.

Another major feature is the Markdown toolbar. Steamgifts uses the Markdown language to style and format comments. This first version of the toolbar only includes two features, but they can make using Markdown far easier. One button converts the selected (or entire comment) from HTML to Markdown, and by default strips out any remaining HTML code as well. Meaning you can create links, list, or bold text using HTML code, and one click of this button will convert it to Markdown. The other button simply strips out HTML code, useful if you are copy pasting.

This entire project, and in particular the auto comment feature, was inspired by BarefootMonkey's Thank Filter Userscript. Additionally, the visual style of BarefootMonkey's "thanked" summery is almost copied for my own.
The HTML to Markdown conversion is done using Dom Christie's to-markdown JS engine, copyright © 2011 Dom Christie and released under the MIT license.

(Options will not take effect on any current pages, until they are reloaded)


Designed and tested on Chrome, using the Tampermonkey extension.

  • Firefox - Does not work, and I cannot get it to work. This project needs a Firefox expert to port it. If you are interested in giving it a try, please contact me.

  • SteamGifts Plus - Some minimal testing. Appears to be compatible.

  • Help Needed - If it works for you, or does not work for you, in any unlisted ways, please let me know.

Version History:

  • Version 2.3 – Added fully featured, and customizable filter system. Preload options. Fixed some bugs, improved stability. Moved options link to option in "Account" dropdown; Changed page to "/giveaway/improvement". As well as a bunch of really nessesary little features to improve normal commenting. Two buttons arounds the comment box to make using the markdown easier; One to conver HTML to markdown, and anouther to strip out html code. Added in reset to default buttons for all text options. (August 24th, 2013)

  • Version 2.1.1 – FIX: Page closing by default. (August 7th, 2013)

  • Version 2.1 – CHANGED: Name, some wording in about page changed. ADDED: highlight options link when in options page. (August 7th, 2013)

  • Version 2.0 – Complete code redesign and many features added. Code stabilized, improved, modularized, and documented. Designed to be feature complete (aka, have all the necessary features, but nothing fancy or particularly involved). (August 7th, 2013)

  • Version 1.X – Original design and release of the Auto Thank Script. Many rapid updates were released to stabilize and improve basic design. All it did was comment "Thanks." every time you entered a giveaway. It worked, but had ragged, patchwork, code. Latter versions tried to prevent double comments. (August 2th, 2013)

Potential Future Updates:

  • Expand the Markdown toolbar.

  • A mark/badge to denote that you have already commented on this current giveaway.

  • When script launched for the first time or newly updated, show About page.

  • Add more End Behavior features.

  • Keep points up to date on all pages.

  • Check for new replies, and show in menu bar.

  • Add in support for special tags, that would be replaced by the gifter's name, the giveaway name, etc.

  • Add in support for multiple different auto comments, and allow user to select one when entering giveaways/commenting.

  • Add support for more special tags to select and insert from a randomly chosen one from a range of other auto comments.

  • Add support for simple IF/else special tags for use within the comments.

  • Allow support for templates. Comments that are designed to be added to (e.g., signatures).
    (Submit any suggestions, bugs, or compatibility information to the Official Steamgifts Giveaway Improvement Script)


11 years ago*

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Laziness just got interesting.

11 years ago

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I use the userscript that lets me enter the giveaway from the games list without clicking on it, because I have no interest in seeing all the spam "thanks" crap anyway. Say something interesting and relevant, or just push the "Thanks" button. That's what it's for.

11 years ago

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Why bother reading the description, right?


11 years ago

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Bachi-bouzouk or moule à gaufre ;p

11 years ago

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Wow, you're cool. I dunno why it would bother you, but us normal people would still have the decency to read the description and leave a comment of some sort that says thanks.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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Pretty much:)

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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11 years ago

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11 years ago

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11 years ago

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11 years ago

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11 years ago

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11 years ago

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11 years ago

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11 years ago

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Can you create something to wipe my ass for me too?

11 years ago

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And don't forget for something that evacuates for us without the need to leave our actual position?!

