=͟͟͞͞( っ'Θ')╮ =͟͟͞͞🎂
Happy Birthday♪(Soon)
How about watching a live feed of Rocket's launch, which starts in exactly three minutes for a change?🛸🙄🚀 🌛
Artemis I Launch to the Moon (Official NASA Broadcast) - YouTube
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Thanks, i feel a bit mixed about those things, in ways we should explore and learn about the universe, there is still a dark unexplored side of the moon, yet it's also like a billion every time we shoot something in the skies.
I missed the purpose of it's mission, what is it going to be, what are they planning to do?
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Engineers Troubleshooting Engine Conditioning Issue – Artemis
oops... The launch seems to have been delayed.🤔
I missed the purpose of it's mission, what is it going to be, what are they planning to do?
Frankly speaking, there is a fear that the technology accumulated during the "Apollo Project" may have failed to be passed on, and there is a sense that these technologies are being re-researched and rediscovered.
This time, we are going to confirm that we can go to the moon, stay there, and come back.
If things go well, it is said that the name of the project is to be used for peaceful use of space by mining in various places on the moon in a few years.
Artemis Accords - Wikipedia
China has been doing a lot of things on the far side of the moon in recent years, so that may be part of it.
Chinese Lunar Exploration Program - Wikipedia
I suppose there is also the problem among humans that if we only take the results of a single country's survey as true, we may be monopolizing it without knowing it.
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I knew there were stuff in metroids to mine but that it was quite expensive still? (i mean shooting billions of dollars of rockets in space just to get material that's not worth the same).
What useful materials are there on the moon?
How long is the launch delayed?
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NASA on Twitter: "The countdown clock is on a hold at T-40 minutes. The hydrogen team of the @NASA_SLS rocket is discussing plans with the #Artemis I launch director. Operational commentary continues at " / Twitter
Is it the value of the Moon's resources?
The cost of unleashing resources into space from Earth's gravity is high.
The cost of unleashing resources into space from lunar gravity is low.
The ability to immediately take them out into space seems attractive to mankind.
To put it like a neighborhood thing, pizza will be delivered by motorcycle instead of having to be delivered by plane.🍕😋
Even if the same thing is needed, it would be preferable to get it cheaper and from nearby. (If it is high quality and tasty)
Eventually they will try to exploit the asteroid belt for resources.
If transport meteorites in the form of meteorites toward the earth, they are likely to fall to the earth, aren't they?
If humans stop killing their own kind, may be talking about dropping them on the moon, processing them, and using them to develop the moon and neighboring space colonies.
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NASA on Twitter: "The launch of #Artemis I is no longer happening today as teams work through an issue with an engine bleed. Teams will continue to gather data, and we will keep you posted on the timing of the next launch attempt. / Twitter
NASA is right to be cautious rather than making a huge mistake.😊
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True, they could do unmanned landings (like Mars) for a lot less.
Purpose wise, the amount of data they could get with a Rover on the moon would surpass the 70's landing.
They (or Space X) need to start building small space drones to cut down on cost and pollution while retrieving samples.
Also with how territorial some countries have become lately, it could be marking your territory mindset.
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so today for me its already the 1st and i need to go to work, therefore i wish you a happy birthday Lugum.
stay healthy and warm over winter.
anyway, i personally think they should use the money to do something on this planet first.
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Thanks and same to you, and that's a wish for many here that it's not gonna be a cold winter. People's energy prices are raised by 600 a month.. Many are not being able to afford it, some even have to move out of their houses.
The problem is that a very small portion has the most money, the bill gates, the jeff bezos, etc etc and some do charity work but they still got billions left (and given tax reductions etc) and some billionaires don't even do anything. If that money would have been more equally divided then a majority of the world could have it decent..
Not to mention all the countries with debts they never gonna pay off, i strongly believe that this financial system we have is not working anymore, maybe go to some sort of star trek system, but i am afraid the greed is factor and just takes over in the long run..
