Thank you so much for your comments as they reinforce exactly what I was thinking. Any name suggestions help :) I named it "Purple Heart" because that is the name of the wood used. I don't know if I can change the model now though :( I will change the orange to a darker color. Thank you for the upvote and for complimenting my skin! :)
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Check the main post :) I made the mag darker orange and have also tried a dark red aswell.
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To what :P gotta give me a little more feedback then that, but I'm glad you like it!
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I like the look of the well worn version cause the orange isn't too bright on that one.
I like how the purple is deep and almost wine-ish.
The name: purple heart is a sort of word play on the award they give to soldiers who are discharged from service because of battlefield injuries right? clever.
If you add notches to the stock (like 1 notch for every kill) that'd be pretty sweet.
Great job, mate!
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The name came from the nickname of the wood used. I wish I could do that with the stock, but unfortunately it's not up to me :P it's just how StatTrak works.
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Thanks and yeah I'm going to refinish the magazine in a more matte color :)
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That was the point :p I was trying to mimic the TAPCO. magazines, but after looking at the picture again I can see I made my magazine a lot brighter.
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Mmmh, I have doubts about the wood, is there any wood that's purple ?
Otherwise it looks good.
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* Please take a few seconds to read this. *****
Hi, yes, I'm spamming the same comment on every gun, BUT.
but I'm rating up and also adding to favorites every gun above this comment.
And I want to ask you supporting my gun aswell by rating it up and adding to favorites.
You know, favor for favor :) It wont hurt you, I promise.
Gail AR - Take a Clouds
All my skins:
Here's link for my gun. And if you don't like it, just leave it, don't rate it down. :) Don't be scumbag steve.
Have a nice day.:trazz:
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I will tone down the orange on the magazine and re-upload :) everyone else is saying it's too bright as well.
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Oh nice a magazine which is scared from battle, I wouldn't want that :P
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I like it, but personally, I think the magazine is too bright for a gun of that caliber. :P
Otherwise, it's nice.
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Yeah everyone is saying that :P everyone loves the gun, but hates how bright the mag is. I think I'm going to redo the skin then re-upload it to the workshop when I finish that. I'll also fix the stock so it's completely horizontal.
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Working on it ATM :) everyone else said the same thing. Thank you for your compliment!
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I'm actually working on a stainless steel/chrome hardware version now :) see if it looks better.
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By the way PrinceDew, you know the way you took the screenshots? Is there an iption in the Workbench to take them? And also how did you get the gun on the table thing by itself, sorry for pretty stupid questions but i'm pretty new to the whole skinning. c:
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You could use the Steam ingame screenshot system which I did for my Steam Workshop pictures. To get teh gun on the table just press the "Workbench" button inbetween "Hold" and "Green Screen"
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Want the truth into your face? Just don't hate me after (or you can, if you really want to). But it looks kinda crap. Sorry. Two colours used, and not even look harmoniously. I mean, looking at all of the top things in workshop (yes, if you decided to do something - make it best, whatever the try it is - first or not) - it looks really bad. Using some basic styles/pics/drawings would make it much more better then using 2 colours and calling it cs:go skin. Look at asiimov stuff - it looks really nice and I really want to have that weapon skin... and this... is just bad. Sorry.
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Firstly, thank you for your feedback. I'm actually glad to have some negative feedback because I'm aware this isn't perfect. Also, I am a newbie and I need some help. As it pertains to your comments, I have to say that this isn't supposed to be like all the other skins. if you want that kind of thing then go for it. I wanted something more realistic for a change. I'm not saying asiimov is bad or any other skin for that matter. it's just not what I was aiming for when I made this skin. The whole idea behind this was to be simple yet elegant which I think I have achieved. As for the magazine, it was to mimic the TAPCO. mags that are in use. I am working on changing it now as I type this to better suit the gun itself. Thank you for your feedback :)
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I'm glad you accepted my feedback in the proper way. Still a bit more critics - I can't agree it looks elegant. Just on my honest oppinion - I would add something to it.
