the CV number on profiles doesn't mean much now, imo
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If I'm not mistaken, "Gifts Sent" value is absolute and itself is more or less useless when it comes to level, because it shows full value all games given, including bundle games. Bundle games are now 15% value instead of the cap from SGv1, and giving one game multiple times also affects it. In my opinion, it's too complicated compared to the old CV system.
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If you gained 100 cv in a group of 3 users, aka: "let's swap our games and let's boost our cv EHUEHUEHU SUCH EVIL PLAN"
You'll have -100 cv on SGv2.
That's what you messed up in your calculation
Edit: bundle value is changed too
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You cannot take Gift Sent value as the number to do your calculations, because it's just the plain value for all gifts sent.
If you take into account the bundle 15% rule and the 5+ copies reduction, you'll get numbers that makes sense with levels.
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So you liked the old system where bundle giveaways were limited to $30.00 instead of this new system where bundle games slowly increase your "status"?
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you mean 30 % ? because i am pretty sure there is people that gave thousands of $ with bundle game here.
What i don't like is that before we could choose the CV we wanted (so, a LOT of possibilities since we could even choose with 2 decimal) now its just level 0 to 10... and as you can see its pretty vague as how it work. I think the CV was easier to estimate wich kind of people you wanted in your giveaway. And that 15 % from bundle game somehow is a bit overkill in my opinion
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You could not get thousands of $ with only bundle games back then (but you can now). In old system bundled value was limited to 20% of non-bundled value. And, first 25$ of bundled value was considered non-bundle.
So, for example, if you giveaway a bundled games worth 1000$ you will get:
25+(25*0.2)=30$ on old site. All above this value - goes to nowhere.
1000*0.15=150$ on new site.
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It must be a bug, with a 5$ game (maybe is a bundle game too ?) you must skyrocket to AT LEAST level 8
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Such an interesting and useless comment. I have kind of the second worst level possible, so the second that should lvl up faster. And giving 33 games worth 5 € just for for reaching level 2, i feel like in the most poorly made grind game ever. Wich will result in giving my games somewhere else.
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Your game was in bundle. So, it's not worth 5$. More like "five games for 1$". So, why should it give you much CV? To reach level 2 you need to give away non-bundled games for a total of 25$. And yes, 25$ is a full price, if you buy them with 90% discount (not rare on sales) - it's only 2,5$. Not much, yeah?
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Because it is not because someone had the great idea to put a game in a bundle one day, that every people bought it that way afterwhile. (though i do, since the game i give are games i don't think ill play to the end)
But still, that don't change the fact that if i give game for free, why would i bother putting it on a site if i somehow get more rewarded on other ?
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Well, you may want to give it back to the community that likes gifting.
The sites name includes the word gift. The levels and rewards are just a bonus. If you want to make profit with your games is it your thing, but gifts are a non-profit-thingy for me.
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You gave a bundled game, which gives you 15% of it's price as CV, so $0.75.
How much did you expect you CV would improve with that?
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My CV was fine, i loved seeing the money rising, and the possibility to enter new giveaway too, now we can only choose 10 level, wich pretty suck. my level isn't :p still, i f i have to buy and give 30+ games to attain lvl 2 to enter new giveaway, i simply won't bother,
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You just need to give a single copy of Valve Complete Pack. One giveaway will have you skyrocket to level 4. ;)
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Lol cg made a topic explaining all this level stuff 4 hours prior you
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well, he's refering to that thread and the numbers he observed and the explanations given don't match. (because he's using the wrong numbers)
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The problem with your calculations is they are based on the wrong numbers.
The contribution level is based on CV calculation which takes into account the number of entries in a giveaway, number of copies given and whether a game was bundled. Your are using the Gift sent value, which is the total price of all games sent, regardless of how much they're valued in the CV calculation.
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Does it matter what the cut off points are? If everybody gets the same 'treatment' and can level up the same, the system if fair.
Each next level is harder to reach, Multiple game GA's (more that 5) will impact the total 'points' you get per game. Bundle GA's will get you less 'points' than the old system. Non public GA's with a small entry's will get no 'points'.
With these rules you can see that GA's with >5 entry's and GA's with <5 game copy's and games given after they were debuted in a bundle will have negative influence in the Level vs CV scale. These rules dictate that there is no 'Level = CV' connection.
But again, does it matter what the cut off points are? If everybody gets the same 'treatment' and can level up the same, the system if fair.
Just do not stop being awesome scull ! - - - (Geen persoonlijke aanval, meer mijn perceptie ;))
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I think he was worried that someone could make a giveaway and end up going down a level. But the discrepancy he's observing is probably because the one on level 7 made mostly non-bundle giveaways while the one on level 6 did mostly bundle giveaways, or a lot of copies of the same game.
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Can't tell if serious or not, but I'll bite.
The gifts sent value is the sum of all your sent gifts. It counts all gifts fully.
Levels are calculated after taking into account the rules here. This means that the value levels represent is not the above if you have gifted bundle games.
What you are comparing is the value of all sent gifts (the full one) with level, which are not related...
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i like the new bundle rules(no more free $30 before it counts, and now they at least give something past the mark so both groups are happy) and i like the inclusion of some steamgifts+ features...i kinda hate the new aesthetic personally, and I dislike the loss of control we had with the ability to set actual amounts for our gates rather than this level thing(since the gaps are so massive higher up) and levels could certainly do with being less opaque.
don't like the removal of bundle mark and replies section(but thats temporary)
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Woah, you used my profile as one of the random ones! Should I be happy?
I'm not going to say anything about your incorrect methodology, since it's been covered above already :P
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Lets play a game and assume that you used the correct numbers and it is "rigged".
Before we go on, lets define what "rigged" is. I googled the term and the most relevant entry says " [to] manage or conduct (something) fraudulently so as to produce a result or situation that is advantageous to a particular person."
I'd be fine using this definition, even if I'd make a student find a real source.
So rigging would mean that the system is intentionally skewed to benefit a specific person or persons.
To what end would it be rigged? And who are these shadowy conspirators? What is their interest in giving away games?
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I find it funny how whenever most people don't understand something, they will almost instantly see it as a conspiracy. :P
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