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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oh my how I have an urge to watch that movie again

11 years ago

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Haha that movie was hilarious. But it seriously had some really dirty scenes in it.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

11 years ago

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The good think about userscript if that you can look at teh source code yourselves.
And specifically for them, you can look on what pages they run.
My script only runs on "*", so other than your current point total, I do not think that there is anything to steal.

11 years ago

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i hand-type all of my thanks

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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11 years ago

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+1 + read description and answer to whatever there is in desc and probably do what creator says if they need a vote or something similar.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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11 years ago

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Oh wait, my script ugged out and took the wrong page. :P

11 years ago

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Yeah me too, Or I don't at all. If I was going to thank someone I'd do it sincerely. IMHO I feel that "spamming" a thank you is more of an insult. Better not to put anything at all.

11 years ago

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+Thankee kindly.

11 years ago

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+1 and thanks

11 years ago

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This is an automated response to dumb threads generated by a userscript. It is not indicative of anyone's thoughts or feelings and is not to be construed as an insult to your personal being. /End

11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

11 years ago

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Remove that link now! >:(

11 years ago

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These days I carry around a device with a big red button on it, which I have found to be a huge labour saver.

Whenever anyone does anything nice for me, I simply press the red button, and from the built-in speaker issues a jaunty "Why thank you, kind sir/madam. Have a nice day".

You'd be amazed at the effort it saves me.

11 years ago

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Your comment made my day! :D

11 years ago

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That sounds great. I need a device that will automatically purchase your device when I blink my eyes three times.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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Thanks for Skyrim.

11 years ago

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Put on your flame-retardant underwear, my friend.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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Here, take my pipe!

11 years ago

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No thanks.

11 years ago

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You, sir, are a disgrace to the community.

11 years ago

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OK people.
This is half joke.
But it is half useful.
There are loads of people that apparently get offended if they do not see a comment by the winner that is at least "thanks".
If you enter 100 giveaways in a day, who is going to spend the time to respond to each of them. And I always feel bad responding after I win.

Some people like the "thxs", this can be used to appease them.

11 years ago

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I feel just as offended by someone who has clearly used a thanks script as by someone who doesn't even comment.

If you're not willing to spend a few seconds of your time typing something to show that you're grateful for the chance to win a free game, don't bloody enter.

11 years ago

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But you cannot tell, as everyone just comments like 3 different variations on "thanks" anyways.
So mine saves time, and fits in with the rest of the comments.

11 years ago

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This attitude is part of why many users don't like making public giveaways.

Why can't people be genuinely grateful when someone has used their hard earned money to give them a chance to win a great game, instead of trying to circumvent the system with shabby "box-ticking" workarounds?

If someone has spent, let's say, an hour of their time working to purchase a game to give away on here, and given you the chance to win, surely it's worth a few seconds of your time to show some genuine appreciation? Ultimately it may only be you who knows whether your reply was genuine or not, but personally I'd rather not enter giveaways than lower myself to using something as duplicitious as this...

I'll get off my soapbox, as I know this isn't a popular view, and we've been around the circular arguments a hundred times before in these forums, but if you don't want to comment, be honest and don't.

This, quite frankly, sucks the root, and then some...

11 years ago

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You're right. It's one of the reasons I haven't created a public giveaway in months.

11 years ago

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I created one recently just to mix things up. Winner blocked me on Steam, emailed him to say I needed him on friends list to ensure he doesn't own the DLC.

No email reply, he just adds me. Send him gift, instantly removes me, never says a word the entire time.


11 years ago

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That's terrible. Thankfully the few pub giveaways that I've done have gone a lot smoother than that, but it still pains me hearing about these things happening to others. Y'all deserve better than that!

11 years ago

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Heh, I had a guy excessively bitch at me that I was taking too long to give him the game he won. That's most of the reason I don't do my 5 copy public Fortix giveaways anymore.

11 years ago

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Holy crap. I've had times to wait a while for a win, and wasn't bothered at all. I believe I had to wait around three or four days for one, if my memory serves me correctly.
I don't see why some people feel the need to act like they're not only entitled to free shit, but should have it RIGHT FUCKING NOW.

