Hey, thanks for the feedback, just tested it on Firefox and I can confirm that it doesn't work, sadly I don't know why, but will try to figure it out.
I tested it on Chrome, Edge and Brave as well, and it works fine on those. Please use any one of those, till the Firefox problem is fixed.
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Puzzle is stuck on loading for me as well, Chrome here.
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I can confirm Q1 works correctly with no space between the minus and number.
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The correct answer worked for me with no space between the minus symbol and number and it also worked with a space. Putting the answer inside parentheses did not work. Writing out the answer as text with the word minus or negative did not work.
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I just tried the jigsaw and it worked, but felt a little weird. It was slow to load. It probably took about 6 to 8 seconds on a blank screen that says loading in the corner. Then solving was a bit odd compared to jigidi because you can drop the pieces anywhere and they snap into place even if they are in the wrong spot. This will make the puzzle more difficult, which could be a good or bad thing, but I thought it was a little annoying. After solving, I cannot highlight and copy the text for the URL. It would be much easier if I could copy paste to get the correct URL without having to figure out if a character is an I or l or 0 or o or O.
Also, jigidi has issues with people creating auto solver scripts. Your site probably won't have that issue at first because it will not be as popular, but I wouldn't be surprised if someone on this site creates and auto solver if people create a lot of puzzles with it here. Maybe you will be able to fight against that, but it is just something to think about. It seems like Jigidi does continuously try to prevent the auto solvers from working.
Edit: For the quiz, it looks like the wait timer starts whether you get a question right or wrong. I think the timer to make you wait should only happen if you get an answer wrong. You should be able to attempt the next question immediately after getting an answer correct.
Also, on the quiz, I got 1 and 2 correct, but when I answered question 3, it changed 1 and 2 to red text that says "Not so fast! Try again in X seconds". Now I finished the 4th question with all questions complete and the first 2 still say that they are not complete and I have to wait for the timer to submit each again. I submitted 1 of the 2 again and it now says quiz solved with the URL message for completing it, but it still shows 1 question with red text saying "Not so fast! Try again".
I'm not sure if you should list all the jigsaw puzzles and quizzes on the site for everyone to see. I think it would be better to keep them like invite only links where people can only access them if they have the URL. I haven't put much thought into this, so I don't know if it matters, but it seems like people should access the puzzles from the thread they are part of instead of being public. Maybe it can be an option to make the puzzle private or public.
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Thank you for trying out the site and for the long feedback, I really apricate it.
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I just noticed that the quiz answers are case sensitive and I think that is a big problem. This is going to cause a lot of confusion when people type or copy/paste answers with or without the correct uppercase or lowercase parts. This will cause puzzle creators to have to enter a lot more possible answers so people don't get confused and think they got the answer wrong. Like nvidia, Nvidia, NVidia, NVIDIA.
And I still don't like that the quiz makes you wait for the timer after getting a question correct.
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There is still a weird problem with solving the quiz.
I answer question 1 correctly
I try to answer question 2 before 30 seconds. It will change question 1 to "Not so fast! Try again in X seconds" instead of saying it is correct.
Then question 1 will continue to say "Not so fast! Try again in X seconds" as I answer and get other questions correct.
Or it will do the same thing, but instead of answering too quick, if I get a question wrong, it will change the other answers I already got correct to saying that they are wrong as well.
I don't know what is causing this, but it does not happen every time. If I close and reopen the page, it sometimes does not do it. I have seen it at least 3 times though.
Edit: There also seems to be a difference with using the enter key on your keyboard or clicking the submit button next to each question. The enter key keeps submitting my answer to question 1 even though I am typing in the box for a different question. This may be part of the problem causing the above issue.
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I tried to do the questions one, had the first one correct and then I answered the 2nd one and it kept saying correct! but that was still for the 1st one even though I typed in the 2nd field so I ended up with number 1 being correct over and over again and the other ones still unknown if it's correct or not... You would assume if I type in answer field 2 and I press enter, it adds that one and not 1 again...
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MikBok117, I believe the bug you described is different than the issue maruten described. I can confirm the issue maruten described still exists, just try answering the questions without using the mouse. It's a context specific issue and how the Enter key is handled based on which input field has the cursor active.
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I agree that 30 seconds is way too long. I would think 10 would be good as the default and then allow a custom time if you want. You will probably want a max though so people don't make annoying puzzles with like an hour between guesses.
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Also, suggestions (some may be already implemented, I didn't check how puzzles are created)
All of the above will allow puzzle creator to check if user actually solved the puzzle (and did not enter via leaked direct link), and to check if user solved puzzle by themself, or used leaked answers.
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Hey, thanks for trying out the site and for the feedback.
You are already 2 steps ahead with the thinking about this, I like it 😄
If you are (or will be) creating lot of puzzles, you can add me, so we can discuss some of your ideas in the future.
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You are already 2 steps ahead with the thinking about this, I like it
Because I was thinking about making such site for quite some time, but never had enough time to even start. So, actually, you are already 2 steps ahead in implementing this )
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Oof! :) I tried the quiz and 1 and 3 were simple. But 2: BIN to extended ASCII doesn't make sense, the decimal numbers aren't accepted either, space or no space, so that's a bummer. And 4: it should be IBM's MGA/MDA from 1981. As primitive as it was, that's where it started.
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Feedback on jigidi:
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The quick, and maybe brutally honest answer: with puzzle pieces not clicking together, and having to wait 30 seconds between every answer - and no distinguishable benefits to compensate - I cannot imagine ever considering using these over jigidi and itstoohard.