First I would change the colour of mag - the one that is linked does not look like the one on the skin (wrong colour so far and not only). It looks more like AKSU, not AK mag (tho it's even said there it's AK-47, it just does not look right). And red...jeez, I just hate red colours on weapons, it's distracting and makes me look at daym red instead of keeping eye on game/enemies (maybe it's just me).
What I think:
first - change colour of the mag (atleast to yellow, not orange).
2nd - change the period colour into something (wooden would be nice, I'm not talking about brownyellow colour, I'm talking about wood texture).
3d - some other elements, don't be afraid to experiment. Simple, yet elegant can consist of many interesting parts, not only two colours.
Finally, "first try" is not the reason to fail. And you shouldn't! Want to make something worth a while - make it perfect (atleast on your oppinion). Be honest with yourself.
Wish you luck, and hope that when I see your next work - I'll be like "SH*T I WANT THIS RIGHT NOW!!!"
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I always take a step back and think how does this look. I am my worst critic and I felt like something was wrong but couldn't think of what it was so I posted it here for a second opinion and after hearing the mag is too bright I agree. That was the flaw and now that that is fixed I love how this turned out. Of course it's not going to please everyone as that is quite impossible. There will always be people who don't like the work you do. To cover your points:
I want something realistic. You could replace the wooden grips on a real AK with peltogyne, and it would look beautiful IRL. Inb4 "this is a game not real life." I know this is a game, but that doesn't mean I don't want it to be realistic.
Again, thank you for your feedback, but it would seem this skin just isn't for you. Maybe on my next go I will try to make something more over the top with graphics, but that just isn't the place I want to go witht his particular skin.
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Thank you :) and thanks once more for your feedback!
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Is that good or bad :P either way thanks for the feedback!
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I'm thinking about scrapping the mag color. The reason I made it orange was because I felt that Valve wouldn't like just a reskin of the wood, and would thus not put it in the game (if it ever got enough voted to get in in the first place). I'll try to reset the mags and upload a picture.
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You've given me a great idea. Give me about an hour and I should have a prototype up.
Edit: Nevermind. I gave up after many tries and nothing looked good. I was trying to gently put a blood red tint over the hardware, but every rendition looked extremely ugly. Anyways I just stripped the mag of any color and here you go. Everyone rejoice :P
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I downvoted, sorry. I dont think any of the colours you have picked complement each other well. The gun just looks ugly.
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Final Edit (Hopefully): So after about 20 different renditions and every one else's opinions I just simply scratched the mag color and left the wood grain.
Here is a picture of the finished product. Should I reupload it as this or keep it with the bright orange mag? :P
Super Edit: I have taken all your suggestions into account and have come up with this now! Do keep in mind this isn't a "High-Res" screenshot so some detail is lost :/. Also, I don't use Anti-Aliasing so the edges are fucked. Please don't hold it against the gun as it looks beautiful ingame.
Here it is. Just looking for opinions. I honestly think this is a beautiful gun, but I don't see how it would fit into the games atmosphere. I just really want to make something and thought this would look amazing. One thing I wish I did differently would be fix the stock grain. Make it completely horizontal instead of vertical. For those wondering, I'm posting this here because it's hard to trust the comments on the page since everyone just wants to say they +1'd so you'll look at their skins :P
Thank you for taking your time to view my skin :)
Edit: So some nice souls visited the link and down voted. Not sure if troll or serious, but either way, please leave a comment on this page if you voted at all saying why you voted the way you did. I can't improve if I don't get feedback.
Edit 2: So the general consensus is that the magazine is just too bright, but other than that everyone loves it :P and for the few wondering about the wood it does exist and it's nickname is purple heart. I personally have worked with it while making pens and pencils on a lathe and I can tell you it is extremely beautiful in person.
Edit 3: For everyone wanting a darker magazine color, here you go :) Is this better? I turned down the saturation and darkened it a bit. You can actually see the mag stamp now!
Edit 4: Trying something a little new which I love. Here you go. Thanks for the suggestion jbondguy007 :)
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