If anybody would like to check your played stats without registering to BLAEO, and don't want to install a userscript and request a Steam API key, let me know and I'll run the script on your profile.
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Yes, but if they just want to check their stats to see if it's worth applying...or are just curious anyway.
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Average and Total Playtime 5.5 hours per win, 5.9 hours per played win, 71 hours total
Games with any Playtime 92.3% (12/13)
Games with Playtime... ≥5 hours: 46.2% (6/13), ≥10 hours: 7.69% (1/13)
Avg. Achievement Percentage 13.9%
Games with ≥1 Achievement 50.0% (6/12)
Games with Achievements... ≥25% complete: 8.33% (1/12), completed: 0.00% (0/12)
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Both groups have similarities-- the focus on playing wins-- but they have different requirements and rules.
They live side-by-side non-competitively (IMO) and aren't mutually exclusive.
Depending on the person, one group might be a better fit than another.
The biggest difference (IMO) is that APG requires that members have already shown a commitment to playing wins, whereas PA only concerns itself with games you win in the group. Somebody please correct me if I'm wrong. Both approaches have their advantages.
[Edit: further PA clarifications by kiseli below.]
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There are 2 ways to join PA. One is to make Ga and the other one is to play one of your games, once in the group only group wins being played are important. But APG requires more commitment to all SG wins and have longer period for "playing games" :)
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PA requires you to play your win, or wins, within a month and I think half of the average length of the game is highly suggested for the game in that time..? In reason, of course. If the game is incredibly long, you're not going to be forced to. You'll probably get much longer for those.
I didn't look into it too much but I prefer to take my time with my wins personally. I'm lazy for months and then I'll play a lot later.
If the game is relatively new or expensive, I'd play it sooner, though.
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Yeah, that one month thing largely ruled me out too. Limited playing time and all that...although I guess with a little work I could make it work.
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BLAEO profile
BLAEO list/attack plan
Real CV Sent: 180.65
Real CV Won: 95.25
Real CV Ratio: 1.89
My rule when i discovery this amazing site was to only enter giveaways that i wanted to play and seeing a group like this makes me happy, almost every giveaway i did the person that won didn't play the game, which makes me a little bit sad cause i don't do many giveaways (no money = GG).
Edit. Updated some stats (won/sent giveaways)
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Games | Never Played | Won't Play | Unfinished | Beaten | Completed |
Steam Library (64) | 20(31%) | 5(8%) | 12(19%) | 14(22%) | 13(20%) |
Won on SG (16) | 4(25%) | 0(0%) | 5(31%) | 2(13%) | 5(31%) |
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Hello! I have been waiting for Actually Playing Games to open up again. I would like to join please.
BLAEO profile
Attack Plan
Real CV Sent: 277.45
Real CV Won: 112.30
Real CV Ratio: 2.47
SG games beaten: 50%. I have 12 wins on SG (2 are multiplayer/sandbox - Grav and Tuebor - so I did not include them). I 100%ed Toby, Maize, Black Mesa, and Torch Cave 2 (6 Crimson Duck Games Vol.2). I also beat Super Rude Bear Resurrection and Freedom Planet. I'm currently playing through Oddworld (2 hours in) and Space Run Galaxy (22 hours in).
I am trying to post updates to BLAEO every week or so. Last post was 8 days ago and I have quite a few new beat games to write about!
I am a member of Playing Appreciated. Despite many entries, I've only won one game there so far. But it was an amazing game: Black Mesa! I got 100% in it and will play it through again in December when Xen releases. I've made a lot of giveaways on PA and I like to give away anything I think people will actually enjoy to there because I know it won't rot in someone's library that way.
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35% seems really reasonable :)
I saw that it would go up "slightly" from the vote but I wasn't sure what it was, so I started playing a few wins and aiming for 40% completion so I wouldn't get kicked. :P
Looks like that was the push I needed, because I started at 33% and I'm now up to 39% :), and I've been more focused on completing those wins!
Thank you for all the hard work, APG! Let's tackle those wins!
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BLAEO profile
BLAEO list/attack plan
Real CV Sent: 172.70
Real CV Won: 24.75
Real CV Ratio: 6.9777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777(you get the idea)
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BLAEO profile
BLAEO list/attack plan . (Done with my SG wins, so these are just my own backlog.)
Real CV Sent: 134.05
Real CV Won: 12.15
Real CV Ratio: 11.03
I have 50% beaten and 17% completed my SG wins.
I enjoy BLAEO. There's a very responsive and helpful community there. :)
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I finished a couple of my games but the script doesn't recognize it, what exactly counts as complete?
Anyway I'm really interested in joining
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Complete is just you having finished the main story of a game, or in a rare case a game that never ends with......... well, who can say. Enough hours played, I guess. Some games never end.
the script only shows playtime and achievements and shows stats based around those two, though.
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We ask for 35% of your wins to be finished. Using BLAEO terminology, that is either beaten (finished main storyline) or completed (100% achievements/completed all side quests etc.). My script is only based on achievements (plus some playtime information) - and right now it can only say a game is complete (100% of achievements in a game achieved) or not. The script is more of an indicator than a real test though - I'm sure we have APG members that the script would say haven't completed any of their games (as we don't require people to be completionists - they just need to play their wins).
For multiplayer/endless games, obviously finishing them is hard to define. For applicants who have marked such games as finished, we do like to hear the reasoning behind their decision.
