who cares? its just a poor mans version of what big publishers do, which is pay review sites for exposure and positive reviews... nothing new, this is just advertising, and i dont really see anything that wrong about it because its nothing special or rare any more...
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True, blatant fake reviews aren't really anything special for indie devs. Nor is the devs attempt to censor people complaining about the reviews. Nor is the censorship triggering the Streisand effect.
When I think of video game marketing, AAA publishers can pull some pretty scummy moves, but those moves at least make sense. The probably work.
But when I think of indie devs who pull scummy moves, they are often really stupid moves. Either ones that make no sense, or ones that have failed so many times that they have their own names. Eg, the Streisand effect
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Bit surprised this was already on sale. Thought they were going for an extensive alpha/beta phase.
Ah well... added my negative review.
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My bad, should have said: being sold.
It's late so I have more problems to can into English. :p
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1 of 60 people (2%) found this review helpful
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Nope, but it gives a +1 for my E-unit. And seeing all those E-mails about enlarging one's E-unit I think I did well.
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They actually released the keys, just in a piss poor manner that meant that anyone and not just group members could get them so they ran out of the initial batch.
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I've seen a thread in their Discussion page on Steam pointing out about those reviews before they delete those reviews. Then another one a while ago pointing out that they've been deleting threads. Now there's no threads.
Reviews that were deleted:
Only 1 of those account had 1 product in the account, the others didn't have anything.
Edit 2:
Store Page
That guy named Tom posted a link of his ban without any reasoning on those reviews.
Edit 3: More caps~
Edit 4: SLAUGHTERING GROUNDS - New 'Worst Game Of 2014' Contender by Jim Sterling
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Now the dev is bitching about it.
Plus all the posts in the forums are that of the dev.
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I see he's trying to defend it saying it was a one person game. Why should any of us care how many people were involved in development ?
If a game is not worth the price it's being sold for, it's not worth the price it's being sold for. It doesn't matter if it's a 1 man team, or a 1,000 man team that made it.
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Well they responded with a dev comment on my review. Fishy thing was that they copy pasted the comment on my review to another negative review.
In a way I feel like responding to which bugs are in, but then again I ask myself... why even bother it will end up being deflected.
Their intentions are quite clear with both of their products, just a cash grab with minimal effort. Still can't say they are the worst... at least they gave a key for up voting them. awkward laugh
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And that's exactly why Valve should change their ToS as far as greenlight is concerned. We all know they don't plan on keeping it for too long, but at least have the decency of fixing the mess.
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Saw a thread on the forums for the game mentioning this get deleted too.
GG, scumbag dev. I can't wait for the Jim Sterling/Totalbiscuit coverage of this.
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Claims he had death threats... I swear, anyone seems to receive them these days...
Anywho... stay classy!
Best is just to report the dubious behaviour, or if you want to criticize: do it in a civil manner.
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OMG death threats? This is unacceptable and never happens on the internet!
Does he have a Patreon I can donate to?
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Well, any kind of death threat IS actually unacceptable, whether it happens or not on the Internet.
Doesn't change the fact that the guy is a major douche.
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..and yep, also got banned with a blank reasoing and also got kicked out of the group
just genius
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People need to realize "indie" isn't a wholistic commune. They're the same asswits as EA or Activision, recycling decades-old ideas with crappy "retro" graphics to make a quick buck and will do anything to make their shitty products sell. There's a percentage of devs that are devoted to making games and that percentage applies to indie or major alike.
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I agree with you on that one and all honestly we shouldnt be more forgiving from that regards with devs, indie or not
Its almost ridiculous what somne devs permit themselves to do and by that, I mean things that no devs with a sane mind should ever do
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Indie is a genre. Not even a gameplay genre, just a publishing one. It only means: no big publisher behind my game. Even though I love older styled games: platformers, puzzle games, point and click games, hidden object games, pixelgraphics, pixalated grapics ; I could say I love indie games. But some a$$holes started using "indie" as an excuse to dish out unfinished games, poorly optimised games, copy-paste old ones (Why should I play with a new version of an older one if they are almost the exact same?). There are some great, fresh ideas about older game types (Retro-Grade: shmup to rhythm game, excellen one) and some not so good new ideas (Gone Home. Game's solid. It's absolutely worth a movie ticket's price, but not 20€ like in the store, this made price-content unbalanced)
In the end: Some great game could made it to the stores without publisher, and the indie genre was born. They were indie games, and great ones - therefore people started believeing, that every indie will be good. Lots of money into in, crowdfunding started, and more and more lesser (and in lots of cases, money-hungry) devs jumped onto the hpyewagon without any good idea. There are still great and good "mainstream" and "not mainstream" indie games, but there is no such general rule that states "indie = good". Because of this it's meaningless to say I love/hate indie games. Quality differs in the group, the only common thing (indie) is a payment option that doesn't affect the game's quality.
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I mean, it isn't maybe a big deal, but i hate the way that the company want to promote his own game (which by the way looks awful) using clone accounts to review their game.
Come on, lvl 0 on the three accounts that review the game, only 1 review, no avatar, private profile and nick with letters and number.
These devs are the kind of people with ruined greenlight, when other games are much better and they dont come out or they aren't as popular as they should be.
The Slaughtering Grounds in the store
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