A friend of mine had one of her giveaways on a different site marked as "Invalid code" just three minutes after the giveaway ended. Three. Goddamn. Minutes.
I told her to just do contributor giveaways from now on, since at least they're not complete noobs. -_-

11 years ago

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30.01$ FTW ! xD

11 years ago

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That is horrible.

11 years ago

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Yew... :/

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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Do you smell...

11 years ago

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I don't know if this is any less genuine.
This makes the site more efficient and saves you time.
It is not any less genuine, just because you have saved some time writing it. It is less genuine than a unique long comment, but I am not that creative, nor do I have time to write 50 of these a day. I, and I assume 99% of everyone else, is genuinely grateful, but we cannot put that into words, nor are we really any differentially grateful form one giveaway to the next. After the dozenth Tycoon Hospital entry, just that day, what new is there to say?

And would you really want 6000 comments on a GA?

11 years ago

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If there were 4,000 entrants, I can honestly say that nothing would restore my faith in public giveaways more completely than seeing 6,000 comments.

It all comes down to being stingy with your own time and effort while others have been kind and generous with theirs. It seems very cheap, monumentally ungrateful and, whichever way you cut it, leaves a bad taste.

I guess our views are polar opposites, and experience shows that there isn't really any middle ground here.

Not much else to say, other than that this is probably an admirable piece of coding, but IMHO it's wasted on a solution to a "problem" that shouldn't exist.

11 years ago

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Yes views differ. I must admit, in my 'early days' I also didn't comment that much.

Nowadays, I make it a normal reply on pretty much every GA I enter. Only in case of no description have I probably not given a reply or just 'Thanks.' myself. As I feel that no description at all is a bit of the same but the other way around. :P

Non public you also hardly find any without descriptions tho, so not that much of an issue.

But this script, well, I can honsetly say I hate it alraedy. :P

SG is no damn games chance processing plant...

11 years ago

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+1. Yeah, that's why I always make private giveaways.

11 years ago

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If you're not willing to spend a few seconds of your time typing something to show that you're grateful for the chance to win a free game, don't bloody enter.

This is the most derogative and self-conceited thing I've read in a while.

11 years ago

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If you say so.

11 years ago

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How so? You are being given a free chance to win something you presumably want. That's not even worth a "thanks"?

11 years ago

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Being grateful for a mere chance to obtain certain commodity gratuitously should never be an obligation. Demanding such constraint is an act of self-gratification, rather than of munificence.

11 years ago

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Having a low opinion of people with a deficient sense of gratitude is not a form of self-gratification. It's a value judgement based on a perceived moral shortcoming. No one is being constrained here, or even could be constrained, to perform any specific action. Your argument is specious.

11 years ago

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I don't think it's a matter of obligation, the site would never force such a stipulation. I think the matter is more of a courtesy.

Would you not thank someone for buying you a lotto ticket? It's also just a mere chance to win something. I bet most people would even thank the person at the lotto booth who is simply doing their job selling them a lotto ticket.

So why is thanking for the chance to win a game seen as such an unnecessary chore?

11 years ago

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It's something that should be done of aspirant's own accord and should not be thought scorn of.

11 years ago

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People are "scornful" (as you put it) of others they consider rude.

Generally if someone does something nice for you (even giving you a "mere chance" to win something) it's considered a courtesy to respond in kind. No one says you have to do this, but don't be surprised if people find you rude.

11 years ago

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People respond in kind to something done directly for them. Expecting the same response from a general gesture is naïve.

11 years ago

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You know what's really naive? Expecting people not to think ill of others who behave in a rude or ungrateful fashion.

11 years ago

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Behaving in a rude or ungrateful fashion implies an action took place. There is no action in not leaving a comment. Quiescence cannot be rude or ungrateful.

11 years ago

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Except they still entered, so there was an action.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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Which is neither rude, not ungrateful in and of itself.

11 years ago

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I'll be sure to help myself next time I'm at a dinner party and make sure not to thank the host/hostess. I'm sure that will go over well. The simple fact is that partaking of something being given away without showing gratitude is the very definition of being ungrateful, which is a form of rudeness, and yes, an opportunity is a thing with a real value.

