(Levels are explained towards the end) For level 1 you just need to finish a giveaway for something not free previously
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i see you give away already 1 game,you must wait now that the winner rendeem the game and mark it as received,this can happen little seconds\minutes\hours from when giveaway finish or until max 1 or 2 weeks,you must patiently wait,then when the winner confirm you get the point\level.
After you give away already a game You can see your contributor level "progress" in this page
You must go down in the page at the fourth row then you can see a sort of "contributor level history" and here you can see the difference of cv you earn for every giveaway
Main page explain all is here:
When you create a giveaway you can see if the game give you
FULL VALUE (no asterisk)
REDUCED VALUE (1 asterisk *)
NO VALUE (2 asterisk **)
if the game is FULL VALUE (no asterisk) i personally use this formula and it for me work (but i don't know if work for others) for calculate the value of cv sg give
So BEFORE you create a giveaway
First you go see in the Official Faq here have this scheme:
Level 0: $0.00
Level 1: $0.01 - $25
Level 2: $25 - $50
Level 3: $50 - $100
Level 4: $100 - $250
Level 5: $250 - $500
Level 6: $500 - $1,000
Level 7: $1,000 - $2,000
Level 8: $2,000 - $3,000
Level 9: $3,000 - $5,000
Level 10: $5,000+
Then So by follow this
you can calculate how much a game give to you in this way
divide price of game \ with interval between levels
if price of a game on steam (usa) is $24,99
and your Level is 2
interval between level 2 and level 3 is = 24,99 (25,01 to 50) or ( 50-25,01) =24,99
So for calculate how much you will get you can do
price of game 24,99
divide for interval between level 24,99
so 24,99/24,99
Result = 1
so game will give you 1.00 contributor level point
BUT if you is at level 5:
level 5 to level 6 is $250.01-$500,
interval is $249.9 in Contributor Value
so 24.99/249.9
you will get around 0.10 Contributor Level point instead of 1
So level 2 you get 1 point,level 5 you get 0.10 etc.
if You is Level 6 game you give away is price $19,99
The interval between level 6 $500 and level 7 $1000 is =
499,99 (Count from 501 to 1000 or you can do opposite 1000-501)
You divide price of the game you give away for the interval
19,99/499,99 = 0,039
This will give you contributor value that add to your account
so you will get around 0.03 contributor value for give away when if the price of it is 19,99 and your level is 6
So if before you is level 6,48 after give away that game you go to have 6,51
if you i Level 7,game you give away is price $50
Interval between Level 7 and 8 is 999
You divide price of the game you give away for the interval
50,00/999= 0,05
You will get so around 0.05 Contributor level point
Example if you is at Level 7.05 then you will go at level 7.10 (7.05+0.05)
If the game is "REDUCED VALUE " (1 aterisk) it give you much less cv points (15% of the price) ,
Example if the game price is $50 it will give you 7.5 point and not 50 point
you can see the game is reduced value because when you create giveaway it show an asterisk
if the game is "NO VALUE *" it give nothing (2 asterisk **)
For Example some games that is bundled in bundles give reduced value instead of full (and also in other rare conditions as a 90% discounts on steam etc) , or games that has been given for FREE is give 0 gv value.
BEFORE to create a giveawawy You can know if game has been bundled by use this too:
Search for the name of the game
After you give away already a game You can see your contributor level "progress" in this page
You must go down in the page at the fourth row then you can see a sort of "contributor level history" and here you can see the difference of cv you earn for every giveaway
After you give away already a game You can help yourself also by use this
write your username here then it will show you for every game you giveaway if it has been full value or not etc.
Others Useful Links:
check if winner STEAM user own already the game:
Go to write STEAM user name and push enter
At the LEFT side of the page push "GAMES" button\tab under the "information" button
Now enter the name of the game in the search box at the right
Be careful to:
1) NOT push game tab at bottom (that is go to steam page is another)
2) NOT use the UP page search at the start of the page (that is for search in steam db and not in user owned games)
Check users Links for try avoid who cheat: (Check if SG user activate all games him win) (Check if SG user win multiple copies of same game)
this said information i write here is as a Gamer normal user of SG they could be WRONG\ERROR i'm not expert,mod and i'm not much good in such things,so use it as a friend comment and not as "rules" or "faq"
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hi, i was just wondering how much it takes for me to reach level 1 ? where can i see progress or something :))
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