related to buying: i always thought SteamGifts users to be different kind of buyers. if you navigate a little these forums, you get sufficient knowledge to be a different kind of buyer. we also are different kind of Steam users, and players and ...
i think it's funny that what you call "embarassing" i define it as "hella lucky!" ... guess we're different kind of SG users :P
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More I read the forums more I learned.
And I also like the community. People are polite and helpfull
Of course I was lucky. It is just I won something I didn't really wanted and maybe didn't let someone who wants it win. So I felt lucky and fell bad about it.
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First one would be requesting to enter groups as a newbie. A user who held continuous trains also had a group for all their winners to join, they also have another group for general users. In my excitement of discovering SG groups, I mistakenly applied into both the groups! I found out i was blacklisted when I couldn't enter their continuous train! Tbh I was a bit sad that happened, all my SG excitement sank there and then!
But with time, i was like...meh... not a big deal. There are way too many GAs, some nice threads with cool users. The concept of being BL-ed also became not as impactful to me either, there is nothing more to it than unable to enter GAs. Is that such a big deal? Nah. I guess this situation helped me dissociate from SG as well. Its nice to win stuff. But its okay even if you don't.
Second?... wait i had something on my mind but i forgot due to all the reminiscing 😂
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same thing + asking to join whitelists
got blacklists instead 😂
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I got banned by lack of knowledge once.
There ısed to be checker for giveaways.
It would check if you are VAC banned, if your ratio is more than x etc
A friend entered a train which you join by this checker.
Then noticed a game I would enjoy and sent me the link.
I joined it without the checker's approval.
Then I couldn't attend anything that checker was requested
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Unfortunate situation. That checker would be SGTools.
Very useful tool, I myself faced an issue of a leaked GA in recent months. When I asked the invalidly entered user about it, they said it was shared to them. Didn't inquire further as Im no Giveaway police, nor did I report that user. Could have been a naive accident just like yours.
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Yes, that was the tool.
First time it was started to use people hardly knew about it.
I even remember some people were adding explanations.
I remember arguments about the rules, especially VAC Ban.
I also think it is an usefull tool.
I am even surprised that Steamgifts didn't add similar filters like that over time.
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When I was new to the site, August 2013, new members where trolled within the forums by "old" members that posting "Thank you" on a giveaway you enter raises your chances of winning it.
Being new and still not knowing my way around here, I believed it and posted "Thank you" on every giveaway I entered.
Until I got a really aggressive response from someone that I should stop flooding his inbox or he would report me to support for spamming. That's when I realized: "Wait a minute..."
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I had something similar. I wasn't told to put thank you by anyone but I saw it on all the giveaways so I put it to show appreciation. Now I'm on a few blacklist cuz I didn't know it's assumed you're a bot. Oh well
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Yup pretty much this, was just thanking thank givers then noticed all the blacklists. I don't participate as much as others but was really sad seeing thanking people was enough to get blacklisted.
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Some Regulars here, assume that these 'thank you' messages are automated.
Meaning the user in question has used a bot/extension/script that can automatically enter giveaways and can leave a thank you message. There is an option to do that in such tools.
Using such tools is against the rules.
Id say consider personalizing ur thank you, instead of a generic 'thank you'. Maybe respond to whatever is on the description. If people still blacklist you, is it really a loss? do you even wanna join GAs from such nincompoops?
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I had a similar experience.
Some wanted a thank you, some didin't
They started using a link which checks your status and I remember someone putting a check like "you had to make 1000+ comments"
If I wrote thank you I was scoulded. If I didn't wrote thank you then I was rude.
And I was forced to make small talk all of a sudden
A complete chaotic time...
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Giving: I came here in the beginning to give away just a bunch of shovelware keys I had around (sorry SG community!)
Taking: My first won GA was for a completely random game I have to admit, that in the end I didn't enjoy.
But I adjusted my behaviours soon!
