Ok, I could understand all of the anti-hype around Windows 8 when it first came out, and I definitely don't think that people should shell out $100 to go from Win7 to 8. However, when you're buying a new PC and getting a new OS, why not go with Win8?

It's got a great implementation of a multi-monitor taskbar, a much better File Explorer, and a much better Task Manager (when you tell it to close something, it actually works). Benchmarks have shown that it's a bit faster in games than Win7, and it uses slightly fewer resources. Nothing to write home about, but that does matter on weaker computers.

Most of the complaints come from the scary new Start Menu and the obviously tablet oriented apps. A quick installation of Classic Shell gets rid of both of those horrible beasties, and allows you to add in custom links (which, if I'm not mistaken, you can't do in Windows 7).

In case you're not familiar with Windows 8, here's what my copy looks like atm: http://i.imgur.com/iz7eWg2.jpg

Can somebody shed some light on why one should ignore Windows 8 when they're getting a new PC?

1 decade ago*

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Because Windows 7 is all I need now. And no ExDec, I did not and will not try it my self.
Also I laughed hard when I read on RPS some Microsoft dude call Windows 8 "operating system built from the ground up with gaming as a core scenario". That's some funny stuff.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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I play a lot of games which break on Windows 8. Not going to attempt that ever again.

1 decade ago

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All my library plays better on W8 than W7

1 decade ago

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I personally like Win8. I don't even miss the start-button... The only thing for me is the wannabe-app-store. Nothing really useful to find there i.m.o.

1 decade ago

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I've tried to find Halo CE on the Windows Store since it's more or less owned by Microsoft but apparently they're not selling CE or Halo 2 on the Windows Store for PCs...:(

1 decade ago

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I think I'm an oddball. I am loving my Vista OS for 6-7 years now. I did not like the way Windows 8 OS looks to be...so I'll hold on my Vista OS longer...hopefully the OS after Windows 8 are the one I desire.

1 decade ago

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"a much better File Explorer" compared to what?
Compared to Win7 it had features removed. Compared to Vista that had features removed. Compared to XP more features removed.
Win8 File Explorer is a lot less functional than Windows Explorer from XP. but then again many 3rd party tools have helped with that.
No proper status bar, if you select more than 15 items you need to click to get info about how much space those items take. All of the ability to add features such as folder size view, etc have been removed because the handlers were removed for extending Explorer.

"better Task Manager" again, compared to what? http://img695.imageshack.us/img695/2969/lebar.png
Here is a nice article about how badly the Task Manager got ripped apart. http://xpwasmyidea.blogspot.in/2011/10/how-microsoft-broke-task-manager-in.html

1 decade ago

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that article was published on the beta. This isn't real anymore. . . Try looking up something like 2 years older. . something post win 8 launch.

1 decade ago

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You mean like this here from MSFT that shows some of Task Manager issues complained about on Windows 8.1 and RT?

1 decade ago

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I don't know what you did there. . . that is from Microsoft stating how to manage your apps, if you choose to use them. nothing about how it is an updated version of your point which used a link to an article released a full year before Windows 8 was even put out.

1 decade ago

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The screenshots and how MSFT describes using Task Manager show the very issues compared to the old Task Manager you said were invalid because the article was so old. I linked you current imagery from MSFT on Task Manager showing those same issue still exist even in Win 8.1

1 decade ago

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yes and I'm using windows 8. . . like now. I I can say all the things listed in that article that the guys says you can't do I can. . . sooo . I cant tell my Cpu usage every drive. . . stop programs tell what is using what. I've even been able to pinpoint process that have been fired off by other programs. change what starts up with a click of a button and more. . . windows 8 task manager is more functional and efficient then any one prior.

but people who don't use the OS or know how to use it will just say what ever. I uno I need to use the features I have my CPU up 1,8 GHz OCed so I love windows 8. If anything is going iffy I get a blip and and see what is going on.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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"check this"

So you had to click multiple times to get the added information that used to be displayed all on a single screen to allow one to quickly decide on a bad process. You just proved one of the article points about win8.x task manager.

