I would like to know something about the politics and the political activism in Egypt and if you can tell me, about Tunisia, Libya, Syria and all about the Arab Spring.
I'm doing an investigation about the topic and you can help with this, thank you.
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It's better to ask questions and expect answers, nobody has the energy to sum this up in one reply. And expect biased replies even when someone tries to make himself look objective and rational. OP is on the anti-MB pro Sissi side (inb4 an argument). Also leave your prejudices and bad intentions for personal gain at the front of the door and enter, we have a bad memory of foreigners taking an interest to us
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No need to be such a Grumpy Gus. It's a massively complex subject. If you are serious about "doing an investigation" into such a convoluted issue, a PC gaming forum would strike me as one the less likely places you might select to begin your research...
Nevertheless, here's a 2 minute primer to get you started.
Beyond that, Google is your friend. Happy studies :)
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I didn't insult you and I didn't intend to make you feel bad. You are free to ask me anything and I told you to ask but you didn't ask anything (offensive? I hear this word too often in religion debates. Are we holding one right now ?!). It's just hard to trust people on the internet and I was trying to tell you to be objective. Unless you like drawn-out arguments and massive walls of text that never changed anyone's opinion. If you want a place to start your investigation I'd advice you to learn first about the arabian regimes that the Arab Spring tried to revolt against.
Here is a basic summary as an apology: After being colonized by European powers for approximately 100 years (starting in the 19th century), and after they managed to reclaim their independence in the middle of the 20th century (starting with the end of the 2nd World War), the newly born Arab countries were faced with the emergence of Israel. After they failed to stop its establishment in the war of 1948, the Arabian people started to accuse their governments of corruption, inefficiency, leniency and loyalty to foreign powers (which to be true they were, because the former European colonizers made sure that if they were ever to be evicted from their colonies they'd have at least a somewhat friendly leader to them in charge of it) and dissatisfaction arose. The first king to be dethroned was the Egyptian one by the "Free Officers Movement" in 1952. They were military men who accused their king of causing their defeat in front of Israel in 1948, and they transformed the Egyptian monarchy into the current Egyptian Republic.
It is due to them that even now the military plays a big role in the Egyptian politics, that he owns a big share of the country's wealth and assets, and that that one cannot be president of Egypt if the military doesn't approve of him.(unlike Tunisia for example where the military is more neutral and never held power). Also ironically, the FOM started as a cell within the Muslim Brotherhood but then the military persecuted the MB on several occasions and they still clash out to this day.
Anyway, the overthrowing of the Egyptian king started a reaction chain in most of the Arab countries, where military men always tried to take power through coup d'etats. Arabs in their majority from the 50s to the 80s followed the pan-arabism ideology mixed with socialism and heavy personality cult, led by their "champion" Gamal Abdel Nasser against the "colonial powers" (the USSR being an expansive entity itself who didn't really have a problem with Israel and recognized it went unnoticed, but hey it was inadmissible to jump immediately into bed with the US who openly supported Israel, even if it will happen eventually...). The presence of Israel played a role in uniting Arabs around some concepts, but was also used as a propaganda tool by some leaders to legitimise their rule (see current Bashar Al-Assad) and whenever a setback happened against Israel a new wave of coups and instability emerged (google "arab coups", count for yourself and realize that all of it would not have happened if Israel never existed. Oh and Saddam and Assad existed because of these coups ...). Each leader sought to lead under his own banner and his conditions (Military life provided limited education, a big ego and no room for opposition) and "infighting" did happen (The Egyptian campaign in Yemen, Black September, the Lebanese civil war.. check this trope http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/WeAreStrugglingTogether .). It was no wonder then that the state boundaries left by Sykes Picot remained and that "true Arabian unity" didn't emerge, but at least Arabs did share the same idea roughly and there was some existent political life and activity...
Until the first Gulf War happened (1991). After an Arab country (Iraq) successfully annexed another (Kuwait), and after other Arab countries (KSA and others) helped the US invade Iraq (another Arab country), a mental shock happened in the minds of all Arabs. They realized that despite all the talk about Pan-arabism and unity, they were more divided than ever, and so the normal people became extremely apolitical and refused to participate in politics anymore because of their disappointment. Arab rulers shifted their allegiance to the US after its demonstration of power in Iraq (the USSR fell at the same year) so that they can continue to rule with corruption and dictatorship as long as they satisfied the US (N.B: and Israel, who never had a war with the corrupt arab leaders from after 1991 but had many concessions gifted to them in the peace treaties and yet still says "but we are surrounded by hostiles !!". Also Israel is the democracy that felt threatened when its neighbors started demanding democracy. Yep. This is a whole other topic but it's related closely...).
