Does the next-gen update work for you?
How nice of you to let us beta test it. :)
I upgraded my GPU a week ago (from a 1050 Ti). Been considering to wait a bit longer and save up more. But figured that the current top-tier GPUs are overkill when one doesn't want to go straight for 4K (which then adds to cost for proper 4K screen and energy consumption). So I went for a RX 6700 XT, and it works nicely at 1440p with the games I tried so far.
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At the time, I bought my current 1060 just to play The Witcher 3 (of course after CDPR patched the game and released both expansions). One day I'll get a new GPU and chances are TW3 is going to be one of the first games to play; after finishing the main quest, I left a bunch of side quests untouched on purpose, so that I can I can keep playing it and get all the juicy achievements (I'm not a fan of restarting games like that, long RPGs and such).
Anyway, problem is I don't like how expensive and power hungry are modern cards. I usually prefer mid-range cards because they are more efficient in term of power consumption and performance/cost ratio, but I need something powerful this time, so that I can finally enjoy the LG E9 I got at the end of 2019.
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RED engine is not good game engine (that why they dropped for UE5). RED E is make for DX11 and literally forced to work with DX12 options. That never do good work.
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At least now we know even updates from CDPR will be awful at launch.
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Worth mentioning though, CDPR had e.g. in 2019 about 1,111 employees, while e.g. Ubisoft has some 19,000 employees across 40 studios (of which 12 studios worked on Far Cry 6). And CDPR wanting to play in the same league as e.g. Ubisoft, but at a quite smaller footing, that shows. Which is not an excuse for delivering a product, which is broken for some, of course. But just meaning to point out a bit of context there.
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seems like its not as bad as the portal rtx launch
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According to Digital Marketing Foundry, it's the future of gaming.
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I never got this strange accusation against them. They are clearly criticising any vendor including Nvidia whenever it's appropriate. They're not dishonest.
And they are right, raytracing is the future of video game graphics.
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Good artists can still put in baked lighting that looks better than ray tracing, sometimes art simply exceeds 'realism'. However, good artists seem to be becoming fewer and fewer.
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That's certainly true in some cases, but I disagree overall. Raytracing can deliver graphics that just look right, and no amount of fakery can keep up with that. Artists need to work with the best possible tools, and RT supports the art and doesn't replace it. I think most devs will be happy if in a few years they don't have to place thousands of point lights in all their scenes anymore.
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Yeah, actually seems so. Not sure what Nvidia did there. They are like: "Yay, ray tracing! It is totally awesome!". And fair enough, it sure may look a bit better. But then they were like: "And here's a game, featuring small environment, which is mostly static, and you better get yourself a 4090 to be able to enjoy these reflections on these walls and floors.". And I am like: "I suppose I am not that a gourmet in regard to video game graphics."
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It's a technical showcase. That's its purpose. It's not meant to be for everyone. Clearly a raytracing showcase inherently cannot be for everyone. And you really don't need a 4090 to run it. I get good fps with my 3080, and you can go quite a bit lower as well. Seems broken for AMD GPUs though, which is a shame.
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Fair enough. I just went by the reviews for Portal with RTX, and players with a 3000 series GPU were complaining there. It still is a hard sale to me if it basically takes a RTX 3060 to get playable FPS in a game with small and mostly static environment, and without NPCs etc.
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Many were complaining, that's true. The main problem is that the standard settings are extremely punishing. Everyone (including 4090 owners) should go to the config menu and set reasonable values first. When I started it up I had like 14fps. But with DLSS performance and 2 light bounces performance is pretty good.
Try to see it that way: pathtracing might be hard to push through today, even with capable hardware. I get that people are pissed. But Remix is something that will spawn countless great mods over the next years. It's not even released yet. Modders will also need time to develop high quality mods with it. Think 2 GPU generations ahead. A lot more people will be able to run these mods then. It seems like a good way to breath some new life into these oldies. I can only speak for myself, but it got me to play Portal for a second time. That alone is quite the achievement, as I very rarely ever touch a game after beating it once. ;)
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I am hoping that there will be more software optimizations. In particular Unreal Engine 5's Lumen should apparently cover a lot of what ray tracing is about, in a software form, without need for specific RT hardware:
It sure is nice when older hits get a remake in any case.
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Is this update out yet? I have the GoG version (haven't played it in like forever) and don't see an update for it in y games library.