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I'm sorry, will try to improve the jigsaw game to make it to be more smooth experience and about the quiz puzzle the 30 seconds cooldown will be custom (duration) for the creator of the puzzle to set it up. Btw ItsTooHard had 30 sec cooldown as well.
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And the cooldown is specific to answers for that particular question - you can move to another question and immediately guess.
Edit: I hadn't realised that ITH had stopped working. I understand now why you're going to all this effort. Thanks for your work!
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Waiting 30 seconds to answer another question when I got it correct it's a big no no to me [It's not like I can do anything about it if I want to passa the gate, but c'mon], and couldn't get Q2 and Q3 too.
The jigsaw doesn't open for me, either [Chrome 103.0.5060.53]
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Opera GX user, works fine on my end although i cannot get Q3 for the life of me, also i noticed, is it also capital sensitive? With a 30 second delay that just feels like too much imo, although other than that it seems fine, although i dont imagine it getting used over sites like jigidi sadly
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i tried the puzzle, it does feel a bit uncomfortable when the pieces snap into place even when they do not belong, and that you cannot snap 2 pieces together outside of the puzzle square area
and if you try to move 2 pieces that belong together but go in other part of the puzzle, you have to do it one by one, which i think might be really hard when you have a bigger puzzle and you have a good chunk of it completed but the place where it should go is not the right one
also i find no way of copying the link when the puzzle is correct :c
overall is an awesome idea! i can see you put a lot of love and effort into this! i can't wait to see it get better and better ^^
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All works on Chrome! I just could not find the answer to the first graphic card.
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Does Q3 accept UTF-8 emojis? I'm at a loss what the binary converts to lol
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Nice and interesting idea, thanks for effort, but realisation is poor and buggy now
It's almost impossible to solve the Jigsaw puzzle via mobile version of any browser on smartphone ((
After several unsuccessful attempts (it takes a long time for loading, it is very difficult to move the puzzle pieces, the properly connected parts aren't locked, the field moves alongside with the puzzle, one careless touch and the game is over, you need to load it again and start over) I had to drop the puzzle. I hope my feedback helps you to fix all problems. Maybe it is good on PC/Notebook, thank you very much anyway for trying <3
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Thanks for making this. Hopefully you can continue to improve it with the feedback here.
As already mentioned, it would be good if the pieces locked together when they were correct so you can move the correctly connected pieces together around in a big block.
Also, I think at the moment the correct pieces only fit together when they are within the 'frame' for the jigsaw. It would be better if they fit together anywhere on the screen. With big jigsaws in particular, it's important to be able to spread out the pieces when working on it.
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You are welcome and thanks for the nice comment. Yes, I released it early here, so I can get some feedback & suggestions so I can improve it with time.
There are already great suggestions about the jigsaw, will try to implement one, but first one is the performance issue on some browsers/computers and to make it work on mobile.
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Thank you for making this! I love puzzles, and dearly missed ITH.
What will be the maximum puzzle size in the future? With your planned features, a bigger one might be quite a bit of fun. And will you be making puzzle templates with unusual shapes to put together? Think Glass Masquerade.
Either way, this is lovely news!
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jigidi doesn't seem to load for me.
as for the quiz, i don't like how i got a penalty after answering a question right.
other than that, it's a nice one. good job!
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Update: :The development of this project is paused, due to personal issues. Even though I am paying monthly for the server out of pocket, I will keep the site up for some time. Thank you for understanding.:
Edit: Updated the site with the most requested change: Changed default cooldown duration from 30 sec to 10 sec, no cooldown after successful answer, you can submit the correct question with pressing 'Enter'. Other fixes and improvements coming soon.
Original Post:
Hello fellow Steam Gifters,
2 months ago I shared my first project here with you, from which I got an amazing comments and feedback. Thanks to you, I implemented some of the suggestions and will work on it more when I get more free time (its on pause at the moment).
I joined SteamGifts 10 years ago and even though I wasn't an active contributor through those years I still visited it almost everyday to check out the discussions to see what's happening. One of my favorite things here were the puzzle giveaways. I have solved many and have created a few on ItsTooHard as well. Sadly as many of you know, ItsTooHard doesn't exist anymore and because of that, in my last project discussion I promised that I will create something similar, so the puzzle creators can continue making fun puzzles for invite only SG giveaways in them.
So today, I am presenting to you the alpha version of my 2nd public project: 2Solve.Me - web application for solving and creating your own jigsaw and quiz puzzles.
Current features list:
Jigsaw Puzzles:
Try it out: 1st Jigsaw Puzzle for SteamGifts with Invite Only Giveaway [Giveaway Ended]
Quiz Puzzles:
Try it out: 1st Quiz Puzzle for SteamGifts with Invite Only Giveaway [Giveaway Ended]
Keep in mind that this is work in progress and there will be bugs, with time I plan to fix everything and polish it, even add more puzzle games, depending if there will be interest in it. This is a hobby project, so I am working on it when I have free time, mostly on the weekends.
If you have any feedback, suggestions, ideas and what to implement next, please share them with me, I will be happy to hear them and make the site better.
Edit: Fixed some of the game breaking bugs, please clear the browser cache/session and refresh the page.
Will try to improve the performance of the jigsaw on older computers. The jigsaw game has some problems on Firefox, it's is working for some people and for some people still not, I am working on fixing this issue.
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