Mass Effect 2 and 3. Pre ordered both because I loved the first game. I had to force myself to beat the second game, and the third I just gave up after three hours. NZ$300 down the drain.
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I didn't like the gameplay changes at all. I even miss the Mako.
I'm not alone in my dislike of the later games BTW.
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Same here. Not because of the gameplay, but the story slight downgrade from a focalised plot (ME1), to a simpler main plot and more unconnected side stories (ME2).
ME3 seemed to be trying to get back to the focalised-plot part; but still didn't reach the epicness of ME1's campaign, and was FILLED with plotholes.
The single moment in Mass Effect where Shep destroys the elevator during the assault on the Citadel was just awesome, and just showed a lot of the character, doing something quite unexpected and brave. In ME2 and ME3, Shepard just seems too hollow. I just can't remember any epic moments in ME2 or ME3 other than during the end...
Just my opinion here, I love the whole trilogy.
By the way, anybody else thinks the Cidatel DLC is a remake of The Pinnacle Station DLC?
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I agree, the first game felt epic throughout, especially at the end. After that, 2 and 3 just fell short. I think Bioware just set up a much larger conflict in the first game than they could pull off and in my opinion that's where the game should have ended. I did not get the desperate "world gonna end" feel from the third game at all, instead it was just Shepard zipping around, dispatching Reapers with hand guns. The original ending almost made me cry during the space battle around the Citadel, while Shepard's death and resurrection in the second, and the ending with 3 choices in the third where simply cliche.
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Yeah, they just managed to pull out a magnificent feeling of being on the edge between extinction during the entire ME1 and the end of ME2.
Listening to Sovereign's powerful and arrogant voice for the first time is just one of these memorable gaming moments for me, really leaves one with a sense of gravity and continuous danger (which also help making the decisions feel much more important for the player). And the final battle of Mass Effect 2 brought back most of that inferiority feeling, which such unexpected boss.
ME3 felt more like just being a captain following Earth's orders than being one crucial part of the fate of the universe, and the lore behind the Reapers was just ridiculously blowed up... As ou said, BW just pull off a conflict in the first game way bigger than what they could handle for the first title.
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Is that new for you? Well that's new for me. First ME game was great, the second was..meh, tons of uninteresting side stories, main story line was waaaay way way too short and less interesting, same for the new crew. Still haven't made myself to play ME3.
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Loved all three of them. Bioware is BOSSLIKE GAMEMAKER!
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Same except i forced myself to finish first ME and i gave up on sequel after only few hours. I just didn't see any appeal going through 100 more linear corridors, occasionally hiding behind strategically placed knee-high walls
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I kinda agree, though the only one I've actually played was ME2, so not really disappointed that it was worse than the first, but more from how overhyped the series overall had been...
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Papers, Please. Bulletstorm. Terraria (on PS3). This one DS game one time. Its actually kinda hard to remember cause when you REALLY regret a game, you try to push it as far out of your mind as possible.
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In my case, it's Deadlight - was recommended to me by steam because I played (and loved) Mark of the Ninja. Everytime I played it, it lags like hell and my (laptop) fans went crazy - don't have this problem with other games, mind you. Tried tweaking, didn't help. Eventually it became unbearable and I had to uninstall halfway through.
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Same here, the damn thing had giant performance issues where it randomly froze up my entire PC and I had to restart it completely and such.
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I'm running a 660 Ti and Deadlight stutters on me too. I also dont get sound in any of the cutscenes unless I tab out and back in quickly, but I still lose the first sentence.
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I just can't bring myself to say I hate any of the games I bought :P I only buy games I look in to and find interesting
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That's what I try to do, even here on steamgifts I try not to enter a giveaway before at least checking out some gameplay and maybe a review of it. (Though reviews don't ever seem to match my own experiences of games.)
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:( Yea I am with you on that one sadly. Still a little upset with what happened to it.
At least we have the memory of the poor guy who was getting facehumped by a demon :P
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No its not one of those kinds of games. The quest line that involved the incident I mentioned was kind of evil though no matter what way you try to look at it.
If I remember correctly the demon doing that to him is doing that due to something you do, then later on you basically sacrifice him shortly after freeing him of the demon that humps his face. Though keep in mind the humping bit is more implied as you just see a small demon/imp creature jump onto the guy's face and hug him with its pelvis in his mouth area.
