How do you feel about 1:1 ratio groups.
This is why SG Unlucky Gifters of the Dice™ is the best group ever!111!!! :P
But seriously. ratio groups often now do 3:1 or 2:1 to avoid the trading thing butttt problem with that it kinda encourages leeching. So still really isn't good. lol
Honestly Exclusive Groups are nowhere as big as they used to be. I'm actually not sure why(but that's probably for the best). They just kinda died out. We still see some, but compared to like 2+ years ago there aren't many exclusive giveaway groups.
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First of all I want to add a disclaimer, I do not want to police, dictate or critizise in any way how every person spends their money/time, y'all are free to do whatever you want I am merely opening a debate
Well, so it's been something that has been bugged me for a while, and now I decided to create a topic about it to hear your input guys and gals.
First of all, I am amazed at how, [specially now (for context I joined the site 3 years or so ago, and spent the major part of two separated from it, so the community has changed a lot in my absence)] obsessed part of the SG community is with ratio, more accentuated, I guess, with the creation of SGTools and the spread of its use. So I wanna raise three different points for discussion and if you'd be so kind, I'd love some input and feedback from you guys.
1:1 ratio in Real CV
While I recognize the usefulness of it, specially when you want people who've given away more than they've won to exclusively enter your giveaway, mantaining an strict said ratio might have some problems I'll adress on a later point.
1:1 ratio in games given away
Once again, useful for weeding out people that don't reciprocate their gifts, and in my eyes (inb4 MrC, no shit, it's the one that benefits you the most) the fairest, not because of anything else but the mere fact thar, isn't the act of giving what counts and not the gift given? When having birthdays do you keep track of the amount of money everyone has spent, to give them on theirs the exact value? (and yes, EXTREME cases such as the uncle that only gifts you a pack of pencils every year, or SG related, the person that only gave away "free" stuff do obviously don't apply)
1:1 ratio "Giveaway" groups
This is when I'm going to adress the problem I commented before, and I'll be frank. 1:1 groups are literally a really convoluted way of trading. Nothing more than that, I'm sorry if someone might feel offended, but that's how it is, you're basically exchanging something for another thing of a perceived similar value What is that? Trading. 1:1 ratio in money spent (or real CV, or whatever) is something like that too, I do understand and recognize that most times is used to give to those who've given away more than they've won, and that a 1:1 ratio is put as the lower treshold. However, I do think that strictly mantaining or aiming to maintain a 1:1 ratio is, basically, trading.
So, those are my two cents regarding ratio, and before finishing I want to pose another question. What's the deal with being so elitist in the giveaways particularly and in the community as a whole in general? Why would you gift (disregarding personal reasons, I'm not going to enter there, I respect them all, whitelists, the old groups of online friends, etc etc) anything to high level contributors? I don't wanna seem rude, and I am in no way being jealous either. But I certainly do not see the point of giving something away exclusively to people who have been able to spend a jazillion of money on games for other people, and who, most of the time, own a good whole lot of games themselves. If someone does, please be so kind to explain it to me.
If the purpose of this site is to give away games, the bestest target would be those who can't afford it, thus the low level users, gifting games to supposedly wealthy people with tons of disposable incoming is pretty similar to taking Bill Gates, Zuckerberg or Messi to a soup kitchen.
Thanks for your time spent reading this brick, have a great day.
EDIT: I've been trying to respond to every single comment there is that set ground to some discussion, but, honestly there's a
shitloadlot of walls of text (which I wholehearthedly appreciate, both the ones that agree and disagree with me, keep it up boys), if I haven't adressed your points yet be sure I'll try to do it in the near future, it might take some days, tho.Comment has been collapsed.