What is the deciding factor on a game's Steam page for you? (I know it's usually a combination of these, but what would come first?)
I started filtering once. Then I realized I was wasting my time and switched to only viewing GAs for wishlisted games. I do still mark stuff "not interested" on Steam, just so I don't check it twice.
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Whoa, must be fussier than I thought. Still new-ish here and I've already filtered over 5200 games :O
For me, it's rating first to judge if a game is generally good. Then tags so I know what kind of game it is, and then the screenshots to judge the actual gameplay myself, I guess.
But I use the filter for any game I wouldn't play, even if the ratings are good, so I feel like I'm gonna have a lot... -_-
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Good, 16250 filtered here :D
deciding factor? Price and first interest when i check it, reviews, rating, desc rlly dont care
So real deciding factor is true gameplay (yt) and price. Steam screens/videos are like "artwork" says nothing about game most of time. I hate when game get artwork "screen" instead of real screens
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I couldn't agree more, it's really frustrating when all the screenshots seem to be photoshoped concept arts and when you look at gameplay videos it looks so much different. Or when all trailers are cinematic trailers, that don't really show any of the actual game.
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I had 8910 filtered in your last thread and now I have 10,929 :)
The first thing I do when I get to a game's store page is look at the game's tags to see what type of game it is. This is as far as I need to go to filter out most games, but I usually click through the trailer for a few seconds to verify it is the type of game I wouldn't play. These are the tags I look for to rule out games.
If the tags are something I may be interested in, I view the rating and then skip through the trailer to see what the gameplay is like. If it looks like something I might play, I read the short description and then go to the reviews and get a general idea of the quality. I mainly only focus on the negative reviews to see why people didn't like it.
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+1 for pretty much everything you wrote; the only thing I disagree with is hiding "bullet hell" games, if only because there are plenty of people who mistake regular shmups for bullet hell.
Have you ever had a bad impression of a game based on its Steam page, but later realized the game is good?
No; in fact, I've had quite the opposite situation happen to me multiple times. I'd think a game would be good (mostly positive reviews, a genre I like, etc.), then I'd buy it and play it only to realize that the game wasn't really that well made. That's how I learned to focus on negative reviews when making a purchase decision.
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Often now even without getting to the steam page, if I see a game that only takes 1P to enter, I give a second look to the giveaway image, and if there isn't something that immediately pulls me in, I filter it out. I'd be curious as to whether there are any genuinely good $1 (undiscounted) games. Not "If you can ignore X it is great" or "If you like Y type of games, you might like this" or "It's an ok way to waste time", but something genuinely good that's worth $1 or less.
Once I get to the steam page, most important for me is the rating and a certain kind of tag that I just skip (VR, Tower Defense, Visual Novel, etc).
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I am sure there are, Blood and Bacon has an overwhelmingly positive rating, just like Murder Miners, Dark Snow, Pongo and Swarmlake. and there are numerous others, and they all cost 1 dollar. Depends on what you like of course! It's true that the bad vastly outnumbers the good though, and sometimes I do the same thing you do, by judging a game by its cover if it only takes 1P to enter.
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I use key words/categories primarily, and also screen shots and reviews.
2,704 games have been added to your filter list...that's pretty good. Most of those are FPS, war, MMORPG, bullet-hell, shoot-em-up, and racing games. I almost always filter out games if the title contains "wars", "zombie", "Battle", "Defence", or "kill" because it is likely an action or shooter game that isn't my thing.I'm more into HOG, P&C, and simulator games.
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Always the Video first. I want to see gameplay above all else. Some video does not show any. Makes me think the game must be really really bad. If I like that I see on the video I read a few reviews. Screenshots are last if I'm still on the fence.
Edit.... yes. there have been games I marked as hidden. Then after seeing comments on this site about it. I took a second look. I take second looks lots. Sometimes.... I have even taken it off my hidden list and added it to my wishlist.
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I always check the video, then look for a review or some actual gameplay on Youtube.
After that I read the negative reviews on Steam to determine issues others might be having with the game.
To answer your question, Septic Savages actually turned out to be much better than I thought it would be. I got about 5 hours of enjoyable gaming out of it.
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I look at the trailer first. If there is no gameplay footage in it, which happens far too often, I look for videos on Youtube. If I'm still interested I read some reviews.
I'm kind of impressed that, as of right now, 79% of you can judge a game just by looking at still images and going by other peoples opinion on the game (rating/reviews/description).
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I'm at over 12k right now. Usually a quick glance at screenshots is enough, but if I'm still unsure, I check the score, read some reviews and maybe watch a quick gameplay video on YouTube. Usually, however, it's clear as day that the game is trash and that I have zero interest in it.
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Usually I check the reviews because the Steam community is very helpfun in my opinion, and after that the description to see if it really suits my taste. :)
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Trash games can usually be filtered by the game icon alone (like the one shown in giveaway), but I usually take a look at screenshots on the Steam store just to make sure. This combination should weed out almost every garbage games.
(By the way, one of the games which I initially thought was trash is Stephen's Sausage Roll, due to the crappy game icon. Once I visit the Steam store page, it's clear that it's a quality game.)
Then I will look at the rating - games with negative reviews will get an instant filter from me, since it means the game is so terrible that many people who bought the game on Steam give the game a thumb down.
I think I did ignore some game which I later remove from ignore list, but couldn't remember which.
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Well, last time I did this, there were a few interesting responses, so let's do it again, since I've reached a new milestone: 7k games filtered.
It's a good enough reason for some GAs at least...
I already did a poll about how many games you had filtered last time, so this time, I want to do something different.
When looking at the Steam page of a game, I have never heard before, I usually look at the screenshots and then read the top few reviews to get the general gist of the game, which is usually enough to decide whether it's something I want play or not. Sometimes I have to look at the trailer or look up gameplay, but most of the time, the images and reviews are enough.
How is it with you?
Have you ever had a bad impression of a game based on its Steam page, but later realized the game is good?
...and finally some invite only GAs:
Level 0
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Level 5
...and some public GAs:
Hyperdrive Massacre
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