My first worry is that key will already be used. Even thou its keys that shows on my humble bundle account as not revealed/redeemed yet.

Another thing is region restrictions. How can I tell if there is any? Would not like to tick "No" under Region Restricted and then some guy telling me its restricted.

Last thing, what is a better way of giving away keys from humble bundle? Key or gift?

Basically I'm gravely afraid of making honest mistakes and getting banned for it. So before doing so I would appreciate some feedback from people with more experience with giveaways.

Thanks in advance!

7 years ago

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When you make a Humble gift link a pop-up will show you which (if any) region restrictions there are.

7 years ago

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Gift link
I had few 'nice' winners, they tried to get second key cause first key 'was used' (ofc first key was ok) 🐤

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

7 years ago

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Gift link is nice so you can tell if it has been used. Unless Humble states a region restriction when you create a gift link (another good reason to do so), it probably isn't restricted. You can check SteamDB too.

7 years ago

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The best place to find out about region restrictions is the corresponding Bundle thread here on SG. There are some publishers like Deep Silver who tend to use region locks for many of their games while most Indie games are normally region free.

If you use a gift link for you giveaway or reveal the key yourself is just a question of personal preference. Revealing the key yourself and sending it over SteamGifts means less work for the winner while using a gift link apparently has benefits when it comes to scumbags trying to be smart and claiming the key key was dupe while actually activating it on a 2nd account / selling it. (although I never really understood how that is supposed to work)

7 years ago

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Thanks for all the answers folks! Seems that sending it as gift is exactly what I should do. It solves all my worries.

7 years ago

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If you check the "key" button on the "Create Giveaway" page, then input the HB gift link, that works just like sending a key; SteamGifts recognizes them just fine, and then all you have to do is click "send key" when the giveaway ends.

I think the "gift" option is just for sending a gift through Steam itself, or if you want to send it through email or something.

(Unless your question was about whether to click "redeem key" or "create gift link" on Humble Bundle's website, in which case I always create the gift link.)

7 years ago

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Oh! In that case thats exactly what I gonna do next time! This time I selected gift option and generated gift link on humble bundle.
Hope it gonna go well :D


7 years ago

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Everyone already gave you an answer so I'll just bump and say, don't worry we all get a little nervous when we first start!

7 years ago

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I am terribly off-topic saying this (or perhaps just barely on topic), but this place rocks and all you people are rock stars. I signed up for SG a year ago and got reminded via e-mail that I should get my ass in here from time to time (not in those words, in much nicer words in fact). I never really checked the place out. Now I did my first giveaway and looked at the forums for a bit and it almost brings tears to my eyes.

So many nice people, such a laid back and fun atmosphere, so much really solid information (like the master list of deals). And this thread is just one more example of that. I know this doesn't belong here. Excuse my rambling, I'll go see what other keys I could put in a GA now.

7 years ago

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Haha don't worry, sounds on topic to me! Since part of it was me, being afraid what sort of people are here really. Was worried for no reason. Completed that first giveaway and there was no problem with anything.
More so reading these discussions as you say there seems to be just lot of nice, friendly people.

Its great since till now I just used to make threads on steam forums titled "FREE KEY" in which first reply was always "Already taken but thanks!" Which made me believe people have some sort of bots for it. Alternative that someone just takes the key without saying anything is not really any better.
This site on other hand? So well done and thought trough.

I signed up 4 years ago after which I completely forgot it even exists. Till yesterday when I got that "come back" email as well. Its amazing that people are giving away even new releases.

7 years ago

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I have been using humble bundle for more than a year now, i haven't had any trouble. It's a good site. If you do have trouble, the support responds quickly.

7 years ago

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