If you think you can meet our requirements, please use the template in the original post to make an application.
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Won too many games lately. Will be back after I've done some backlog killing.
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I'm right there with you. I've got achievements in nearly all of my wins, but only a few I'd consider beaten. =/
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BLAEO profile
BLAEO list/attack plan
Real CV Sent: 1,205.50
Real CV Won: 797.05
Real CV Ratio: 1.51
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BLAEO profile
BLAEO list/attack plan
Real CV Sent: 266.85
Real CV Won: 83.95
Real CV Ratio: 3.18
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Thanks for your application. It is currently under active consideration.
We do have a query abut your methodology for marking games as completed - for example, we would not usually call A Story About My Uncle completed when you've only got 1 achievement out of 15. You might have beaten the main storyline, but there are clearly a number of challenges you have not completed.
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BLAEO profile
BLAEO list/attack plan
Real CV Sent: 276
Real CV Won: 83
Real CV Ratio: 3
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Hello Steamgifts! I'm afraid that as of today (10 October, 2017), I am stepping down as an admin of APG. I will be shortly closing this recruitment thread - hopefully another admin will start one in time. If you applied to join APG and got no response (beyond a "your application in under review" response), it means that there were concerns about your application, but due to lack of participation from the other group admins, these concerns were not able to be adequately discussed. But please don't be discouraged from applying again in the future.
Hey there Steamgifts!
We have a friendly little giveaway group that could use more users. For us it's important that the users are the right ones for this group, so please spend some time reading this description.
Most of the members of the group think it's more enjoyable to do giveaways where the winner ends up playing the game, and that's exactly what the group is for: members on Steamgifts who like playing their won games. By playing, we don't just mean idle for the cards or try the game for 20 minutes then retire it, but playing it for real and finishing it. The group is focused around playing and finishing games both in general and games won on Steamgifts (and the group) in particular.
Our current members are a bit picky (in a good way), only entering giveaways for games they would actually play, and that's one thing we're looking for in new members - those of you who know which games you would want to play, enter giveaways only for those, and then go on playing the games, resulting in a decent rate of won games being finished, and not hundreds of games in your win list that will never be touched, and only a handful of games ever played.
To help members keep track of their won games, as well as making it easier for group admins to check the progress in won games for those applying for the group, a BLAEO account is required. BLAEO is a great tool for tackling your backlog, it syncs the games in your Steam library and Steamgifts wins, and lets you mark your progress in the games and create lists (to-play lists as well as lists of finished games) with an easy drag and drop interface.
If you're already an active BLAEO member that's great, if not, you would need to sign up, categorize your games and make a list containing at least one of your games won on Steamgifts (a getting-started guide is available here) before applying.
The suggestion is that those of you who are new to BLAEO do a "games to play soon" / "attack plan" list, containing a few games you want / plan to play. One of them has to be a game won on Steamgifts (if you haven't already finished all won games). This is mainly to let new users to BLAEO try out the site functions to make sure you know what it's about, and there is no requirement to play the games on that list in that order (or to stick to the list at all), but it can be a very handy tool that some of you might end up using a lot, and if not - it's nice to have tried at least once.
When it comes to finished games, we would like to see a minimum of 35% of your won games on Steamgifts finished. This will be evaluated on an individual level, and 35% isn't an exact amount, it also comes down to amount of games won, and the games played. For users with few wins, 35% could be as little 1-2 games, and that would not be enough, so a higher rate would be needed for users with few wins. At the same time, someone who has won 20 games and only played/finished their five shortest won games and left all the longer ones unplayed might not be a good match for the group before finishing more games.
If you would like to check your stats a bit without registering to BLAEO, this userscript can check your progress (hours played and achievements gained) in games won on Steamgifts, so you can get an idea about how many games you have played.
The minimum Steamgifts contributor level for applying is 4, and we would like to see a positive Real CV ratio.
Group rules:
We have a few rules in the group, everything is explained in more detail in the group forum, but should be mentioned here as well, so anyone thinking of applying can consider if they would be ok with the rules.
In short, the rules are:
This of course also means that users should only enter giveaways for games they would play.
There are no rules about mandatory giveaways or in-group ratio (the time each user has to play their won games being the only "ratio").
We have a pretty nice thing going in the group, with each giveaway most of the time getting several more comments than entries (members who don't enter a giveaway might stop by to "chat", often owners of a game chime in to give recommendations). Also, so far we have had very good results when it comes to playing won games - with lots of newer / highly wishlisted games being played and finished shortly after the giveaways end.
Guest gifters:
We have had some inquires about guest gifting, users who would like to do giveaways for the group, without meeting the membership requirements themselves. This is of course welcome, and the recommended method would be to do an invite-only giveaway, which one of the moderators could post in the group-only discussion. None of the current members would be likely to leak an invite giveaway, but it could be good to write in the giveaway description that the giveaway is only shared with the group members (and link to the member list).
Another positive thing with an invite-only giveaway is that the giveaway creator can invite others than just the group members, which in some cases might be needed to get to 5 entries. Be sure to mention which users are invited in the giveaway description.
Checklist for applying:
To make it easier for the group admins checking the applications, please use this template when you apply (edited to replace my details with yours):
If you haven't had time to play as many of your won games as you would like, don't worry! Spend some quality time with those games, get your numbers up and come back later. The group will keep taking in new members.
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