Game of the Year isn't Gold, it lacks content in Gold. It merely links to the Gold Edition store page, but lacks the included expansion. Because Game of the Year isn't listed as purchasable in the Steam store, why have a giveaway choice for it?
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He's complaining that he won't get contributor points for a game he basically got for free.
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Oh, get over your fucking martyrdom. If you wanted to give it away, there's a thousand ways to do so without getting contribution value (which is clearly what you're complaining about here or you'd have just made a forum giveaway). If nothing else, you could have just not used the key. You could have let it sit there until a friend of yours wanted it.
If you're going to be such a bitch about the contribution system, at least be fucking honest about it.
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People bitch about $0.01. There's nothing too low for contribution whining.
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No offence, And I don't wanna get on the bad side of support staff, but in my opinion, swearing is rude, and you're support... Often people ask for the community to respect staff, but that's the same in the other direction. All I'm saying is that it could have been said in a kinder way.
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We work on the good mod, bad mod system. I used to be good mod, then I went rogue.
No, seriously, at some point, you just have to tell people to sit down and shut the fuck up, mod or not. Working on SteamTrades rapidly decreases the time it takes before you reach that point.
For the most part, I am a pleasant guy.
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Yeah that's understandable, and I can see how it may be easy to get very annoyed at all of the pointless threads, but I really think that a system should get put in place where the thread just gets deleted and the user gets a 'warning mail' thats just some sort of notification reminding them to read the FAQ. If they go against the FAQ more than 3 times within say... 6 months, then the account gets suspended. I personally think that may be able to work better than the current system for dealing with these people.
It's good to hear that you're mainly a pleasant guy and I can see that in your response to my comment :)
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A warning system before suspension has been considered multiple times, but frankly we've seen enough to know it won't work and 4/5 users just don't know when to quit, so suspensions are the warning.
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I was going to say the same as adamj97.
I'm not criticising anybody. As it's quite easy to lose patience with the specimens that run wildy throughout the internet. But that did sound a bit too rude. I understand it, more once I've seen your explanation, but I just wanted to let you know.
As I've written this post, I will also reply to your last comment here. Yeah, I also think that a couple of days suspension is the best warning. And even with that some people don't learn. I just saw one abusing Ubisoft's promotion AGAIN after he was suspended for doing that.
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ah cool. I already had the bundle. I guess they added Warhammer since last time I was on there. I had already gotten the titan quest addition.
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Yeah, we have a page to make giveaways but morons complain about stupid abuses and other nonesense. But hey!!, pls do a giveaway in the forum because there are people who want it... Nice logic.
As if the people who have 2000$ contributor and makes giveaways for 2000$ contributor are rare here.
Anyway if these shit is always going to be a problem every time there is a bumble it could be better to improve the system. Especially since the most of the extra game to do a giveaway come and will come from bundles packs.
Same thing with the dota 2 keys.
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Excuse me I couldn't understand anything at all.
The problem is not people giving away those keys. Is giving away those keys as ANOTHER GAME. DoW GOTY does not exist on Steam ATM so people were giving away it as DoW Gold, which is against the rules as it is a misleading giveaway.
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Are you mad now because your giveaway got deleted?
What's so bad about giving it away on the forums? You STILL give away the game to another person. The forum even has one advantage: you can choose the winner by yourself.
Deleting all those giveaways is totally fine since they represented a wrong game.
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Warhammer wasn't removed from the options, no option exists for the GOTY edition - because steam doesn't sell that on their store. SG doesn't generally create new entries for bundles that aren't for a whole version of the bundle (below average) or (above average) because it breaks the bundles TOS which steamgifts tolerates but doesn't want to encourage.
You can give it away - you could have given it away in the forum, you just don't get contributor value for it. That's what you seem to be whining about. It looks like you are already nearly maxed out on bundle contribution, so even if there was an option you likely wouldn't have gotten very much precious contributor value anyway.
Before this site had contributor value, people used to give stuff away without expecting anything in return (other than the communinity growing and the chance to hopefully win someone else's giveaway). It wasn't about "how much can I get" for something you didn't want.
If you want to get something in return it's a trade, not a giveaway and there are other sites for that.
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16,703 Comments - Last post 41 minutes ago by wigglenose
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5 Comments - Last post 38 minutes ago by Rapt0rz
It is bad to abuse the system, but adding games to the bundle list also discourages people from making giveaways... I am a perfect example of that because I was determined to give away Warhammer 40,000 since I do not like the series, but it has been removed from the options. Now I have added it to my library, but I will never even play it...
I mean, it is too much fuss to try to organize a giveaway if the game is not on the list, so people would prefer to add the game even though it is useless to them rather than give it away...
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