To be honest morrowind was my favorite. I just like how you could customize yourself and your spells that much more.
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I tried Morrowind once. I couldn't play it. I lasted like 45 minutes, than never touched it again. Although, maybe I should give it another shot, because the first hour or so of Oblivion was terrible, but now it's probably my favorite game.
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If you take acrobatics for a main skill the game suddenly becomes playable, rookie mistake to leave out movement skills.
As far as Oblivion is concerned I became the Hero of Kvatch at level 3 while the town guards who were way stronger than me cowered in fear. I really dislike the level scaling they added to Elder Scrolls..
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My problem wasn't the difficulty, it was that the "stronger" you became, the weaker you actually were. So technically the lower the level you are, the easier every enemy in the game is. The lack of progression really bothered me. I like how in Morrowind that when you first come across something like a Storm Atronach it likely will kick your ass, but if you come back much later you can see how far you've really come.
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I somehow had the opposite experience with Oblivion. I leveled up so much that by the time I got to the end with full daedric armor I was being stunlocked and killed in seconds by even the weakest enemies. Trying to kill a town guard would take minutes of hacking away due to them having so much HP when you're at or near max level.
It just made me feel like if these guys are so much stronger than me, why don't they go save the world?
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Really? Oblivion added more things that were (randomly) cut in Morrowind. The journal was abysmal. I like that you were given directions instead of fast travel, but it should at least give you proper directions. The ambiance and story - the best in the series. Not one other Elder Scrolls game comes close to the story and vividness of the world of Morrowind.
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That's pretty funny that you had to land in the ocean. I've liked all the other Bethesda games I've played (every Bethesda game after Oblivion), so I'm definitely going to have to give Morrowind another chance. I already added it to my wishlist, in hopes that it goes on a better sale than it currently is.
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I've never played Final Fantasy.
I've never played Witcher.
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It just makes you a person who hasn't played the Elder Scrolls!
I personally hate Skyrim, but I have played 3-5.
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The only experience I had with Morrowind was frustrating. I started the game, played for half an hour, slept on a bed, woke up and an assassin killed me. No idea why. Hadn't saved up to that point. Never started the game over again. I have played a little Oblivion and a fair amount of Skyrim. I enjoy them, some people hate Skyrim with a passion. You're not weird, or crazy, or even crazy weird. If you had time though, I would recommend them!
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Heh, I can't imagine ever quitting a game and never starting again because I died one time. Hell, I can't imagine going the first hour of a game without saving.
Seriously though, Morrowind is an absolutely fantastic game. I've always viewed it more as an "adventure simulator" rather than even an RPG. There's something truly fantastic about never getting a little arrow telling you where to go.
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What happened is that you had an expansion pack installed. That assassin is not supposed to attack you before you gain some notoriety on Vvardenfel.
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That makes you crazy weird. Daggerfall is a must play.
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It's freeware, too. Although, hard to install if you don't know how to use DOSBox.
I'd definitely suggest daggerfall, though. Either that, or Oblivion.
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Only played Morrowind a little bit and it's cool and looooooooooooong. Same for Oblivion. It's a cool series if you like RPGs.
Tried Skyrim and I think it sux and it's waay too overrated. But that's just me.
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That's not just you, anyone that has actually played Morrowind knows it's a better game than Skyrim.
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skyrim is just missing so much. they "streamlined" most of the game away.
on this path tes6 won't even have stats(sorry, skills i mean. stats are already gone), just one bar for health, no magicka(spells are now part of combos) and a all weapon types and races are alike.
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they're not much like the new ones, but if you want to try them out or see where the series started these come packaged with all updates and you don't have to mess with dosbox
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I've never played any of them either.
I'd like to try III and IV though.
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Not really, I'm actually afraid to start them because I hear all the time just how much of a time sink they are.
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Does that make me weird or crazy, or crazy weird?
Not because i don't like the games, just idk! never got around to it.
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