Seriously what is the point of the summer sale if near everything that was in it goes on sale in the following weeks? It's getting to the point where they dont even matter, the awesomeness of the summer/winter sales is gone because its the same as all the sales following it. It used to be an event, if you missed it you sucked. Now, who cares.

Next time I dont think ill be spending so much on the summer or winter sales, because they are no longer the only times of the year you can get games at rock-bottom, now you can get rock bottom whenever. And no achievements was a further letdown.

So, steam manages to travel further down lame lane


12 years ago*

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I would never complain about this. It's great for they who missed it and people spare more money.

12 years ago

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I know what you are trying to say but it makes sense for them to have a larger collection of games on sale and call it a "Summer/Winter sale" rather than span the same sales across the whole year. It gives those people who arent on every day/week/month to pick up games on sale at a given point in time. A good analogy would be retail Xmas sales. The same items are on sale throughout the year but everyone knows that a larger catalog of items will be on sale during this period. Of course, there are always some exclusive sales that arent available outside the bigger sales (i.e. SR3 pack, Quakecon pack).

12 years ago

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Protip: The summer/winter sales aren't events because you get the same sale every day of the year

12 years ago

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Yes but you dont have to wait until that game goes on sale 1 out of 365 days in the year. The big "events" allow people to buy games that they might otherwise miss out on throughout the year. I agree that the prices are not that different to a regular sale but its more of a convenience thing for most casual people. e.g. I didnt buy anything big (only Trine 2 and Race07) in this sale because I know same/similar prices will be available later down the track and I can pay for them when Im ready to play the game (rather than paying upfront and having it sit in my library).

12 years ago

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Wait what ? summer seal is on sale again, nothing tastier than BBQ summer seal.

12 years ago

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Just because you've got the games on daily deal, doesn't mean others don't.

Repeat sales aren't bad, and it happens. All. The. Time.

12 years ago

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been a while since I saw dumbass on internet.

12 years ago

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I agree with the TC.

12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by Bonder22.