Why are so many people hailing this as the best summer movie seriously? Don't get me wrong it was fantastic but it just didn't have as much of an impact on me as the last ones. It had a few jaw dropping scenes without a doubt but for some reason they just didn't stand out too much. Its still an awesome movie and I highly recommend it I just don't see why its getting its OMG BEST MOVIE EVER status from so many people.. I however do think that Bane was a better villain than The Joker.. there I said it.

12 years ago*

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I share your sentiment. While I enjoyed it, I felt the writing was a little weak in some places (most notably the last third of the film). One of my biggest pet peeves are major plot twists explicitly explained to one character by another. Seems like poor writing if the audience can't get there by itself.

12 years ago

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The writers of all these super hero movies just aren't big comic book nerds I guess. :I

12 years ago

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Nor am I, I just like good storytelling.

12 years ago

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People need to stop letting everyone else's opinion/ hype affect their own. I didn't read any hype about the movie before I saw it and the movie met my expectations, it was good.

12 years ago

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I completely ignored all trailers and hype and went in with a clean slate.

12 years ago

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I felt the same way. It was an amazing movie, but in my mind it never surpassed the second film.

12 years ago

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Also i liked the Joker better. He was more calculating and cunning, in his own insane way. Bane was a badass though.

12 years ago

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I haven't seen the movie yet, but I find it ridiculous that people have been making memes and jokes about the tragedy that happened in Aurora, Colorado, USA. Just thought I'd share that to see if anyone else feels the same as me, or if everyone thinks it's hilarious that some loony shot a bunch of innocent people and booby trapped his apartment.

12 years ago

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Honestly what bothers me most is that if you bring up "the movie" now its instantly taken omg that one guy did that thing to those people. I've seen the memes and even though one of my good friends was actually in the theater it happened at I still see no reason to get upset over it its just dumb people being dumb just let it be.

12 years ago

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While its not something I'd like to think about, or talk about, unfortunately its what comes to mind when the movie is brought up. I just think anyone who makes those dumb memes/jokes honestly deserves to get beaten up.

12 years ago

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To each their own I believe that people have the right to say what they want that harm shouldn't be wished onto someone just because of their sense of humor that makes you no better than the person making the jokes. Also I see no reason that you can't just have a conversation about a movie and not the events that transpired from it.

12 years ago

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In a way you're right, but if their sense of humour is that they find it funny when innocent people are shot for no reason, then that's disgusting.

12 years ago

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I don't know if i should ask... What are the some of the memes?

12 years ago

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I haven't looked into it so much, but one I've seen is a picture of Rebecca Black that says "Which seat should I take?" and the guy from the shooting says "One of these" with a picture of inside a movie theatre

12 years ago

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I thought it was awesome.

One of the best movies I've ever seen. Bane was awesome, definitely something I'm going to go see again -- hopefully in IMAX.

12 years ago

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The second film is just plain hard to beat. There are very few movies made recently that are that good. It was a great movie, and ill be buying it the second it hit blu-ray and watch it again, But I'm in Janrok's boat i didn't read any hype, all i did was wait and then go watch the movie.

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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i really enjoyed this movie, and yes this is the best summer movie
joker >> bane

12 years ago

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I liked it but it definitely isn't the best movie ever. I've never seen Citizen Kane but a lot of people say that is actually the greatest film ever made; guess just a little fun fact there. My personal favorites are Pulp Fiction, Dirty Harry, and The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly. Star Wars Trilogy is pretty good too but it loses some of its value because everybody already knows the story so a lot of the epic moments aren't as epic.

12 years ago

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Citizen Kane was great, not sure it could hold many peoples attention nowadays. I watched it a second time in a college class...75% of the people could not follow it or were falling asleep. I would not call it the greatest movie ever but it was really well done.

12 years ago

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And you're still alive?

12 years ago

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Yep not gonna lie I did look over at the emergency exit a few times in fear..

12 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

12 years ago

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Its worth a watch.

12 years ago

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I enjoyed it a lot! Micheal Caine did AMAZING in this movie. I think it is probably one of the best (if not the best) movie for this summer.

12 years ago

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This whole series is a crime against batman.

12 years ago

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I haven't seen it but I know a lot of people(irl) who have and none of them have even said it was better than TDK. So you must be talking to some terrible movie critics. Joker is the best Batman villian and Ledger did an amazing job, DONT TALK SHIT ON HIS JOKER >:(

12 years ago

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I really loved the scene with the national anthem, to avoid any spoilers.
Really well done

12 years ago

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I saw it a couple of days ago, I can't wait till it comes out on bluray.

After I came out of the theater I thought the second film was better because of Heath Ledger's acting. Now, I keep wanting to see the third one again. I think that the references to subtle things such as killer crock from Batman: Gotham Knight (the animated film that's between Batman Begins and Dark Knight) are super neat. I also like that Bane was finally done right.

12 years ago

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go see john carter of mars. It was a good good movie. so under rated.

12 years ago

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Anybody from the UK here or seen The IT Crowd? I struggled to keep a straight face through Bane's daft voice, it reminded me too much of Matt Berry's Douglas Reynolm from the show. Observe :) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ltn04zRd3yQ

12 years ago

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bruce wayne is batman also spoilers.

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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this move is for "go to a cinema and survive a random shooting" achivement

12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by kagatoASUKA89.