Its one of the more humorous moments the game has.. it mainly has a grim/gritty look to it. Just that quest line in particular is humorous in a sort of evil way.
Wish I could provide a screenshot but I have not played since the company that made it went belly up, and from what I understand to get it working is a bit of a pain in the butt :( That is if you want to patch it at least. Not sure if it would work unpatched.. or even if you would want to try to at any rate.
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Wow... That game pretty much defined "heartbreak." One day, the game was showing so much promise, and then it was just gone. Worst return on an investment for me, ever. $300, right down the drain....
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It does... but somehow it's not the same. Add to that all the cool collector's/event stuff that was lost in the lengthy transition away from the original IP holder to the new one and it just doesn't feel right playing it for some reason. I did give it a try though.
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DmC Devil May Cry: Vergil's Downfall (yes a DLC). The base game itself was like stabbing myself with a knife but that DLC was moving the knife to the heart (without pulling it out) and then twisting repeatedly until there's nothing left there. Well, at least it did a great job of convincing me the series is dead and never coming back.
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Bought the DLC because I wanted to see where the game goes from there on. Plus it was it's one chance of redeeming itself. It obviously failed miserably since I consider it my biggest mistake. I just can't believe they could have let the series fall this low. :/
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Bioshock Infinite, loved the game and gameplay itself, but you cant save where and when you want and this is a absolute bullshit. So after some hours of gameplay i gave up.
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Never had a checkpoint issue and am unsure how anyone could with such a great game...
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Bayonetta. It got huge rave reviews and I found it insanely boring.
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ugh, my only consolation with that game was I got it through trading on goozex so didn't have to spend real money on it and was able to get plenty of points giving it away again afterwards.
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huzzah, and here I thought I was the only one, haven't used the site in a couple years at this point but still, good to know that there are at least some people who know about it.
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problem for me wasn't the difficulty level, even though there wasn't much... it was the game was extremely boring, and the cheesecake was just annoying and insulting.
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difficulty and excitement are intimately connected for me.
I found it boring too AT FIRST, but once you essentially get out of the tutorial areas (the first few stages of the game are REALLY mashy in comparison to the rest of it), and the game starts bringing out the enemies that are really fun to fight and make you use all your ability (The Joys and those Claw guys, forget the name), then things got extremely fun for me.
As for the cheesecake...All I can say is get out of the boyscouts, son. Bayo ain't gonna give you cooties. I don't find her sexy in the least, but I don't have a problem with her either. In fact, I love how stylish she is.
Heck, I saw more girls then men initially lined up to play Bayonetta 2 at Comic Con. They didn't seem to have a problem with it, so I don't see why you should.
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yes Dark sols bullshit and Chivalary aswell then I bought War of the roses Great game :D
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Lucius ended up being a disappointment, lackluster implementation and not great camera/controls...
Krater and Sleeping Dogs, not because of the games themselves, but because I was stupid and didn't see that they were DX10 games and I haven't upgraded my desktop yet, I'm slow, I know...
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Soldner X2 and Sine Mora.
Worst shmups I have ever played. Absolute garbage level and gameplay design.
Marvel Vs Capcom 3. Terribly designed fighter, burned out on it after 5 monthes. Then went back to playing Marvel Vs Capcom 2 and Skullgirls when it came out.
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Ha. Still costs too much (those are two hours I won't get back).
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Worms Clan Wars? it's laggy as fuck for me...I think it's time to upgrade the old rig (kinda strange how I'm able to play open world stuffs smoothly but unable to do the same thing with Worms)
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Cubemen, Hotline Miami (i don't like it, except soundtrack), Skyward Collapse, DiRT 3 (especially after DiRT 2, piece of junk), Alpha Prime, Death Rally (nothing special)
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Amnesia: The Dark Descent because scary games -_-
Also Hammerfight looked interesting, but I never got used to the mechanics
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It would be Hitman Absolution as i was pretty close to preorder it, thank heavens i decided to wait for a bit and get it for 5$ on Amazon. Game turned out to be one of the biggest dissapointments in 2013 and an insult to Hitman series, so good thing i didn't bought it for full price as i would never forgive myself.
If anything, that experience just reaffirmed my beliefs how you should never ever preorder games
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So I know someone can't like every possible game they've gotten, which/what is your buyers remorse game(s)?
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