I'm 19, I loved to play old PC games, there was this one game where you were a mummy in a pyramid. I barely remember it, that was fun, yeah.
I grew up on PS and PS2, my favorites are Gran Turismo 2 and 4, Driver 1 and 2, The Warriors and GTA San Andreas
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Pretty much defines my childhood as well.
I am 19 as well. I love(d) to play Age of Empires, which was the first game I ever played, as well as Command and Conquer Red Alert 1.
I also grew up with the Playstation consoles and I simply love the exclusives. The first game I played, being Spyro the Dragon, is still very fun to play even in our time, especially the sequel "Spyro: Gateway to Glimmer", or, as some might know it by the title "Spyro: Ripto's Rage". The Spyro trilogy is fantastic and I would definitely recommend people to try them out.
Edit: I forgot to mention Doom 1 and Doom 2. I spend countless of hours playing those games. And do not forget Dungeon Keeper 1 and 2! And then also the game called "Silver". Great memories. Ah well, time to replay the games. Even though they are old they are still great games.
Edit 2: I actually just dug forth some old CD casettes with some interesting old games i played! "Pitfall", "Flying Corpse Gold", and "Disney Classics" (Compilation of the three DOS games, Aladdin, The Lion King, and Jungle Book.) Being amongst the games.
This post has awoken a strong nostalgic feeling inside me. :/ ...Hurts...
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Man, I renember Silver! I loved that game! And its good to see that someone finally mentioned Dungeon Keeper!
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im 8 months old.
but seriously, imm 15 yeards old, but the only msdos games i remmeber i have played are duke nukem and doom.
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23, And when i was a child, i was foolishly given some Game pack, with Duke Nukem 3D, raptor, Realms of Chaos. Wacky Wheels.
They are my childhood. If you're thinking of emulating with DosBox, look for those (well not DN3D, since it's on steam now)
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haha! I renember that pack! Raptor was fantastic and Wacky Wheels made me feel sick back then, I didn't know if that was because the speed, the cheesy Mario Kart feeling or the graphics XD
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Yeah, Im a massive fan of the Gothic series too! (I have the ArcaniA one but I don't have the stomach to play it) they were the perfect exploration RPG to me! But I was asking about the game of the 90's before windows XP and things like that.
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Gothic 2 was the best of the series. Arcania was crap. Gothic 3 was decent but too buggy.
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I am 35. My favourite DOS games would be some of the old adventures, such as Monkey Island, the Gabriel Knight series or the Tex Murphy games. Wing Commander was also pretty rad.
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Yeah, Gabriel Knight was fantastic!
"Cabrit sans cor!"
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Yeah! That was just badass! I played a lot of "X-Wing VS Tie Fighter" too!
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Oh man, I played endless hours of X-Wing and TIE-Fighter... and Wing Commander in the years before that.
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I'm 27. That make me an oldie? I think it does when I consider some threads on here. I'm not sure about DOS games but in the 90's we played a lot of Carmaggedon and AoE1 was the shit. Sim City, Doom, Command & Conquer were all great DOS games though.
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Yeah, all of them were the shit. About Carmageddon, I renember when the Carmageddon 2 demo came out, you could modify the game setting in a txt in the game folder, change things like gravity, speed, ect, and making crazy stuff with the cars and pedestrians in low gravity.
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Yeah, that game is pretty much perfect! 20 years from now people will still love it.
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Yeah, I saw that! I was playing Shadow Warrior (I had the shareware version back in the days) and that thing impulsed me to make this topic.
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Oh boy I found a CD full of old 386/486 games. Some memorable ones include: Castles, Gods, Raptor, Skate or Die, Ski or Die, Double Dragon 1/2, Golden Axe. Too many others to mention here.
EDIT: I also found an old Razor1911 nfo file from 1993 which contained info on how to get in contact with them! Nostalgia to the max.
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I don't miss shuffling things around in memory just to get games working...
Commander Keen, Captain Comic and Duke Nukem
Still remember seeing Wolfenstein and realising it could be even better than that.
LucasArts were always a favourite for birthdays.
Anyone remember Little Big Adventure?
shifty look my favourite when I was little was colossal caves (adventure) which booted from a 5 1/4 inch floppy. I still have an emulator installed for all my Infocom games although they came later.