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Congratulations will have to wait - we don't do that in advance here. But I wish you all the best concerning your mental health. Undergoing treatment is hard enough, coping without it is even harder. The shortage of doctors and shrinks unfortunately is a thing here too.
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Thank you, yeah but i would be even "lucky" with 7 months, in cities like amsterdam people are waiting 2-3 years, even those that suffer from depression.
Also waiting on a liver doctor (the notice went to my previous deceased doctor) without me knowing and they had to resend it so i also just have to wait another 8 months (so 16 total).
It's corona they can't catch up with, also a lot of people (nurses too) quit because of the pressure and being underpaid.
But even far far worse for people that would need life saving surgery and still have to wait.
Be it mentally or physically, it's playing with lifes.
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Absolutely. It's 100% the same here. As someone suffering from depression, I have had my share of waiting for treatment and having to deal with stressed, overworked, burnt-out people. If I may give you a little advice: yes, try to also find ways of coping for yourself, but also stay on the waiting lists and get professional treatment as soon as possible and don't blame it on the individual person you're dealing with. They aren't the problem, the system is.
And if you ever feel the need to talk to someone, feel free to hit me up.
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Did you find the right treatment?
I just don't know how to cope though, i tried CBD oil (i would try weed, but i don't want to smoke, so i sought edibles but they aren't so easy to come by even in our weed country..) but it didn't do much, but also a real hassle having to put drops under your tongue, but your tongue just doesn't want to cooperate if you focus too much on it. :p
I got internet medicine but that's costing me money (unlike from a doctor it gets covered) and offcourse you never know what's really in it.
No i have reasons to blame the shrink, i had one in corona time that always called me on the phone (i can't handle going to their offices physically) so that was fine with me, then he quit, so i got 2 other ones, that wanted to visit me at home, with a lot of struggle i let them , the shrink has to see you, it's a rule here and he met me but the case manager had to cancel (so his fault).
And it went good for a few weeks until the case manager demanded to see me, made an appointment without even consulting me! And i mailed him saying sorry but you can't do it like that and i am not ready, that's when they decided to just cut me off and stop all contact..
I also blame my house doctor at first she made it like well i want to see you first and then i will think about giving you maybe some medicine, but now apparently she is like you just have to wait the 7 months. I don't think that's really the system at work but people there.
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I am not saying every single person in that field is a good one. But most are at least trying and are struggling with the system as well. And that system is suffering from underpayment, understaffing, overworking and greedy management, or in short: privatization and capitalism.
Unfortunately mental health isn't a hard science and there is no "oh, you got this illness, then this treatment will definitely help". If anything works better than placebos and the side effects are manageable, it will get used and it takes some time and trial & error to find the treatment combination that works best for the individual case. In most cases, it is a combination of some sort of medicine and some sort of psychotherapy.
And unfortunately the waiting time due to the shortage of doctors and shrinks comes on top of that, so your best chance to get immediate treatment is a complete mental breakdown and an acute psychiatric hospital if it gets too bad to handle.
A house doctor is neither a psychiatrist/neurologist nor a psychotherapist. They usually can only prescribe a limited selection of "lighter" medicine. The rest is up to psychiatrist/neurologists (for medical screening and prescriptions) and psychotherapists (for conversational therapy and behavioral therapy), and those are the ones with the waiting times.
I wish I could tell you that it's easy, but it's not. It's still the best decision to get on the waiting lists (multiple if possible) and try to hold on in the meanwhile. And yes: you can still try to bother your house doctor for at least some sort of first treatment for the meantime. And if it gets too bad, there's the acute psychiatric hospitals.
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Well with the first shrink i did work with over 6 months, i have received a lot of medicine to try yeah, and none worked. He also liked to mention it's good for autism etc thinking i might have had that (note he never seen me in real life, only by phone so scary to make such diagnose) and people close around me agree with me not having autism, it's more anxiety/ocd.
