True. Difference is about 25%.
With the release of Guild Wars 2, the guys at ArenaNet made an explanation on why we EU citizens pay so much compared to the US citizens when buying in the US. They claim it's got to do with tax. Steam uses Luxembourg as EU base and there they have 21% luxurious tax, making that $=€.
But IMO, in the US you pay tax as well on purchases, so that should be dropped for EU residents, making the games at least 15% cheaper than they are now.
I think US retailers really screw us over all the time...
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I live in the US and do not pay tax for Steam games or most online purchases for that matter.
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Nope no states charge tax for online purchases yet. The federal government is trying to figure things out right now.
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Not accurate. Taxes are required to be paid in states where a business currently operates.
Therefore, if I buy a Dell computer online, I still pay taxes, since I live down the road from them.
Amazon also charges me tax here in Texas, because they operate here in some capacity.
I do not pay tax on Steam purchases, because, AFAIK, they are located solely in Washington State.
You are correct that the U.S. government is trying to figure a way to tax universally, but have not yet had the support, lobby money (opposite) or balls to push that through.
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Lol, I said average. If I go working at my current circumstances I'd get maybe $300 in a month.
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Lol, I have found, but as far as I know it's not much of legal and I want to pay with my steam money too, and it seems like a rip-off if I want so.
All of your 1000 games were bought through friend from Russia? oO
And yes, there are restrictions and not all of them can be used here. Still, if we buy some games in Latvia, we can use them only on territory of post-USSR. wtf?
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Sveiks no latvietes! :)
Ar cenām ir kā ir... Gribi iepirkties krievu steam, bet pastāv iespēja, ka reģions bloķēts. Pati šad tad izmantoju kaut kādas alternatīvas, kur cenas ir dolāros un spēles uz atlaidēm var dabūt pa 1.70ls, bet tās protams ir kaut kādas spāņu lapas :D
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Čau :)
Nu ir kā ir, bet es piemēram esmu uz Steam uzkrājis 20 EUR par visādām lietām no cs go, un gribētos tomēr pielietot. Ja būtu ar dolāriem, tad varētu nopirkt 2 normālas spēles, tā - tikai vienu. Un ar tiem jaunajiem eiro arī pierašanas nekādas nav. Izskatās kā lieli cipari.
p.s. Varbūt, kādreiz cs uzspēlēt varētu :)
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mēs kā pēdējie Eiropas atbiras ar visu Baltiju varejam ari mazāk maksāt :/
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CS:GO costs €13.99 in Germany (about $19 USD). link to German store
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Enhanced Steam It's a great browser extension, highly recommended!
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don't use browser for steam, but probably going to get it, thanks
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Well I live in Turkey, $535 min wage here ( Most of the population works for this).The strange part is, most of the sites count us as European but Steam charges us from US Dollars.This is the first time that I'm actually happy about NOT considering as an European country.
And yes $1 is SHOULD NOT equal to 1€, we fought over it years ago on Steam.Made some petitions,forum discussions,Thousands of Steam Support Tickets yet Steam didn't changed it.Well I'm sorry for you Europeans, we did what we could :(
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Well I'm living in Switzerland and I'm lucky I'm here... BUT I still have to pay in Euros on Steam (Switzerland has Swiss Francs) and I find the prices are too harsh for the European Countries. Guess the net average monthly wage here in Switzerland is the highest in Europe if not World.
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I wanna go to your house and work instead of you for a month and then live for a few years back here.
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You could immigrate here but at the moment it would be difficult as Switzerland is a bit strict when it comes to immigrants (20%+ of the population consists of foreigners. I consider that A LOT)
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then just give me your money, anyway for amount i can live here you can maybe buy yourself a pair of socks :D
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true :P the costs of living are here greater too :P
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Well... 50% of the population in Greece consists of foreigners, so you are pretty well over there. Not that I have a problem, since most of those people just want to improve their lives.
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50% wow way to exaggerate :P if statistics prove me wrong I think Greece has about 7% foreigners(immigrants).
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No,the data from some countries is missing on the page.Monaco and Liechtenstein have higher wages.
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Yea true you have a point. But look at their population :S only 35k+ people live there and Liechtenstein speaks swiss german and uses Swiss francs too and Monaco French and Euros (I'm not disputing theis sovereignity, just giving information :P)
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Does anyone actually live in Monaco? Or just hold property there that they rent out for obscene prices?
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It's not Gabe, it's the publishers that dictate the pricing. Just look at Bohemias games, they rarely have price unfairness bigger than 10 $, compared to other games that usually have 40-70 % price advantages for Russia/Ukrain.
So it's not Gabe dictating, it's the publishers.
Gaben is god
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Romania here. I buy (€) via Paysafe Card for like 25% added value than the official rate, so 1 € ~ 1,74 $, wich is a ridiculous gap in the wallet :/
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And that's why I rarely buy anything from the Steam store. There are so many possibilities to get games cheaper elsewhere if you live in Europe. Amazon US, Steamtrades, Humble Store etc. Only during the big sales I buy in the official store since you can get some decent deals then even by European standards. But other than that...if they don't want me to spend my money in their store I won't do it.
It's ridiculous, they act as if Steam store was the only store in a little village at the end of the world. It's the Internet and they're selling digital games. I can buy wherever I want, time to adjust your prices accordingly Steam. But apparently there are enough people who believe the only place to buy Steam games from is the Steam store so I guess it won't happen.
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And don't you love the fact that sometimes we must buy RHCP-versions (with all it's restrictions and nonsense) of games with a full "western-version" price and there are times we don't get some games at all. I really hope that one day my eyes will see the disappearance of regional restrictions (there are no borders in World Wide Web).
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Aha. And then if you move from one country to another you can't play your games and steam support can only delete them from your library.
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Lol! $3693 average income in the US. Rich upper management and executives are skewing those numbers hard. Your average person in their late teens or early twenties is lucky to bring in $1000 a month, and that is assuming they work full time (40 hours a week which is very rare these days) and make $8 an hour. After tax they'd be under $1000 most likely.
Sure older parents or successful young adults might be able to make more depending on education and skills but let me tell you, most Americans do not make almost $3700 a month.
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let me tell you too. In our country, older parents get an average wage in about $600-800 and don't compel. What do you think a young adult can make?
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First of all, Americans pay a lot of taxes, really a lot. Second of all, half of them are mostly poor. Third of all, older parents get an average wage of 300 Euros in Greece.
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First, don't lie about Greece, the minimum wage is 683€, so older working peopole probably earn more.
And tell me about who is paying a lot of taxes. Hungary has the highest VAT in Europe: 27% goes to the government from every product you buy. Gasoline (Diesel) is 1.4€/liter, the minimum wage is 341€, before taxes. Romania is even worse, with a minimum wage of 157€, the gasoline is a bit cheaper there, 1.3€/l.
In the USA gasoline price is 0.73€/liter, the lowest minimum wage is $7.25=5.34€ per hour, with an average 170 hours monthly work, it's 908€. Sales tax is from 0 to 7%, different by states.
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yeah, regional pricing is stupid and among many other dumb shenaningans. I doubt it'll be going away anytime soon, though.
The only gaming store I use that doesn't have any of this crap is GOG (and maybe Humble Store? not sure about that one).
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So...In Europe we have a large range of average wages (I live in Latvia and it comes to $681 in average)
but in the USA they have $3693 per month in average.
It's more than most of European countries.
At that time, the USA had borderlands 2 for $7.49, and guess what? Europe had too. But still, if I could buy in the USA steam, I'd save $2.69. And it's just the cheapest one. What the hell, Gabe?
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