Meanwhile you had to write childish immature statements while doing so.

1 decade ago

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It is easier to manage:



1 decade ago

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Did you even look at the screenshot that I linked to?

The Win8 task manager shows all of the processes, whether they're active or in the background, in the default tab, and properly labels each one (rather than only showing the .exe file name like prior iterations did), meaning that closing a program that's not responding takes 2 left clicks, rather than 1 right click, one left click, and one [Delete].

Additionally, it includes a more detailed performance tab, the boot list that used to be buried inside of msconfig, an auxiliary unrefined list of processes (in case you want to see what the .exe name for a certain program is), and a complete list of both active an inactive Services.

As far as the File Explorer goes, imo it's much easier to use, since all of the features that used to be in separate menus (which had to be opened using a dropdown menu) are now right in the open, for quick access.

1 decade ago

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Look through these three tabs, and give me a list of every useful feature that's been left out of them that was in Win7.

1 decade ago

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Select 20 files, without opening any other windows, clicks, etc, tell me the size of all the selected items (assuming you've not installed any addons this is impossible under the current file explorer (unless you have details or such open and do the math yourself.))

EDIT: left the word select off, kind of makes that hard to understand.

1 decade ago

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If you're referring to being able to select a set of files and see a bar at the bottom showing you the total size of the files you've selected, I'll give you that. The Win8 File Explorer doesn't let you do that wihout opening any new Windows, unless you do the math yourself, like you said.

However, the very same program which I recommended to use for the Start Menu also includes a mod for the File Explorer. So, there you go.

1 decade ago

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I don't even have Win8 and I hate it already. I had to service 2 of my friends notebooks that got user profiles corrupted at every automatic update. The bug is so well integrated that I actually had to write a little piece of software that repairs the damage every time update is applied.
Best thing though is what Microsoft recommends. The say you just should create a new profile and move user files. Because you lose your metro apps due to profile certificates failure, they say you should buy all apps once again! I wrote simple script that rectifies that, and I don't even have one MSDN certificate. What are all MS engies doing?
One more thing, and that's official MS statement. Win8 is not intended to be and should not be used as a business solution. Says something about it's quality.

1 decade ago

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"One more thing, and that's official MS statement. Win8 is not intended to be and should not be used as a business solution. Says something about it's quality."

Actually, it doesn't really. It just says something about the target audience: individuals. The quality could be better, worse, or the same. It just says don't target it to businesses like they did for previous versions, and do not recommend it for that group of users.

Also, I'm having trouble finding that statement, as I wanted to check on the exact wording before I responded to you, can you link me to the statement? I was able to find a bunch of M$ articles about how businesses can deploy, support, etc... Windows 8, however. I see a bunch of other peoples articles saying businesses should not upgrade to Windows 8 due to things like the learning curve, etc... etc... (and I tend to agree with that), but I can't find an official M$ statement on it.

1 decade ago

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Well, I can't exactly help you. I got this statement about 2 or 3 months ago on Knowledge Base in response to some user complaining that his company lost valuable data due to profile corruption. MS technician answered that Win8 is not supported as business solution, and he should migrate to "one of Microsoft products intended for business operation", and he linked to some document within microsoft.com domain listing those solution, I remember Win7, Office 365 and server and cloud services being listed. No Win8 nor Vista. No standalone Office versions either. I didn't save an url, because it was useless in terms of problem solving. However, I see that the statement is no longer valid, since MS started to advertise Win 8.1 as business platform. I wouldn't be surprised if all entries contradicting that were removed from KB, it wouldn't be a first time.
I would argue limited target does indicate quality. Good OS is too large deal to limit it to one customer target, as most of system inner components are identical in home machine and workstation. Differences really show only in servers and thin clients. Providing for different needs is something done in outer layer, so having one core system with versions profiled for different roles is sound and economical.
But maybe you're right and my needs are just too professional for home versions. One thing I'm sure, no matter if it's work or entertainment, I still don't like when environment is wasting my time, OS, RAD or game engines and drm alike.

