Google seems to believe that the first is Wacky Races, and the second is Way of the Samurai.
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^Pick this person for Dota 2 if I got it right, I already have it.
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Not Bully? I don't know if you could change your clothes and face in Bully.
Edit: Saw the other person found it, I'm dumb.
Double edit: I do have Dota 2, I just wanted to see if I could figure it out with Google.
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No problem, I like trying to find stuff like that with Google. I wish it were possible when I remember random details of books and try to search for them... that never ends so well.
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Sorry, late reply.
I think I typed "playstation racing game purple rocket" into Google (I just did again, that was it). Several results down is the Wikipedia page for Wacky Races, with the first line of the preview being "The antagonists of the series, in a purple, rocket-powered car," which looked promising.
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Beat Down: Fists of Vengeance makes the most sense from my PS2 collection.
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Don't own, don't want. No interest in it. You just go find Beat Down and have fun. Maybe check out Urban Reign while you are at it.
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I'd help you with getting it if you were in New Zealand, since I don't think I've touched my disc in over 5 years now. But somehow I doubt you will be that lucky. :P
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I like to have original games, but since PlayStation 1-2 are not selling anymore, I'm downloading it... I had some collection of PS1 and PS2 games, but I lost them. And now I remember a lot of games I loved and used to play. Better than nowaday games. :D Always something different.
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Aw. I prefer my original games. Plus, since getting my new PC, I can't attach my PS2 hard drive to a PC to install games. :(
Sucks for my imports if nothing else.
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If you have an original model PS2, you can get a network adapter which can have a IDE hard drive attached to it. By itself, it is useless unless you are using the official drive and software (which never came to my country), but almost any other drive (Western Digital drives are out though because of spacing of the plugs on the drive) along with some home brew installed to a memory card allows you to install and run games off the hard drive. Less loading times and no region lock, so I use it for import games from Japan and the US.
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OMG now i just HAVE to give you a copy...there is no way i have to carry this burden on my own
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And I will decline it.
Assuming you mean giving me Dota 2. If you intend to give TC the Beat Down game, great.
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thats so stupid...why is there even an option to decline games :( and yes, i meant dota =D
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I couldn't tell you, I never really played much, it never really interested me unfortunately.
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I have the original copy, but I want Subsistence for the addition content and improved gameplay mechanics.
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I was thinking more for the controllable camera and the original games
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Original games? It contains Metal Gear and Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake or something? Do you prefer more original or platinum edition? Or do you have Greatest hits in your country? No way for me to find PS1 games huh? Just few PS2 what im looking.
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As a PAL region, New Zealand gets Platinum releases. So, you are another PAL gamer?
And correct, those are the titles I want. Never did get the originals since they were on the MSX.
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Yes, PAL. Greatest Hits editions (some of them) has some updates too. But I don't know how about platinums... I liked original more, cos of the full disc image. But I didn't care, it was still original for me. Wish I was able to get original PS1 and PS2 games. There are just few of them. I dont want used copies. they are always damaged or something. scratches.
And when I have a PC original game. it just doesnt feel the same... Console original game feels more rare to me.
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I do hate getting damaged discs, but since I buy in game stores, I can test the game and return if the install can't reach 100%.
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Why SONY don't wanna create PS1 and PS2 games anymore? I'm sure people will buying it. Or at least PS1 games, since PS3 can run PS1 games.
Games should be always available. Like movies. PSN doesnt have all PS1 games.
I feel bad for not having any original PS1 and PS2 game or SNES. Since Im gamer since 1990's and started with games from 1980's. My older brothers "borrowed" everything. I never get back -.-
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I don't know. But if anyone could help me,I remember a PS2 racing game where the people would drive using this suits and it was like they were skating,but they could transform into a bike. It was one of the best games Ive ever played but I can't for the life of me remember the name
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The PS1 is a measly small collection after having a number of titles stolen, would be under 20 games now.
The PS2 has about 340 games...
The PSP is trying to catch up with about 150, and the PS3 is 6 games, but no system.
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Easy one, I loved Rollcage and Rollcage Stage II. Never did find the release copies though, just demos.
As for the stolen games, lent to a 'friend' who just stopped responding to any messages when I started asking about my games. Jerk.
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Yeah, its this! Thank you! Dont know how you can remember all these names :D Do you like dino crisis ? the first one is better. Thats why i never lent, borrow a games to anyone. they always damage the disc with scrathes or something :/ But when i had a borrowed game, i cared about it like about my own.
Great memories with PS1 and PS2... I dont know why they cant make these games anymore. greedy bastards.
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I own the second Dino Crisis on PC, but never tired the original, the 3rd on XBox or the Gun Survivor game on PS2.
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Gun Survivor Dino Crisis? Never heard. Dino Crisis 3 sucked. Dino Crisis 1 is survival horror, different play style from the second one, you have a few ammo in this etc... But I love both of them. CAPCOM used to be awesome. Now they are greedy too.
(Looks like its for japan only?)
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Gun Survivor is a Resident Evil spin off series which used a light gun but also allowed you to walk around levels when you aren't shooting. One of the four GS games was a Dino Crisis game instead.
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I have Resident Evil: Survivor. I prefer more the others. Like RE1-3. NTSC versions has Dual Shock support for these. PAL doesnt. Parasite Eve II was disgusting game, more than resident for me (the horror thing,all that mutants etc..). Parasite Eve 1 is just for NTSC.
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The first game is for PlayStation 1.
It was a cartoon racing game and there was a racer with a purple car which looked like a rocket. And he had a dog also.
The second game is for PlayStation 2.
It was a fighting game. You was walking through the city and you was also able to change your clothes and shape / form / profile of your face.
Thanks for any help. I know it's not much, but I will give you Dota 2 if you tell me what games are these.
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