11 years ago

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^This. I'm amazed by your words.

11 years ago

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How does it feel?

11 years ago

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If I offered you my hand to shake and you took no action, assuming I had not inflicted on you some grievous wrong in the past, your aquiescence would be considered the height of rudeness where I come from.

I bet you're the kind of guy who would ignore an old lady collapsed on the ground and try to argue that you'd done nothing wrong.

Sometimes inaction can be more offensive, and far more wrong than action.

Please though, continue to enlighten the uneducated masses with further deeply flawed life lessons and unique dog-nuggets of questionable wisdom.

11 years ago

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Pretty much this. Also, full inaction on a giveaway would be not entering and fully ignoring it. Once you decide to enter you have acted on the giveaway; whether you decide to show some courtesy in that action or not says a lot about the entrant in my opinion.

11 years ago

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If you offer your hand to shake to a stranger who does not accept it, they may have some reasons for it that you're unwilling to consider. That is not identical to this scenario in any fashion; people who have cleanliness issues (such as germaphobes) do not enjoy making physical contact with others. Some people who are OCD do not enjoy it, either. Your intrusion into my physical space may be considered an offense because you're not considering my space; you assume that I'm rude because I may have some other issue with shaking your hand. That is, by definition, rude and inconsiderate.

While I know I would do something for an old woman who has collapsed (such as calling emergency services), being from a county and country where a person can sue me (but maybe not win but still waste my resources) for being polite and helpful (in as much as helping her up) does not exactly make it easy for me to perform these acts of good will.

You may want to find better examples that are more applicable, such as not sending thank you cards or phone calls for a gift received.

Also, what difference is there between me leaving a comment (which I don't like doing unless I'm writing something of substance, which I don't feel repetitious comments are) and sending an email or message (which I prefer)? If I tell you thank you either way, what's the problem? Am I any less genuine because my values exhibit my beliefs differently?

11 years ago

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The are understandably specific to my part of the world, per the "where I come from" qualifier. On the whole, we are a straightforward rural bunch, with few prissy hang-ups over germs, and little appetite for frivolous litigation.

If you would prefer to find one more culturally appropriate to yourself, and your society, I encourage you to do so.

11 years ago

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I come from a rural background; I grew up on a farm, and I am a person who does not enjoy physical contact from strangers. The examples are from an identical culture that I'm familiar with, which means that you're still not thinking about the psychology of individuals.

But if you'd like to make it a claim of ethnocentrism, I'm fine with that.

11 years ago

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Blah fucking blah. I speak of my local neighbourhood in New Zealand, and offer these examples simply as such, speaking of the people I know and the small society I live in. I'm sorry this doesn't encompass your experience. Those are the attitudes which prevail here, and while you may not approve, that does not change the reality. As I said, feel free to come up with examples which are more specific to yourself.

The point still stands, and if you wish to split hairs over cultural differences, I applaud your ability to miss the point.

11 years ago

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I find it funny how after 15 minutes he did not choose to reply to this comment yet was alright in choosing to steer his argument in a different direction or at least trying to.

11 years ago

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Why should I reply to ad hominem arguments?
Also I haven steered anything in a different direction. MY point was and still is that leaving a comment should never be a condition to participate in a giveaway.

11 years ago

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No one is arguing it should be required. And if your point is that it shouldn't be required, then why have you instead been consistently arguing that people don't have a right to hold a negative opinion of people who don't? Because that's exactly what you've been trying to say and what I've been pointing out is complete nonsense the whole time.

11 years ago

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I was commenting on a very specific line:

If you're not willing... to show that you're grateful for the chance to win a free game, don't bloody enter.

Imagine you go down a street and there is a pauper begging. There is a chance you can give him money. Should he be grateful solely for that chance?

11 years ago

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If you set up a raffle to give someone money, and he takes a ticket, then yes he should.

11 years ago

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Analyzing all your previous comments and keeping your stats in mind maybe you really want us to believe in what you say and have others reinforce that with agreement even if it's 1 user where ever his or her post may be in this thread. Or perhaps most of your posts here probably need anuses.