1 decade ago

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Ah, I see. And yea, it probably has changed a bunch since it first came out, so business support may have changed. We don't know why they didn't offer business support originally though it could have just been lack of training for support techs or something equally silly (yet somewhat expected of microsoft). What I don't understand is what you mean by 'wasting my time' at the end. Windows 8.1 is, according to every benchmark I've seen, faster than Windows 7. And now it has a built-in option to disable loading the Metro UI and instead boots to Desktop. So it's functionally almost identical to Windows 7, except faster with a better file transfer dialogue, better file browser, better task manager and better multi-monitor support.

I really don't mean to come across as a Windows fanboy, because I do dislike Microsoft in general. But they make good operating systems from time to time, and I think that most of the hate on Win8 is unfounded (or was true in the past and no longer is).

1 decade ago

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If your a gamer then you will want Win8 or 8.1, Ubuntu is starting to get close to matching the performance though

1 decade ago

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I don't give a f**k about performance difference, W8's interface sucks.Worst Windows interface I've ever seen.I might use it if(when, actually) a "Win7 mod for Win8" comes out.

1 decade ago

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Eh. If you want a more in-depth mod than ClassicShell, StartIsBack, or Start8, either it's available on both OS's, or you're just being an idiot.

1 decade ago

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I only ever use windows classic. Screw giving windows any graphics processing power... I'd rather save those cycles for games..

1 decade ago

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Ok, I've given some serious answering, now a bit of a joke

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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can not fully utilize newer GPU's

designed for tablet devices

small list of games that work in comparison to Win7 (about the same library size as apple iOS which have been properly developed for win8)

it has a marketplace to make you buy things which used to come standard (e.g. you can buy minesweeper even though its featured for free)

most programs i use are not functional on win8

it essentially requires Microsoft services like Hotmail to run efficiently

apps... (the idea that you need an application instead of a program like a proper computer should use, not to mention the fact it keeps prompting users to install the app versions of everything and yes there is a difference)

its Microsoft's "badOS" (every second OS they make is good because it is essentially just the original with the features people want and not broken/full of viruses)

i could continue but is there really a point?

1 decade ago

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i feel i should point out that if an external program is needed to make something better by essentially doing a system rollback... that is very poor design

1 decade ago

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You know, I could argue with you, but I'm just going to ignore you if you're not willing to use a 3rd party program to allow you to use an otherwise better OS.

Also because most of your points aren't actually true.

1 decade ago

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Do you know how many 3rd party UI apps I have installed on my Win7 PC to make it work properly? Zero.

1 decade ago

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If you're that opposed to 3rd party programs, go ahead, stay away from Win8.
I'm not trying to get anyone to switch to Win8, anyway :L

1 decade ago

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the point is that YOU SHOULD NOT HAVE TO... not whether its possible to make it less shitty... That is a perfectly valid reason to hate win8 alone not to mention the fact it literally is a tablet OS for stationary computers which is an even bigger fact to hate it.

1 decade ago

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8.1 has an option to disable booting to the metro UI, and boot straight to desktop built in. So everything functions as it did in 7, except the start menu is different. All the important functions are there, you just access it by right clicking in the bottom left corner instead of left clicking. I know, completely unusable.

1 decade ago

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windows is shitty for a while then there's a good one. That's the way it goes. The number of shitty inbetween is always variable.

but, some not so shitty versions:

Windows 3.1

Windows 95

Windows 2000

Windows XP

Windows 7

almost every other one has sucked balls, apart from that windows NT version of v3

V1 and V2 of windows were POS (i dont mean point of sales either)

1 decade ago

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So that means you use Internet Explorer? eww

1 decade ago

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A browser is not a UI Mod to modify the way Windows operates, it's just a alternate program.

Installing a new browser is not modding your OS...

