Use the pictures of flowers below to get you to the puzzle!!

Note hints dropped in thread to mandrill on this thread for help in ITH results...
You have until 9:30pm EST-USA November 7th Saturday!!

Congrats to those who have made it on the leaderboard!
1) Caractacus
2) Mandrill
3) m3rc
4) gooddegenerate
5) Imxn
6) chour
7) ahoym8
8) Nfreak
9) mercury529
10) Aldcoran

Note: Thus far all on leaderboard also solved Bonus Puzzle!

All time bragging rights goes to those who solve the Bonus Bonus Puzzle....
So far, that title belongs to Caractacus, Nfreak, ahoym8 mandrill!, mercury529, perrojilo and chour! Congrats!


THE Images below of flowers can be reverse searched to find their NAMEs as following:

Rubeckia, Chrysanthemum, Matthiola, and Nenesia

and the second image deduced as:
US 6 and 8 (the United States map) and flowerpot with 6 flowers and flowerpot with 8 flowers... this gives you:

RCMNUS68 when added to the Itstoohard link takes you to the ITH found here:

And the answers for the ITH are here: (note --on a mat a peeing-- should make a mental link to onomatopoeia)

The results of ITH give you a picture of an ORANGE, VINE, ORANGE, NECTARINE, and strawberries...
there was large X's on the first 3 then a small x on the nectarine and no x on strawberries indicating uppercases O V O, lowercase n and number instead of letter for strawberries (8) as there was no x on it.....

Result: OVOn8
This brought you to:

Between each ga was a picture that when deciphered brought you to the next ga

The pictures to decipher were easy until you get to the bonus puzzle-- initially you might think you are to answer several bird names for each bird sound that is different however, there is only the first letter capitalized showing we are really only wanting ONE bird that can make all the sounds... such as a parrot or lyrebird or mockingbird...

Here is the puzzle:
And solution:

The BONUS BONUS was solved by 7 people and I'm withholding the answer/solution to give others a chance to crack it!

Thanks for solving and try to crack the easy one for this week!

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8 years ago*

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Bump for Bonus Bonus completion.

8 years ago

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You will be invited to PBOAT group in Steam groups to cash in your Onomatopoetic Ticket!

8 years ago

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Thank you :).

8 years ago

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BUMP! For solution posted!

8 years ago

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hahaha thansk for posting the solutions! I really thought there was only one correct answer so I switch back and forth with phone and telephone lolol. And the last one is just too hard for me :) THanks for the GA jeff!

8 years ago

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Oh I didn't think to count the flowers in the pots. Will try your new puzzle to see if I can solve it.

8 years ago

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Finally solved bonus bonus!

8 years ago

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