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Yes, that's why you read people are complaining about it?
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So do I have to install a new version as I don't see any way to update my current GoTY version I bought?
My library page does list it as the complete version now, though.
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I have no idea, i haven't played any GOG game for a long time, and the Galaxy client just botches up loading 11000 Steam games each time. I believe that i read on Steam you basically redownload the whole game (if you want to keep the old version you could) so i assume ifso then it would be the same for GOG.
I haven't tried Witcher 3 myself on Steam or on GOG, so i can't even say anything about the performance issues, i still have to start with the first, but back then i didn't liked the camera controls at all.
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Made it worse for me. On dx11 mode, at plain ultra settings, it runs about 15% worse than it did the morning before the patch, and added stutter. With ultra+/rt on it of course runs terribly and is constantly stuttery for me. Water looks weird to me. I meant to look up videos or pics of what it should look like, because I'm sure it's just broken. Graphics look nice otherwise, though I think character models could have done with an upgrade too. Didn't play enough to see what the mods they added put in the game. I was told the performance issues are likely caused by the way they made it run dx12 through dx11 or something. Hope it's something they can correct.
But, I wasn't really planning to replay it any time soon, so I can just wait an extra year to see if they fix it. Or wait until my next pc upgrade so I can brute force my way through it. Not looking forward to them moving to unreal engine as people suggest that is partially the cause of every new game being a stuttery mess on pc, and with this already being a stuttery mess, I am worried about how bad a ue5 game from them might be :( Hope Witcher 1 rm is done well.
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Yeah, the character models didn't stood out to me as being next-gen neither, which may perhaps be due to facial animations not having been improved (much). I can't exactly compare though, as I somehow never got around to play the previous version. The water looked fine enough for me though (taking a run through it at the beginning of the video), and it did run smoothly here. Which should hopefully indicate that it isn't all broken, and that some performance improvements will be on the way.
As for Unreal Engine, UE4 is already about 10 years old. So there is hope that UE5 may be more fit for modern demands, such as with integrated support for DirectStorage. We won't know until seen in action though of course.
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CD Projekt Red just doesn't seem to have the talent employed anymore. They became more worried about checking off boxes that didn't include talent, skill, and/or work ethic. Same path as many other large studios, like Bioware.
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with all on including RT at like 5FPS, without RT is perfectly playable i would say, but i also kinda struggle to see a difference, specially with AA, the only one that looks remotely good is FXAA in what kind of world does that happen. on a GTX1070. Also thank god they let me chose the original camera angle, whoever decided that the best third person camera is full your characters top half covering half of the screen is plain wrong.
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Right Click Properties->Betas Tab, from the dropdown menu select "Classic Patch 1.32" version.
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sadly on ps5 the raytracing costs to many fps. but without it still looks awesome and i enjoy playing it a second time^^
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No luck. After reinstalling the game from scratch, the game will crash as soon as i load a save game or the cinematics ends on a new game, making it impossible to play for me. I tried dx 12, dx11, min graphical settings and uptating my video driver, nothing worked, so sadly i choose to uninstall as havind to download the old version on top of the new one for playing with no new content dint seem like the best plan.
But gladly i enjoyed this masterpiece of a game while i could, completing my deathmarch run not too long ago. i hope i can upgrade my pc or they can fix the patch so i can play it again sometime next year,
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As you may have noticed, the next-gen update for The Witcher 3 released this week.
And as you may have also noticed, many a player is complaining about it. Some of the issues seem to be quite serious, with game crashes, some issues seem to have to do with ray tracing in particular, and some complaints seem to be just like: "I have only 80 FPS now, which is 20 FPS less than before!!! How can that be, aren't better quality graphics supposed to lower the workload for my GPU???".
So, not being sure whether the update is broken at large, I just checked it myself. And for me it works graphically fine so far, at Ultra+ settings, DX12, 1440p, and with a Radeon GPU. I made a short video showcasing it. And no need here to rollback to the previous version.
And what about you? 152 SG users polled a month ago that you will replay it. So, did the next-gen update bring some joy, or just frustration?
In any case, here are some GAs for games, which are not as demanding on the hardware:
STAR WARS: The Force Unleashed Ultimate Sith Edition
STAR WARS: Knights of the Old Republic
STAR WARS: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords
Victor Vran ARPG
Aliens VS Predator Collection
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