What are you complaining about again? More deals?
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So wait if an item goes on sale once, and then again on sale 2 weeks later, somehow we have less sales?
Oh please, do explain further.
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You see, if they don't put the SAME SALES, they would put NEW SALES! What that means is more games go on sale. What that means for you, consumer, is more games for less money... now is that too much for your stupidy-dumb head? im really trying to make this simple for joo
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Sorry I am not 5, insults like stupidy-dumb head don't do anything to me...lol.
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... Do you seriously think steam has FULL control of every single game?
Why do you think games weren't put on sale DURING the summer sale? Because they couldn't.
Why do you think they can put those games on sale now?
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I think you need to take some business courses, especially ones that focus on marketing.
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Hey, you. Yes, you, the idiot who won't read what we're saying and just keeps saying the same nonsense. "You see if they don't put the SAME SALES, they would put" NO SALES. What this means is we have a period in which no games are on sale. What this means for you, consumer, is exactly the same number of games for more money.
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They always reused deals....they did this for years, Valzi is correct.
I have been on Steam for 8 years...I think I remember this clearly enough.
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why do you assume that the repeat sales are otherwise replacing other sales. Like you said previously it used to be that there was one big sale then no others. Now there are others, why do you assume that taking these new sales away would still result in sales for other items? If anything past experience show that if you take them away then you'll have nothing to replace them.
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steam always has daily deals and midweek / weekend deals.
either way, it means the summer / winter sales have lost a lot of their significance and oomph. Remember all the backlash and angst before this one started because it was late? you can watch videos on youtube and lots of other places in pop culture that reference it, with hundreds of thousands of hits, saying "Where is the steam seal??" and such.
Next time, you probebly won't see anything like that, because, no one will really care. The sale has lost a lot of its power, since you know you can still get the same prices later on, for so many of the games. It used to be so much more fun, to know you got a great deal that wouldnt be available again for a long time. Now, who cares?
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You clearly have no clue what you're talking about. They've been doing midweek/weekend sales for years and everyone still flips the fuck out over Summer/Winter sales.
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Protip: The summer/winter sales aren't special because you can get the same sale on the same game the next week and every week after. If they are going to put every game on sale every week, they shouldn't bother with the "events" because that same event goes on every day. Congratulations, you are a moron that completely missed the point.
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They put pretty much everything on sale so its only normal for the sales now to mimic some of the summer/winter sales, this has not changed in years.
More sales does not = Bad.
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So you want Steam to somehow control what publishers do? If publishers wanted to have a game on sale on steam they would, so basically canceling out all these rerun sales would mean no sales or sales very very rarely.
You sir have no clue how anything works ;-).
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Which would leave no sales...because publishers are the ones that control that really, you tell them all the games they decide to put on sale are no longer valid and they are gonna give the middle finger to Steam.
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Because you don't know how Steam/publishers work, seems more of an issue with yourself.
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Thanks but why the discrimination against English majors and people aged 15 if you don't mind me asking?
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High school(Which is two words btw) must have not taught you much then...because you are acting pretty juvenile yourself, all we did was point out how the Steam marketplace actually works and why the games that are on sale are on sale once again. Its been like this for years, makes his whole topic invalid and rather dumb really.
Basically its up to the publishers, his topic would have made a lot more sense if he said something like "Publishers, stop putting the same games on sale for Steam." Understand?
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darling, if you're going to correct my grammar you should perfect your own, first.
thanks for pointing the juvenile thing out for me, too. i had no idea.
it has? that's news to me. op wasn't just expressing his opinion or anything, and no one has ever been wrong about anything ever, either.
i still can't believe you genuinely believe publishers decide what games go on sale when on steam...
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Darling it wasn't that he was wrong its that he didn't listen to reason and name called/acted like a tool. My grammar is adequate, not great, but I do know to capitalize sentences and not stick words together...no wonder you hate English majors...
Publishers do decide that actually. Thats pretty well known, thats why some games stay up in price even during sales, ever notice how games like CoD never get the greatest sales? Greedy publishers, they set the sale price and time of sales, they arrange this with Steam.
