So, exploring the steam trades, looking for Chaos on deponia, thinking it would be good to playthrough Chaos before moving to the 3rd game in the series, Goodbye Deponia. I am apparently not the only one who thinks that is a good idea, as there are several trades looking for this game. It has not reached a point where its value has increased a huge amount, but it got me wondering, if there is a game, and there is enough demand for that particular game, would it be possible that that game will become worth more than however much it would cost buying at the steam store. (for example, a game that is normally $10, is traded for $15 worth of other games) , and if so, has it ever happened before? Just a bit of curiosity.

9 years ago

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Can games have a higher value than what they are worth in money, due to the demand these games get?

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9 years ago

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the reason for the GA are the bundle that had it. and if people don't have the first Deponia, they sure as hell won't want the second - their loss

it will only increase in value if it was removed from the store a long time ago and now it'a a "collectors item".
Like iPhone1

9 years ago

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Happy cake day! :D

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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i have been waiting for your day to post a gif :3


9 years ago

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i'll see it way later.. cause won't be online again till very alter. very very later :D

9 years ago

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i was promised a gif ;)
just saying... no rush ;)

9 years ago

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done :3

9 years ago

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you sneaky! had to lurk your SG profile for your cake day.
but couldn't find you with double L
it's not LL!!! and SG is case sensitive, didn't know both.

better start working on my gif creation skills. if there are levels and you are +100, i'm at -1

9 years ago

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not LL

View attached image.
9 years ago

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muiiins :(

9 years ago

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being angry makes me hungry

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9 years ago

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Yom hu'ledet sameach ^ ^

9 years ago

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Toda :)

9 years ago

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Happy cake day!

9 years ago

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thanks fnord :)

9 years ago

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I heard a removed game from steam store traded here for 60 TF2 Key !

9 years ago

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Only if the game is removed from the Steam store would its value be more than its actual price.

Considering the fact that supply/demand isn't so much the case here (digital downloads aren't physical goods), it'd be silly to pay more in trade than the game's store price, especially with all the seasonal sales, re-seller site sales, bundle sites, etc.

9 years ago

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"would it be possible that that game will become worth more than however much it would cost buying at the steam store. (for example, a game that is normally $10, is traded for $15 worth of other games) , and if so, has it ever happened before? Just a bit of curiosity."

Yes, this is 100% possible. Say someone wants GTA V, a game priced at $60 on the Steam store. The owner is looking to trade it. Someone offers them $300 STORE VALUE worth of bundle games that have been bundled several times. The owner may still feel inclined to decline because he is being offered low quality games for a good game. This is because Steam store prices mean nothing to traders, and everything depends on how low its been on a sale, if it's been bundled before, or other factors that may affect its price. So while overpays in Steam store value happen, they're usually done by games that aren't really worth their store price to the eyes of traders.

Demand is also indeed a factor. A new and popular game (like Rocket League, GTA V, H1Z1) may receive more overpay offers (in Steam store price value) than older games such as GTA IV.

That's how I interpreted your question :P Hope this helps.

9 years ago

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Depends. Bundle games have lower value in trades, like here in SG for contributor value. I have traded a mid/high tier bundle game for 4 low-tier bundle games before, so the store price was heavily in my favour (almost three times I think?).

And if a game gets removed… Mafia 1 is infamous for being expensive. Steam keys can be sold for more than 500 dollars/euros and there are people who'd spend even more on the remaining few keys. It's a slow process (for example the similarly removed Mafia 2 keys still sell for 12-20 dollars, less then the original store price), because even the most expensive games have tons of keys in the open/grey/black market, so it takes time to run out, but it happens after a time.
(Of course if the game gets added back, like with Deadpool… many tears may be shed, when people spent a hundred dollars on a key for it or if somebody deliberately was holding back a few, waiting for a higher price.)

9 years ago

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I have seen 10$ games being traded for 12$. So yeah its very possible to find games being traded for more money that the actual cost (and this happens A LOT during Steam sales)

9 years ago

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Removed games go sometimes for (very) high prices (supply and demand).

But sometimes paying dozens of TF2 keys for a removed game can backfire if the game returns to the Steam store like for example Deadpool.

9 years ago*

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this is only possible if you compare store value to trading market value, which makes no sense at all. of course, i can trade bundle games worth 100€ (store) for a 10€ (store) game. but the truth is, that i paid maybe 2€ for those bundle games, if not less. so cases like this just don't apply here. if you really want to know, if someone ever trades away his 15€ for 10€ - then i would give a clear "no". because in those trades the 15€ didn't cost 15€, if you know what i mean. ;)

the only exception may be removed games. but removed games don't really have a price anymore, so you can't really compare them anyway. ^^

9 years ago*

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In theory the prices can exceed the actual store prices, but nobody is stupid enough (well, maybe some are) to pay more then the store price. But if you are trading games for games (so not for paypal or TF2 keys or whatever else there is) there is also the value the trader puts on it. I only trade games I don't want for games I actually want to play, so for me a game that is not really interesting is worth nothing compared to a game that I really want to play. It just all really depends on the situation.

9 years ago

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since games cant be directly monetized on steam, yes its entirely possible for it to happen. if someone has an undesireable $15 or $20 game that not many people are keen on trading for, they would likely have to trade it for a cheaper game.

store value matters VERY little, because of sales, coupons, regional pricing and desirability.

9 years ago

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Example GTA original

9 years ago

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