And this is how the Arab world came to be ruled for 20 years (Arab spring started in 2011, but technically it's still gestating and dictatorship still exists...) by dictatorships : popular disenchantment with politics and/or political ignorance, egocentristic rulers that own and control all important companies and assets, massive economic inequality that requires people to obey in order to live, a police/military state to keep dissidents at bay, mediatic propaganda to keep the ignorance going, economic aid from the USA straight to the ruler's Swiss bank account... You get the point, but now you know its roots I hope.
Despite how much bad things I say about them, these dictatorships were successful in creating sectors of the population that relied too much on them economically or that supported them because they feared the alternative (Islamism if they are poor and middle class people who lived too much in western-style consumerism, losing their important positions if they were corrupt officials in the regime...) and this why you still find old men from the old regime in places like even Tunisia. And there is the whole sectarian and tribal loyalty thing that rulers resorted to in Libya, Syria, Yemen... which made revolutions in these places armed and caused all these problems for everyone...
@AtomicWoodchuck: Google isn't really your friend here, he'll find mostly foreign news about the events but not the local news, and they can be prejudiced sometimes. I would've personally advised him to learn Arabic and follow arabic social media and he would have the best view like I have now, but yeah that might be a bit hard....I'm pretty sure Mossad and the CIA are doing it though x)
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I'm guessing that even though you replied to me, you were responding primarily to Gazaraki, as I'm not sure my post made any mention of insults or offence...?
Anyway, I disagree about Google. Google IS your friend here IMO, or at the very least, a useful acquaintance. There are a variety of opinions and presentation of "facts", from all manner of folks, and Google is a good way of allowing you to find what you are after. There are articles and forum posts originating from on all sides of the argument, and it's not hard to find material from many different perspectives and "sides".
Learning Arabic is not essential for getting a handle on things. If you use Google Chrome, the 'translate' feature will translate Arabic, English, or practically any other language into your own, albeit in slightly stilted form. It's not ideal, but it's usually more than sufficient to pick up the gist of what is being said. I browse Arabian papers on http://www.al-bab.com/arab/newspapers.htm from time to time, and Google usually does an acceptable job of translating into English. The same goes for any other page, so in the year 2015, users are certainly not restricted to languages in which they are fluent.
Obviously you don't simply go to the Fox News site, and take it as the definitive story, any more than you'd go to the Apple website expecting a balanced and fair review of their products. There are a whole variety of forums which feature debate on the topic, from all sides. Many news sites have translations into English (assuming that is the poster's native language, and he/she seems to fairly proficient in it...).
The information is out there if you have a mind to look for it, and an interest in the subject. As long as you are aware of the biases of your source, and weigh up the veracity against sources with opposing agendas, you stand a good chance of gaining a better understanding of the situation.
Again, a gaming forum would seem a very poor place to undertake this sort of research...
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There is a start/ending spot in Cairo in Afrikan Tähti
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Egypt is a historic country but not the most safest of places to go on vacation especially now. In the last 25 years for about 200 tourists from all over the world it was their last vacation as they were murdered by Islamic terrorists.
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Personally, except for a few good ones out there, I find most of them to be annoying cunts that are really lazy. ( I've just had really bad experience with them )
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its a place i want to visit one day, one of my wan-to-go-to holiday locations (:x
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Sand is always the first thing I think of. Constellation alignments with the pyramids. The Nile too. Beautiful women with stinky armpits.
I heard you aren't supposed to offer a specific hand for a handshake because.....no toilet paper....?
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I think the hand thing is a Muslim thing, I could be wrong. I think it's that you have to use your left hand for toilet paper and then everything else use your right. Once again I am probably wrong and have made this up somehow and fully believe it.
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Annoying lazy buggers ... At least the ones at work here :(
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so aside from the giveaway,what is your reaction or thought when someone mentions it :)
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