Done arguing with you, this is just silly
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if i was writing something of actual importance, i would care about my grammar. i'm not, so i don't. what i said was perfectly legible, though your nitpicking tells me i rustled your jimmies.
they negotiate with valve. do you seriously believe they have valve over a barrel and dictate everything it does in regards to prices and sales? you do realise that valve also gets a cut of the money made from sales, and probably also make a killing every time CoD gets a shitty reduction, right?
you're right, it is silly.
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no, wrong, there is a giant pool of publishers that vie to be the daily deals. What you say makes no sense. Only valve makes the final decision, with the chosen pub, on what goes on sale. And youre missing a lot with of what the op is about. you just wanted to flame like a bitch, you DON'T have access to Valve's internal policies, you're not there, so stop acting like you are. Use common sense. and learn to read betttarr
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Common sense dictates that if a Publisher didn't get to control the price of a game they would be furious and just not sell on Steam.
Use common sense yourself.
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actually, seeing as digital sales make up the majority of game sales in recent years common sense would suggest the opposite.
steam is one of the largest digital platforms to sell games from, so they have quite a lot of bargaining chips to negotiate with. i'm not saying publishers have no power, either, of course they do. just not as much as you somehow believe... publishers would be shooting themselves in the foot if they decided to stop business with steam.
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he just wants to resell at full price games that he bought in summer sales on 75%
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Honestly that would not surprise me one bit, I am not gonna just accuse him of that though without any proof....
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no, i dont have enough to throw around to invest in viddy game trades. I do have like, 4 I bought with plans to trade. But i never expect to get any more than sale value (for instance i dont expect to get any more than a 5 dollar game for my fallout NV which was 5 dollars). so, you assumed, and now you look like an ass, as the sayin goes.
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it wasnt on sale it was given away for free.
when it did sg got spammed with it
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Apparently he also thinks the Steam summer sale is called the summerseal...he is a very confused person I think.
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This guy is already a known retard, don't get trolled
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If Steam had no sales then they'd get less business and money. They put a popular game on sale for a week, profit. They put nothing on sale and every other site will always be cheaper. They would then go out of business.
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I bought Magicka and whoop-de-doo it's on sale again.
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I do, obviously thats why i made this post. The value of the games is almost nil already. These sale tactics only make it worse. It will lead to less sales during the big events, because next time, everyone knows if you miss it the first time around, there will be a flash sale. And if you miss the flash sale, there will be.. another flash sale. and if you miss that, it will be a daily / midweek / wknd deal in less than a month.
So, what they've done is they've effectively watered down their largest sale event, and it was better how it was the last 2 years.
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Pretty much everything goes on sale during the summer/winter events. It seems you are not happy about this, meaning there are two solutions to your problem:
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100 Call of Duty sequels, no sales, Santa elves are greedy.
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Now get your head around the fact that the publishers set the prices/deals rather than Valve and stop being such a dick about it.
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are you really so naive to think that any publisher can force valve to put their game on a daily sale over all the other ones that are vying for the same thing? wow. pls take some business courses. nvm, this is just common sense. take 5 minutes or however long you need to figure it out. Valve determines what goes on sale on valve's program from a pool of potential who want to put their game on the featured sale. The daily , midweek, and wknd deals
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Are you fucking stupid? What in the hell is in your head?
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The publishers choose the dates for sales, not Valve.
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They still don't choose what goes on sale, just when it does. EVEN THEN the publishers more often than not choose the date.
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You seriously don't have a clue. Your entire argument seems to be based on some strange idea that if the main sales (summer/winter) feature less games on sale you'll see different games on sale at other times. No you bloody won't! You'll simply see all the games that you would have seen over summer/winter on daily/weekly deals instead because these are the games that the publishers want to go on sale.
Unfortunately, you seem to be of the mindset that you're correct and everyone else is too stupid to comprehend your marketing genius. It'd be funny if it wasn't so pathetic.