1 decade ago

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Well IE is built into every copy of Windows and thus is part of Windows. And chrome is technically a third party app. As is a virus scanner, malware scanner, .zip program, codecs, video player and/or audio player. Most of those things are already built into Windows, but nearly everyone I know uses a 3rd party version.

I was being a bit facetious and I don't really expect to be able to argue my point successfully, but it doesn't matter because you don't NEED a 3rd party app to skip the metro UI anymore, it's built into Windows. So if we use your standard of 3rd party app, I don't use any for Windows 8.1 and it functions nearly identically to Windows 7.

1 decade ago

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how exciting internet explorer 11 just released.. LOL.

1 decade ago

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We shouldn't have to use 3rd party apps to make our OS usable.

1 decade ago

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I feel i should point out in the source coding for win8 (yeah i checked, so sue me Microsoft) it is actually referenced throughout as "windows7_SP4"... but please tell me how I should get an OS that can handle 89% of my CPU's output (so it limits it by 11%), 94% of my GPU's output (so again, it limits by 6% since i don't have it overclocked, in which case its 9%)... it helps if you check things before you say them...

now lets go onto my "false" facts... I installed Win8 for a while on a spare 120GB hard drive i had laying around a while back and this is what i found:

a) when i OverClocked my GTX770 and i7-3660m quad core (3.4GHz originally, i had it overclocked to 4.4GHz) there was no change in performance when running video games, considering it was meant to increase my fps by about 15-30 that is a large difference (based on what i was getting from win7 compared to win8)... i then further dug around and it turns out it was idling my CPU and GPU at consistent percentages and no matter what i did i could not get that idle percentage to go away.

b) It is designed for tablet devices and everyone knows that... its not exactly hidden consumer knowledge (apps, touchscreen controls, basic overlook, removal of start bar, requirement to link to an account such as hotmail)...

c) I know 1 game optimised specifically for win8... skulls of the shogun, beyond that though i am aware there are a couple but i do not know their names... the rest however are optimised for windows 7, however they work on windows 8 (my point was they are NOT OPTIMISED for windows 8).

d) the marketplace, again not exactly hidden knowledge its like the marketplace for chrome...

e) how would you know what programs i use but here is an example. I have an animated background for a program "Dreamscape". The current 64-bit build does not work on windows8 as stated by many people in their forums. my sound driver does not work for nor is it opitmised for windows8. MADVR plugin for Hi10p video does not work (which means i would get pixelation and colour distortion on videos).

f) It encourages you at every step to link an account to it so you can cloud-share (similar in style to winrar's "purcahse after 40 days")

g) again, not hidden consumer knowledge that win8 uses apps

h) winvista, winME, win'97, win'99, win'01 are all bad and all follow the same pattern (every first OS is their test OS, therefore it tends to be bad. They did fix ME, 97 and 01 but the pattern is still there if you take it down to its base.)

besides the point you asked why I HATED IT... if you don't agree that's fine but at least research instead of trying to shoot down someone's opinion

1 decade ago

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win 97, 99, 01?

what are these?

1 decade ago

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Why I hate?
1) Touch screen is in tablets and smartphones not in PC/laptops. So, Metro is totaly unusefull using mouse.
2) This win could be warm accepted IF we have bridge connecting innovations in 8, with old fassion from 7. This bridge could be another OS, but it had to be showed after 7, but before 8. Now it's to late.
3) After update 8.1 we will have adverts. You have payed lots of cash for new OS, and what? You have ton of adverts! F#%K U M$.

1 decade ago

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I used it. Personally, it was pain to use at first install, because I need to tweak some settings and permissions to my likings (e.g. gaining full administrator access, removing that non-sensical Ribbon interface, disabling Charm etc.). After I went through all that, Win 8 sure is better, although I can't run some old programs but it does not really matter to me. I can understand why people hate it because they don't want to bother to "fix" their Windows to their liking.

