Do you have a girlfriend that is into video games?
I'd advise against Terraria. There are better games of that nature out there, and ones much better suited toward solo play. (Don't Starve is a good example, and has a co-op version as well.)
Unfortunately, gaming runs such a wide gamut, it's hard to tell what genres and subgenres and specifics she'll enjoy, and which she won't.
Clearly, this means she must obtain many games, of every single style!
Soon she as well shall embrace the backlog.. >:O
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Unfortunately, gaming runs such a wide gamut, it's hard to tell what genres and subgenres and specifics she'll enjoy, and which she won't.
Clearly, this means she must obtain many games, of every single style!
Soon she as well shall embrace the backlog.. >:O
Have to agree, sadly, with every point. :P
Br, the gf who went from 1 item in her library to ~300 in 3 months.
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I might be able to give you some firstclass advices since I'm a grill and don't like most of the scary games either :D
And so so so many more games that I haven't even touched yet but that I need to.
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Believe it or not but I only had once in my life white asparagus and I steamed it.
I never had green one.. And the funniest part about the story: I even sold asparagus & strawberrys for once season as a student job and gave customers recommendations and all without ever trying it (my boss at the time gave me some later to try it which was the only time I had it :3)
I really like wrapping peppers, tomatoes and other veggies with olive oil, spices and herbs in tinfoil and then on the grill. Or potatoes yumm
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White and green asparagus are very different from each other. I like white asparagus soft and creamy (steamed), but green I want nice and firm (fried/grilled). Both the texture and the taste are very different.
To add to your story, I used to make ice cream for a living. Would taste them all, even the ones that were very straightforward. But I never, not once, tasted rum raisin, even though that's probably the most delicate flavor I made at the time (needs to be balanced just right). Can't stand the stuff.
I also give out recipes and recipe ideas for foods that I wont' eat. For example, I gave advise on how to make lasagna using eggplant instead of pasta. I don't eat eggplant.
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The main reason was because of the animal suffering, now I'm convinced it's better for my health and the environment (+ still not supporting killing animals). That doesn't mean I didn't like the taste of it. Avoiding meat was never a problem and back then (I turned veg some 7.5 years ago) there wasn't many replacements. Well the future is here and there's amazing replacements, really. It depends on where you live, what you pay and what you've tried because there's good and bad ones.. I'm not regularly having them but sometimes I just find them very awesome :3
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I am totally against animals suffering. Not gonna get into the health aspect (it's a long discussion that cuts both ways) or the environmental impact (modern farming sucks). Hope you don't wear leather though.
That aside, awesome choice.
But I'm still of the "do or do not" school. When I see some of the fake chicken or fake chopped meat, it makes me cringe. I gave up caffeine years ago, and while I love the taste of coffee, I refuse to drink caffeine free. it's just not the real deal.
At least burgers have some redeeming quality, because there are plenty of veggie or bean burgers that don't try to taste like beef (never does), they just offer alternative fried patties.
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We've been playing Cook, Serve, Delicious! on co-op recently.
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Yeah on the PC version, not sure about mobile. One person basically takes the role of the chef and the other person is on the counter. You can switch on the fly to mix it up. There's a battle mode and stuff too.
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Dust an Elesyan Tale, Most Zelda games (because MM because timer), megaman X/battle network seem like pretty good options. Sonic and maybe something with co-op
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about the pool... you forgot to add an option saying "I am the girlfriend"
about games
Slime Rancher is great. Fun stuff
another innocent stuff is Portal.. you must love portals.
or you could play some Rocket League together.
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aww thats a shame. Me and my bf love RL so much xD Its one way I can pesk him
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It's mostly appreciated by diehard fans of the creator of the game.
That doesn't mean it's a bad game, by any means- it just means that's where all the hype for it is coming from, not because it's universally loved outside of that scope.
As you say, it's a bit different from the norm. :)
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It's really freakin' clever :)
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Try Ibb&Obb - We are still trying to beat this one(with my gf). Basically it's out 1st game together ;) Sometimes I need to do 2 tasks at once when she doesn't know what to do :D
Next one will be - Never Alone! As I realised there is co-op in this one :D
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I think she'll like Rayman Legends and Dust: An Elysian Tail. Lighthearted, easy to learn and tons of fun! I loved those two.