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he said it sort of devalues the summer sales when the same games come on sale again so soon afterwards. if you had a tradition or something special you only did once a year (e.g. summer or christmas), it wouldn't be quite as special any more if it just reiterated throughout the year.
could be wrong, but him agreeing to other people's suggestions seemed like he was simply counter-trolling. i don't necessarily even agree with him... but i seriously don't get why everyone is being so snotty for.
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Originally, but he seemed to go off on a bit of a tangent after the op, making claims about seeing different games on sale etc. Quote:
"Actually, its LESS deals. because these are the same deals, instead of NEW deals."
"New" deals, which I'm guessing means deals for games that haven't been on sale before don't simply get magicked from thin air by Valve, it's a publisher decision and normally occurs DURING the summer/winter sales... which are the very sales he's complaining about for having too many games on sale!
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i don't know if you're purposely misconstruing that or if you're just having trouble...
either way, that wouldn't be a tangent at all. it follows along with his problem with the same games from the SUMMER sale specifically being on sale again very soon after, rather than games that weren't just on the summer sale. not technically new, just different ones.
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But... argh! Pretty much EVERYTHING goes on sale during the summer/winter sales. The stuff that doesn't go on sale doesn't go on sale because the publishers don't want it to go on sale! There essentially isn't anything that could go on sale immediately after the summer sale that's "new" or "different".
I would imagine that these games are put on sale again afterwards because this = more copies bought, otherwise nobody would bother. Presumably Valve and the publishers have the data to back this up.
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i'm not sure how big steam's catalogue is but i'm certain it's far, far larger than the couple of hundred titles that go on sale, most of which are niche/indie games people generally aren't interested in anyway. sure, publishers might not want specific games to go on sale for whatever reason, but again... steam catalogue is huge.
presumptions =/= fact
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Next time there's a big sale on, head to the 'Store' page, click the 'Specials' tab and check the number at the bottom which'll say something to the extent of "1- 10 of 1xxx"
There's way more than a couple of hundred games going on sale.
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Taken from Wikipedia so take with a pinch of salt but: "As of August 2012, there are over 1500 games available through Steam".
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you do realise that "over 1500 games" could be anything, right?
and i check steamsales religiously throughout summer and winter, i'm fairly certain it wasn't thousands of games on sale as you claimed earlier. it's pretty much my word against yours at this point, so pretty useless arguing about how many games go on sale.
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Of course it could be anything, but if it was over 2000 it would likely say "over 2000 games" instead, wouldn't it seeing as it's not a secret how many games are on Steam.
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Because dolphins. But seriously, that was unintentional - it's getting late here and this topic's gone on way too long. Now let's hug and go our separate ways. Failing that I'll settle for a middle finger.
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I was going to comment but then I realised how unnecessary that would be.
Oh and this... http://www.bittenandbound.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/10/Pamela-Anderson-Save-The-Seals-T-Shirt-Ad.jpg
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Oh god, 2 things I hate in one photo, her and Peta.
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TL:DR version:
Stuff that was on sale went on sale again. OP realizes stuff goes on sale beyond winter and summer.
In other news: The car you bought brand-new today will be cheaper tomorrow.
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In other news: The cookie you bought from shop last week for $1 that said "Sale of the week" is now on $1 sale again and I am so disappointed :(
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I like how you have the sales figures to back this claim up. Oh wait... you don't.
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i loled.
OP is so mad he only won 1 time.
i loled again.
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Want to show your e-peen again? Who gives a fuck anyways.
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435 Comments - Last post 3 hours ago by aquatorrent
Seriously what is the point of the summer sale if near everything that was in it goes on sale in the following weeks? It's getting to the point where they dont even matter, the awesomeness of the summer/winter sales is gone because its the same as all the sales following it. It used to be an event, if you missed it you sucked. Now, who cares.
Next time I dont think ill be spending so much on the summer or winter sales, because they are no longer the only times of the year you can get games at rock-bottom, now you can get rock bottom whenever. And no achievements was a further letdown.
So, steam manages to travel further down lame lane
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