Oh, I keep the Metro start menu because I liked it. It acts like second desktop to put my programs icons. It's fast and intuitive than old Start menu, where I have to click several times to go launch a program, in Win 8 I'll just press Win key, scroll/swipe and click. If the program is not listed then I'll just start typing the program name and Metro will show the item for me. Therefore I disagree if it's useless with keyboard/mouse.

1 decade ago

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People are afraid of what they don't understand. Just ask the gays.

1 decade ago

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i hate win 8

1 decade ago

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i hate win 8

1 decade ago

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I don't hate windows 8.

I hate ALL windows.

and MAC.

and Ubuntu.

Because windows is a clumsy buggy heavy expensive product close still close to a beta that's a paradise for security issues.
Because mac is ok, but is simply overpriced for its quality.
Because Ubuntu is heavy full of useless junk and is beginning to get too close to windows ( sharing my keywords with amazon ? RLY ? )

I love OpenBSD. But it's like 50 versions behind with firefox. Atually it's like 50 versions behind with everything.

Now give me a crunchbang. Aaaaah. Feel Better. That's some good stuff. Easy, simple, sleek... there is not a single word i could possibly say against it.

And Archlinux ? OMG. Pure perfection.

Games ? Ah, Yeah. Games. Ok, perfection doesn't exist.

1 decade ago

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it doesnt work for many titles. I assume it is even harder to get it to work with win 7/xp/98/95 drivers or compatibility settings. I don't need that headache.

1 decade ago

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Wrote that in an other comment, think that belongs to a full post too...

Tell me why you all hate Metro(ModernUI) so much? When you use the search within the start menu it is completely nonsense to hate against ModernUI because it works the same...and for the peoples which are used to use the desktop icons and/or the folder structure from the old menu will love the new menu...because it shows every program you pinned there on one view...

i can pin now...hm...how much can i pin on that screen? over 300 Icons...300! before i had only 10...and the desktop...but how do you get to the desktop? You need to minimize all Windows or press the button/hotkey for showing the desktop to find the icon you searched for...and then? you need to open all windows again...with modernUI i just click in the left corner or press the windows button and see, like, a second desktop...without minimizing all the open stuff...

At me it would be the browser, steam client, irc, folders, photoshop and some times more...and then bring it back all up again...thanks, but no thanks...

1 decade ago

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This thread is silly. It asks "why don't you like this product?" People state their personal opinions/experiences about what they dislike and a bunch of people proceed to inform them that their opinion is incorrect :P

Carry on.

1 decade ago

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There's a difference between forcing your beliefs onto someone and defending your point of view.


1 decade ago

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absolutely needed sensor display for this,close thread now :)

1 decade ago

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I fucking love it, best Windows OS yet

1 decade ago

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If I were to get a new PC (which I most likely will), which OS should I go for and which edition?

Windows 7 - Home Premium, Professional or Ultimate (prices are $108, $159 & $209 respectively) vs Windows 8 - Standard & Pro ($109 & $155 respectively). All prices are OEM prices, 64-bit (and before you ask why the prices are so expensive, I live in Australia).

1 decade ago

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I can't advise you on this forum what I would normally suggest :P

Get the cheapest. Pro + ultimate are for extra network crap I think. Ultimate's only benefit is 'windows xp virtual mode' - I'd prefer to use other virtual devices though when I want windows xp, or use an actual xp box or install..

If you want to do something like audio recording or something that requires utmost stability, Windows XP is still the shiznit. I have an SSD in my 2nd desktop, my recording box.. amazing how many updates there are for it though haha.

Even a format install of Win 7 the other week had about 150 windows updates and about 30 office ..

1 decade ago

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I don't think you can purchase standalone Windows 8. You can purchase Windows 8.1 though, and that's what I'd recommend.

1 decade ago

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I'd say hold off on 8.1 if you have a wireless computer right now. . . I just got an update that took me three hours to figure out the workaround. I'm Using a Dlink USB thingy though

1 decade ago

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i hated win8 at first, until i started using it its SHIT loads better than win7. in almost everything, install Start is back and its a better version of windows 7 ! never going back to win7 :D

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by SWKineo.