I was new on Steamgifts. I wanted to create a giveaway and I had no idea what people might enjoy while being in my budget range. I noticed everyone was giving the same game so I dediced to buy and give the same one. I had no clue there was something as "Bundled Games".
I ended up buying a game probably no one really wants (I was confused why everyone was giving it away) with a full price :)

Once I opened the Steamgifts and I sawn interesting game name. Only 3 seconds left. I joined the giveaway without making any research about the game and I won. I didn't play it. It is one of my luckiest and embarrassing moment at the same time.

7 hours ago*

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related to buying: i always thought SteamGifts users to be different kind of buyers. if you navigate a little these forums, you get sufficient knowledge to be a different kind of buyer. we also are different kind of Steam users, and players and ...

i think it's funny that what you call "embarassing" i define it as "hella lucky!" ... guess we're different kind of SG users :P

6 hours ago

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More I read the forums more I learned.
And I also like the community. People are polite and helpfull
Of course I was lucky. It is just I won something I didn't really wanted and maybe didn't let someone who wants it win. So I felt lucky and fell bad about it.

2 hours ago

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First one would be requesting to enter groups as a newbie. A user who held continuous trains also had a group for all their winners to join, they also have another group for general users. In my excitement of discovering SG groups, I mistakenly applied into both the groups! I found out i was blacklisted when I couldn't enter their continuous train! Tbh I was a bit sad that happened, all my SG excitement sank there and then!
But with time, i was like...meh... not a big deal. There are way too many GAs, some nice threads with cool users. The concept of being BL-ed also became not as impactful to me either, there is nothing more to it than unable to enter GAs. Is that such a big deal? Nah. I guess this situation helped me dissociate from SG as well. Its nice to win stuff. But its okay even if you don't.

Second?... wait i had something on my mind but i forgot due to all the reminiscing 😂

6 hours ago*

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same thing + asking to join whitelists
got blacklists instead 😂

6 hours ago

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I got banned by lack of knowledge once.
There ısed to be checker for giveaways.
It would check if you are VAC banned, if your ratio is more than x etc
A friend entered a train which you join by this checker.
Then noticed a game I would enjoy and sent me the link.
I joined it without the checker's approval.
Then I couldn't attend anything that checker was requested

2 hours ago

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Unfortunate situation. That checker would be SGTools.
Very useful tool, I myself faced an issue of a leaked GA in recent months. When I asked the invalidly entered user about it, they said it was shared to them. Didn't inquire further as Im no Giveaway police, nor did I report that user. Could have been a naive accident just like yours.

8 minutes ago

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When I was new to the site, August 2013, new members where trolled within the forums by "old" members that posting "Thank you" on a giveaway you enter raises your chances of winning it.
Being new and still not knowing my way around here, I believed it and posted "Thank you" on every giveaway I entered.
Until I got a really aggressive response from someone that I should stop flooding his inbox or he would report me to support for spamming. That's when I realized: "Wait a minute..."

4 hours ago

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I had something similar. I wasn't told to put thank you by anyone but I saw it on all the giveaways so I put it to show appreciation. Now I'm on a few blacklist cuz I didn't know it's assumed you're a bot. Oh well

3 hours ago

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I had a similar experience.
Some wanted a thank you, some didin't
They started using a link which checks your status and I remember someone putting a check like "you had to make 1000+ comments"
If I wrote thank you I was scoulded. If I didn't wrote thank you then I was rude.
And I was forced to make small talk all of a sudden
A complete chaotic time...

2 hours ago

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Giving: I came here in the beginning to give away just a bunch of shovelware keys I had around (sorry SG community!)
Taking: My first won GA was for a completely random game I have to admit, that in the end I didn't enjoy.

But I adjusted my behaviours soon!

4 hours ago

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I made a passing joke about just giving me the key or I want a key as well or something to that effect. I didn't think much of it as I wasn't really interested in the game, just a stupid joke. Imagine my surprise when I got a notification I was suspended for begging. I forgot how many days as this was a couple of years ago. Worse part is I wasn't really a newbie at that point as I was here already for maybe two or three years I think, my memory's hazy. I just didn't know as I'm not a regular in the comments.

1 hour ago

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When I was new I once made a giveaway which wasn't allowed since I had the standard version and gave it away as a special version since the standard couldn't be given away, back then you could not give away 0CV games I think? Got suspended for 3 days I think?

Also when I was new, like most people, I joined everything that looked remotely decent enough, problem is that I won a few games I am not happy with and rather get rid of but well, we are stuck with it now and we move on.

1 hour ago

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Burned myself with a Secret Santa event. Person to be gifted removed a LOT of their cheaper games and only left 30+€ ones, meanwhile I got for myself the cheapest game from my wishlist, because I thought people usually gift the middle of the price range. So spent like 30€, got a 3? 5? € game, and the experience really spoilt the game, and the next few years'similar events

35 minutes ago

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