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man, I was SCARED of those elephant doctors with their killer balls at the beginning of the game!
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I was the autoexec.bat and config.sys master! Mine were so finely tuned that I didn't need to mess with them much though... except with Ultima VII: The Black Gate which had the Voodoo memory manager, a.k.a. the worst thing ever invented. I needed a special boot floppy just to get that one to play as I recall.
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I'm gonna join this section as I'm also 45 and DOS....well it was the best of times and the worst of times xD I played Legacy, 7th Guest, Myst, Epic Pinball, Chip's Challenge, Doom I&2, Wolfenstein, Dark Forces, Duke Nukem. There were some games that needed boot disks and I remember there being 4-8 disks to install the game. Memory was limited and I played on a 386 with Windows for Workgroups 3.11 lol How times have changed...
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lol! Im afraid the first and only Zork I ever played was "Zork: Grand Inquisitor". Do you know a game called Dragon's Lore?
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ya, i never played on DOS. my cousin did, which i was always envious of.
i had Apple my entire childhood.
also owned an Apple IIe, in our household.
Carmen Sandiago, Oregon Trail, Dark Forces 2, Doom. i know there were loads more, i had a ton of floppy disc with games copied onto them cause my parents generally didnt like buying games for me themselves, so i had to go to my other cousins who also owned an Apple
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Aha, Zork for Apple II was the first computer game I bought with my own money, still remember the copy protection too. The prologue on the floppy disk data fields were changed from D5-AA-AD to D5-AA-BC, pretty lazy but I guess things were simpler then... :)
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I never played the M&M series, but I wasted a insane amount of time the Heroes of M&M! Specially the 2 amd 3! That old New Computer Entertaiment intro logo with the Sword and the Earth!
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That's a shame because the Might an Magic rpgs were really good, up there with Krondor. IMO best of all was probably for blood and honor but I think that was after DOS... in fact I think after worlds of Xeen.. or 3 maybe... weren't they all windows?
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Hard to choose between God of Thunder and Joust. Both amazing games. :)
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Never played God of Thunder, I googled it and reminds me a lot another game called Sauron, it was a freeware game that came with at spanish magazine I used to buy a lot and I think it was a spanish ripoff of God of Thunder, because both look almost the same!
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Haha, God of Thunder? Since it's freeware now all you need is Dosbox/D-Fend Reloaded. Joust seems to still be shareware/purchasable, so if you meant that one then finding that floppy would be best. :P
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Yeah God of Thunder. I like having old games in physical form even if they are available online for free somewhere. idk why just makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. :)
On a related note, don't look in my nerd closet it is quite embarrassing!
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Ha! I renember when some friend lend me a Disk with a LucasArt game and when they asked you for a code to verify the copy my heart just broken, and I had to wait to my friend to come the next day with the guide.
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We only ever came up with one guide, was my friends' dad's computer (had to wait another... 5-6 years for my own?) and he (friend's dad) did not want to share. We mostly amused ourselves by making music in BASIC or little games that told you to get lost in the best way that preteens can imagine.
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910 Comments - Last post 53 minutes ago by Kappaking
Im 27 and after reading some posts about favorite games and intros and seeing that most of the responses were about games that aren't even seven years old Im curious about the age demographics of this site.
So, seeing that most of the people is below my age, I wanted to know how many people here actually enjoyed the 90's computer games, specially those we had to run in MS-DOS with the "setup.bat" and "dir/p" and all the joy that came in that era!
I would say that its impossible to choose one fav, so you can say many as you want. The ones that I most love and renember are:
-"Alone in the Dark" (The original trilogy) This game sold me Survival Horror as my favorite game genre.
-"Crusader: No Regret" (and No remorse) Ninth crusade! Do I need to say more?
-"Bioforge" As I said, I love Survival Horrors/adventure games.
And obviously the full legacy of LucasArts, ID software and Sierra! (But mentioning that is obvious to all of us!)
For the younger ones, Any classic game that you discovered via GOG.com or Steam that became one of your favs o really impressed you?
Another thing, How many of you had in that time the famous SK8 pirate CD with lots of games inside?
Well, it seems that the SK8 CD wasn't that famous :P but I like the general consensus by all the generations of gamers that Doom is one of the best and timeless games ever. Also its nice to know that there is a good diverstiy of ages in this website :)
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