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I saw a few people adivising Never Alone and I agree. It can be played as a single player game or coop if the mood strikes. The story is very nice and I really enjoy it. There are some puzzles and sometimes you have to time your jump but I think it should be mostly ok even for a person new to gaming :)
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Brothers - A Tale of Two Sons
Never Alone I haven't tried it yet, though.
At least, that's some of the games my imaginary girlfriend likes.
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If you mean the old ones, then yes. The new ones that make up 99% of the genre since late 2009 are adventure-lites, often putting more focus on the story/narrative than the gameplay. One of the best-written thrillers I ever met – including novels, films, and games – was a hidden object game called Brink of Consciousness: Dorian Gray Syndrome. But for example the Grim Legends games, especially the first one, was practically made for women. :)
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I have no idea which ones I mean and I only ever watched playing one (Grim Legends, ironically).. My little sister played it and I lost interest pretty quickly. I do know at least 1 woman that enjoys those HOGs a lot though. The Dorian Gray game you mentioned looks creepy :( And since my backlog is huge, I try to focus on the pretty games if you know what I mean. HOGs just feel like always the same gameplay, the same puzzles and rushing a lot when developing those, at least when I look at the bigger publishers that release one game after another. The only game of that genre I want to play "soon" is The Last Dream but I can't even really explain why ^^
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Ironically, The Last Dream suffers from those gameplay ailments you mentioned (which are not exactly commonplace in HOGs… one of the things players measure their quality by is the variance in the puzzles and progression), but the plotting is very allegoric, albeit a little predictable towards the end. It is an interesting tale of chasing a ghost of a dead person through a trail of dreams and memories.
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It's probably destiny that wants me to keep away from the genre so it makes a game look promising to me although it is exactly what I think I don't like about it :D
By the way, it's more of a P&C but when I think about it, the Professor Layton franchise (non-Steam) might be considered a tiny little bit as a HOG and I freaking loved every single game on Nintendo DS. There was also movie sequences and stuff, I think HOGs on Steam are not that advanced but just saying theres similar genres that I really like (Point & Click, Puzzle, Storyrich etc)
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Not just a bit. Half of my Steam library is made of HOGs, and those just the ones I played in the past 1.5 years or so. I've been playing them almost since from the start: the first I ever ttok on was in very early 2006 (and funny enough, I started with one of the hardest HOG ever released, Hidden Expedition: Titanic).
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"just a bit" is one of those colloquial formats that indicates understatement. :)
In other words, I was saying "you seem to be <quite a lot> into HOGs". ^.^
Less than 5% of my library is HOGs-
Though it's close to 5%, at least! :)
Assuming your estimate of your own library is accurate, that means you have at least three times as many as I do =O
I've actually got all the ones off my wishlist, except for these: || || ||
Here's hoping they follow the usual pattern and get bundled reasonably quick. :')
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It is often considered a very female genre.
Well, then again, so are Visual Novels, so I can see a similar identification at play.
Feels more like a (casual game = female) thing, though..
But given that I know more females that profess to like the genre than males, perhaps it's reliable enough a consideration. :)
Certainly, I like em well enough- or rather, the "adventure-lites" you described ;)
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True, forgot about VNs. Probably because I never could get into them. I like a good narrative, but I still prefer my games as games. This is also why I can rarely play these new interactive movies TellTale and its copycats switched to, or these corridor-TPS "games" like Beyond Two Souls or Last of Us: I want to be actually doing something in the game, be in control, not just walk to the next cut-scene that may or may not have a QTE in it.
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In the end, all adventure games are about an illusion of choice. But you play them for the narrative (and usually, some element of puzzling, even if it's just figuring out dialogue responses), and that appeals to many.
In fact, I generally stay away from platformers, FPS, and RTS games, unless there's compelling narrative/background/unique elements/RPG-components to draw me in. :)
I think, regardless of what I play, I end up zoning out into a game, and games without narrative or immersion [but just grind grind shoot shoot run run] prevent that from happening.
(Ie, the games I enjoy are ones that make you feel like you're steadily being drawn forward, and that the environment around you matters for more than just ambiance or challenge.)
Flip side, more active-minded gamers no doubt thrive on the minutia of developing and testing their skills, of responding to stimuli in ideal form, of interacting with the terrain in a more deliberate way, and so forth.
It's just a completely different perspective on what you want out of gaming- immersion through active involvement or immersion.through letting the game sort of sweep you away.