11 years ago

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What Wesley said. Your example is not relevant.

Nowhere did I say it had to be a rule to comment. Like most of the tripe you've posted in this thread, my comment was my own opinion.

11 years ago

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"No one is arguing it should be required."

To be totally fair to him, his first response was to "don't bloody enter," which could be interpreted as saying that it ought to be a rule.

Also, lots of people do require it for private giveaways, which I think Jengonthanda would dislike, if I interpret him correctly.

Edit: Aaaaaand beaten by 8 minutes. Curse my long thought process.

11 years ago

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Except you're not offering your hand to shake to one guy, but to about 2-3k persons.

But it's fine, I don't personaly have anything against saying a "thanks", I just think you're all overreacting on this matter

I can't help but sense a bit of megalomania.

11 years ago

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Megalomania or expectation of good manners? I don't know. As I said before, maybe cultural differences come into play here. Steamgifts has a wide user base from all over the world, and I guess this might be a factor.

11 years ago

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It's called having manners.

Yes, I don't look favourably upon those who can't bring themselves to show some common decency, but I don't think many people do. If that makes me conceited, so be it.

11 years ago

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Corinne totally has too many manners

11 years ago

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That makes you condescending. As if you regale yourself with the ostentation of your magnanimity and obsequiousness of mass. That's illaudable.

11 years ago

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Do you actually have anything worthwhile to say, or are you just enjoying being unnecessarily prolix for your own amusement? Also, did it take you the whole fifteen minutes to google all those words?

11 years ago

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I'm really enjoying the poor usage of unusual words.

11 years ago

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If you have such an aversion to people who find joy in creating sequences of multiple unnecessarily-long words, then you are clearly a polysesquipedaliaphiliaphobe!

If that word bothers you then you might be monosesquipedaliaphiliaphobic too.


11 years ago

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Another one to the burn ward

11 years ago

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I actually had to put that whole sentence through a translator, can't even remeber the last time I had to do that for a whole sentence...

Makes me feel like saying something along the lines of:
Thy shall withhold thyself from expressionism through the excess employment of comprehensive verbal language!


11 years ago

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I'm confused. You were the one who kicked off by telling one of the nicest and most generous people on Steamgifts that they are conceited, and now you're busy haughtily lecturing people about being condescending and judging others...?

This thread has more twists and turns than the Monaco Grand Prix...

Making a borderline virtue of behaving like an ill-mannered ballbag, while lambasting people who express disdain for those who act in such a way, is one of the most perverse moral arguments I've yet encountered, and I've heard a few...

I don't know if this is a cultural misunderstanding of some sort, or whether there really are places in the world where behaving like an ungrateful dick with the social etiquette of an incontinent rabid dingo is viewed as a badge of pride?

11 years ago

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You're just as condescending and also incredibly self-righteous for trying to push your own interpretation of what is and isn't right on others.

Yes, I am so very proud of how generous I am and want everyone to acknowledge it with paragraphs full of gratitude and hearts. Correct. In fact, I'm going to disprove your little theory and demand that everyone comment "penis" and "penis" alone on any of my future giveaways or be blacklisted.

You can put away your thesaurus now.

11 years ago

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peni...? :o

11 years ago

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It felt weird.. T.T

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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1 year profile, you should know SG members better right now.... pheeeeew!

11 years ago

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On sg mobile, you can just press enter giveaway from the mainpage. Saying thanks means extra 16 clicks and waiting for all comments to load TWICE. It's horrible. I would be thanking half a day in here...I still feel bad tho for being this lazy... :P

11 years ago

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I just copy 'Thanks!' and ctrl-v every entery. Fairly simple to thank all your entries.

Only time I don't, is when the lag is so bad, is it difficult to get a page to load, then i keep it as simple as can be.. enter only.

When I make a giveaway I like seeing a thank you, but I realize most people don't do it, and I think only two of my winners pre-emptively said thanks. Not like the world is going to crash, but it is a nice gesture.

11 years ago

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Yes, so, my script does that identically, but would save like 30 minutes of your day.

11 years ago

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How long does it take you to press Ctrl+C for this to save 30 minutes a day, 30 seconds?