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I made a passing joke about just giving me the key or I want a key as well or something to that effect. I didn't think much of it as I wasn't really interested in the game, just a stupid joke. Imagine my surprise when I got a notification I was suspended for begging. I forgot how many days as this was a couple of years ago. Worse part is I wasn't really a newbie at that point as I was here already for maybe two or three years I think, my memory's hazy. I just didn't know as I'm not a regular in the comments.
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When I was new I once made a giveaway which wasn't allowed since I had the standard version and gave it away as a special version since the standard couldn't be given away, back then you could not give away 0CV games I think? Got suspended for 3 days I think?
Also when I was new, like most people, I joined everything that looked remotely decent enough, problem is that I won a few games I am not happy with and rather get rid of but well, we are stuck with it now and we move on.
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Loosing CV is probbaly a good way to make community continue contributing.
It is just my country's economy is really in bad shape.
It is losing value every day
Now I am losing my CV value too :)
And I don't earn enough to share with the community :)
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Burned myself with a Secret Santa event. Person to be gifted removed a LOT of their cheaper games and only left 30+€ ones, meanwhile I got for myself the cheapest game from my wishlist, because I thought people usually gift the middle of the price range. So spent like 30€, got a 3? 5? € game, and the experience really spoilt the game, and the next few years'similar events
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I am someone who likes to do things for people
Sometimes even listening is a huge gift that you can give to them.
And I learned things should be in equal terms. If only you give and the other person takes it creates an inbalance and you can't find energy to continue doing it anymore.
Even it is a very small event that is really frustrating that you waanted to give something valuable in your budget limit and get a very cheap thing in return. I am glad you have friends that you both share the same respect to each other.
For your timing problem, I am hoping that you have beautiful reason like a lover or a job you enjoy
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I probably had a few embarrassing wins before closing my old account and repurposing my gaming life to only buy/enter to win games I actually intend to play.
Oh...and this one time at band camp...
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Are you asking why I closed my SG account initially? I lacked the self control to stop joining giveaways, so shutting down my account was a step towards sorting through my Steam library and repurposing the gaming portion of my life. I mean technically, it is the same account now. But SG does wipe all your data outside of blacklists IIRC. Otherwise, I'd have a level 10 account ATM. :)
As far as Band camp, it's a movie quote regarding embarrassing moments.
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I understand now.
Thank you for sharing
Bad habits needs huge will power to make a change.
I respect what you have accomplished.
That's silly they wipe everything except blacklist.
They basically froze it so why don't keep rest of the data too.
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It kind of works both ways with the data wipe. Some people, for a variety of reasons, want a fresh start. Others probably wish they could just restart where they left off. I'm personally ambivalent towards it. I have friends here who were happy that I came back, and that made coming back well worth it. Plus, the actual forum is a far less contentious place these days as well, which is a nice bonus.
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Getting kicked out of a DLC group because my mind somehow decided such a group wouldn't have a rule prohibiting cross-GA or even rules at all, which I realized long after being out. I mean, I think that's the reason. I still can't get over it lol
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hey, easy mistake. don't beat yourself up over it. happens to the best of us.
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I had a pretty nasty meltdown last October on an extremely serious real-world topic we are not allowed to discuss on SG anymore. Can't go into details for obvious reasons, but I was really ashamed when I finally came to senses.
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That's a pretty common one. I like how mods will then lecture you about how it was your responsibility to know that a single country in the EU couldn't redeem a key lol.
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I was new on Steamgifts. I wanted to create a giveaway and I had no idea what people might enjoy while being in my budget range. I noticed everyone was giving the same game so I dediced to buy and give the same one. I had no clue there was something as "Bundled Games".
I ended up buying a game probably no one really wants (I was confused why everyone was giving it away) with a full price :)
Once I opened the Steamgifts and I sawn interesting game name. Only 3 seconds left. I joined the giveaway without making any research about the game and I won. I didn't play it. It is one of my luckiest and embarrassing moment at the same time.
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