I know a house doctor can't give stronger better suited medicine but they can describe benzo's, and they did for me for 2 years, but because the shrinks said no more medicine for him, they listen to that for some reason.
But then she shouldn't have said well maybe if you come for an appointment i might prescribe you some. I would have and still am totally fine with benzo's for 7 months.
How it works here there is only one place here, and thus 1 waiting list and if you can't manage to work things out with them, you really are going to be out of luck because you will get no alternatives.
A hospital would be too drastic for me, and with my anxiety also not an option, the anxiety is just on certain things, and where many youngsters suffered depression during corona, i might have grown to feel safer in my bubble, home is where i feel safe, it's the "outside world" where i have to do things that are beyond my comfort zone (f.e i am delaying getting my blood tests done), but if you been in your comfort zone too long it's so much easier to stay there.
It's not like my struggles are hard (i don't even need sympathy), it's not like it's impacting my life that drastically, it's just some discomforts (and stress) the thing is i always had phobias come and go through my whole life, just the one phobia i have now i wonder and struggle how to get rid of that. I can have someone tell me a 100 times it's just in your head, i know it myself, but it just doesn't want to connect.
But this thread should be about something to celebrate so enough about it. :)
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I unfortunately can't comment too much on the anxiety part since I don't have personal experience with that, or at least not to that degree. Form my experience: it doesn't matter too much, who prescribes your drugs, but you have to find the right person as therapist. There has to be a certain level of sympathy and trust for it to really work. All I can say is: don't give up.
And yes: celebrate your bday. And if it's just for having survived another year in this world of chaos ^^
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And yeah well that's another anxiety on a whole new level, next year and the upcoming ones, energy prices going through the roof (200 to 600-900 in a month) meaning a few month salaries for people and just lots more chaos, no room to build something up.
But worrying about it does not change the outcome either, carpe diem. :)
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Happy (early) birthday! Sorry to hear about your mental health, hope you're gonna be able to sort it out soon. Quite the struggle that no one should go through, I know the feeling too well from when I was younger (going in and out of the hospital every 1-2 weeks).
Personally not interested in anything but I'll be looking out of the Return to Monkey Island giveaway. Oh and here's my contribution to the moody music.
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I would describe it as anxiety as I always lived with the fear of getting sick (I'd describe it like a flu but less symptoms). I wasen't really able to enjoy a lot of stuff in life, from doing the most basic stuff like eating ice cream up to the mandatory ones like going to school. In the end I got surgery related to my tonsillitis and it's been fine since then, except some allergies but those are no biggie.
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Medicine started to not do it's job after a while, quite the only option at the time.
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Happy birthday, wish u the best & hope everything gets better 🤗
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Happy birthday, Lugum! I do hope things work out for you. Even if I dont know you, I always see you post music on this site, and you have become a familiar face and name everytime I enter. Even if things do look rough, keep on going! You make this place a bit better! :)
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So yeah that time of the year again, and no i am not digging it at all.
Also just a bad time, they already cut me off my meds cold turkey for 3 months, then had to wait 6 more weeks because everyone was on holiday and heard today that i should just wait "patiently" 7 more months till its my turn with the shrink. I don't know how you can wait patiently with (severe) anxiety, i just told them they could stuff the whole shrink thing, i will find ways myself then to cope with it.
Also didn't get a second job interview (but secretly hoping it wouldn't get through anyway because of reasons).
"The sun is the same in a relative way but you're older
Shorter of breath and one day closer to death."
Anyyyway you just come here for the gifts, so:
I was going to gift return of monkey island when it came out, but it kinda came way earlier then expected and there is no financial room atm so sorry, maybe next month, and maybe not (times are getting harsher financially these days), we will see.
I did get it myself though, and very anxiously waiting for it's release date, and hoping the gameplay would just be as good.
I will thank anyone that congratulates me in advance or wait on thursday, as i am way too lazy to reply to everyone personally as always. :p So no offense.
And offcourse no topic without from me without some mood giv..music....
One more for the road.
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