11 years ago

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That occurred to me, too. For that matter, one saves, at most, maybe 5-10 keystrokes by copypasting something instead of typing it. Even at only 20 wpm, that's a whopping 3-6 seconds per giveaway. I don't know how fast points are generating these days, but it would take 300 entries in a single day to maybe save 30 minutes, and that's a very generous estimate. I have to imagine this script wouldn't shave off more than 1 or 2 seconds from the already reduced copypasting, so that's getting close to 1000 entries in a day to produce that amount of time saved, as an extreme minimum necessary number. From what I've seen on various profiles, I'm pretty sure you can't really rack up 1000 entries in any shorter timeframe than about two weeks unless maybe you're going out of your way to try and maximize entries to test something like this out. By extension, this script could save you an absolute maximum of about 13 hours a year, if you pretty much enter everything in sight, about 40 hours a year if you go from typed out comments to it instead of from copypasting. Actual results would almost certainly be much less in practice, of course. Hence, actual daily time savings would amount to less than two minutes in nearly all cases, and often considerably less than that.

11 years ago

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But you are also saving the submit time.
So instead of: Enter giveaway, wait for page reload, type or copy paste comment, submit form, wait for page reload.

Mine is: Enter giveaway, wait for page reload.

On a laggy day, that could save you 30 seconds per GA. And more than halves the time it takes to enter a giveaway and comment.

11 years ago

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Pro tip: Maybe you could make a version that allows you to write a comment and then submits it and enters at the same time? It would be basically the same thing, but with the user generating the text submitted instead of it being generated generically by the script. Then offer them both. It allows users the choice depending on their preferences and might cut down on the amount of hostility you're getting. I apologize on their behalf for that, btw. While I have strong opinions about this issue myself, I'm not going to act that way toward someone over it. That's rather disgraceful. You're not even doing anything but providing a tool. People who will use this would be doing essentially the same thing regardless and you don't deserve that.

11 years ago

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I'm grateful for your gracious attitude toward the OP. =)

11 years ago

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People arguing about thanking (of all things, so silly) is a very old debate here, and it honestly approaches things like politics/religion sometimes. Basically we all have our opinions, and no one's changing them. I made my peace with that long ago, and there's no reason to get into a big fuss and be hateful toward each other over the subject. Just because their opinion might differ from mine is not an excuse for that sort of behavior. We can be civil adults here if we try just a little bit.

11 years ago

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Basically we all have our opinions, and no one's changing them.
The internet summarised. Brilliant! This needs to be the internet pledge.

11 years ago

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I just wanted to say I've noticed you noticing some of my posts recently, and your appreciation is appreciated. <3

11 years ago

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Wesleyian Infallibility.

11 years ago

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Corinnethian Adorability. <3

11 years ago

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Your appreciation of my appreciation is much appreciated!

11 years ago

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I had the exact same idea.
And it would be very easy to implement. Expect an updated version imminently.

11 years ago

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Yeah I use SteamGifts Plus, so I hit ctrl-v then hit the enter/submit button and I am done. I don't even use ctrl-v all the time, sometimes I type it... sometimes I even try getting creative.

I'm not crazy against this or anything, I would rather someone use this to say thanks to me than leave no thanks at all. I just like the idea of some effort going into the process.

11 years ago

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this is a long chain of reply s

11 years ago

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I actually feel more offended with such a generic thanks than no thanks at all.

Especially when I type something like say 'boo' (just an example here)! Or something. If you don't want to read the description, just enter without saying thanks. Or make it something nice.

11 years ago

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Why would I need this?

11 years ago

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dude.. seriously..

11 years ago

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Sorry, this already existed.

11 years ago

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I want one that comments: "Thankee-sai. You speak true."

11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 7 years ago.

11 years ago

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See, that was the 2nd part of the sentence. ;)

11 years ago

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So at this point I've seen scripts to auto-enter giveaways and now scripts to auto-thank. Just enable leeches to set-and-forget the site and rake in giveaways here and there while putting in zero effort.


11 years ago

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Yea its quite sad

11 years ago

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Ty (c)

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by wisnoskij.