I guess, in a sense, it's like comparing a 3D movie to a book- they're just different experiences, even though a person may enjoy either ..or both. :)
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Uhm, depends so much on the girlfriend! I am the 'girlfriend' part and the game that got me playing (ETA: on PC, NES ofc Mario!) was Doom. Nowadays I don't like FPS, RPG and especially fantasy RPG, arenas, survival, blood, gore, zombies, but I like to watch all of those. :) Yeah, I'm such high maintenance. :P Always begging a guy to play while I do... stuff.
Out of your list, I'd personally like to try Terraria, Stardew Valley and Ori. They are all on my library/wishlist.
Is your gf particularly interested in something outside of gaming? F.ex. I'm a semi-professional artist and I love artsy stuff. :) I'm also an economist and love management, trading, economy sims (especially city-builders). And I'm a huuuuge space/sci-fi enthusiast, so... 4X! Does she like reading? Would a gamebook (like Monster Loves You!) experience interest her?
Based on her liking Trine, out of the top of my head, I'd suggest Badland.
ETA: Never Alone, yeah. Got it from my bf. for Christmas, was a wishlisted game :)
wanders off to ponder and check her own library/wishlist
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Kind of different case but could help you anyway : my boyfriend was an only-FPS gamer.
To keep the first person aspect (the controls), i made him played both Portal, and coop with him on the 2nd one. Now he kinda like puzzle and i made him to stuff like Fez too. He also really liked The Room.
Coop, we also did Monaco, if you just want to finish the level it can be played casually.
For the story, we made Her Story and The Walking Dead, it easy to play together if you share your points of view (well, mostly for TWD).
If she like to see you play RPG, maybe she should try some, but beginning her own playthrough, not trying yours. Try Skyrim maybe ? We did Mass Effect together, I did most of the action and he did most of the discussion in the end, haha.
It's all I think right now, I will check my games later to remind me if you really need more idea. Stuuf i would like to try : Lovers in Dangerous Spacetime, Ibb & Obb, Never Alone.
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Typically female gamers are associated with narrative-driven RPGs, and are assumed to dislike Bethesda RPGs [as they're all about open world exploration and modding, with far less gameplay/story substance than other RPGs]. Obviously, as with all things, that varies individual to individual. :)
Either way, Skyrim is a pretty overwhelming game to just jump into, I can't imagine that'd be a good one to start with.
3D-era Zelda-esque games tend to be a common one to try and appeal to female gamers with, and many of my female friends and acquaintances love Bioware (Dragon Age, Mass Effect, KOTOR) games..
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I started to get into gaming with Oblivion... I think Bethesda will be forever in my heart, lol !
Oh yeah I do agree you can get lost easily, but less than the Witcher saga i believe. And you can custom your character, easier to get into the game for me.
Dragon Age on my whislist, did the first ME, liked it very much but I don't think we wiil do the 2nd one soon. I did few Zelda, but if we go to console gaming, I'm far more a Final Fantasy fan.
Funny to see that my best (male) friend is a fan of Zelda games and i can't get him to play Fallout nor Skyrim, varies from individual to individual as you said I guess
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Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes
it's a co-op game that doesn't play like a game
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she probably prefers to watch you play instead of playing because she's afraid of losing or being bad. that happens to me all the time.
you could try to get her into gaming with something simple like a telltale game, or minecraft (you can disable mobs and just build stuff). maybe you could also try firewatch, or la noire.
then you could move onto multiplayer games, a local coop game could be fun.
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Brawlhalla :'D
It's the Super Smash Bros fix I never thought I'd get on PC :')
The lack of special events/effects/etc are compensated by the 4v4 mode, for players who want less straightforward games, so that's a nice element to the game.
Just wish FFA was stock instead of timed, too many griefers abusing the timed system atm [eg, by farming afk players]... :(
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My girlfriend has recently stuck her feet into the pool of gaming so to speak, and is splashing around a bit. She started off by watching me play Witcher 3 and was really into that but when I offered to let her play for a bit (to walk around Novigrad and talk to people for example) she declined and said she liked to watch me play it more.
I did some research for local co-op games we could both play together and game across Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime, Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light, Trine 1 and 2 etc she very much enjoyed those
But now I would like suggestions for good offline singleplayer games for her to play on her own on her laptop. Games that have a good singleplayer experience, and ones that aren't hard or confusing for players new to video games. Also preferably ones that aren't dark/scary/bloody
So far I've come across as likely candidates
Stardew Valley
Slime Rancher
Rayman Legends
Oceanhorn Monster of Uncharted Seas
Ori and the Blind Forest Definitive Edition
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