Is Roadhog's hook broken?
Or through fucking solid terrain. Or this?,fl_progressive,q_80,w_800/lpaqlkmhte9vwhpchfxp.gif
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This is only because Sombra used her Translocator skill while getting hooked. Use it just after stun, I blame the Sombra.
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Hog's hook hitbox, char hurtboxes and the favour the shooter latency compensation method are to blame here.
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The real question is: When is Roadhog getting the inevitable Butcher skin as part of Blizzard's inter-franchise cross-promotions ?
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I know I know. I meant Stiches as in the Abomination/Pudge/Bliztcrank/Roadhog iteration we're on.
The Butcher is a different char. I did not mean it was the wrong name, but that a Stiches skin would fit better IMO
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Sure. WoW Abominations would work too. They could just do both, I mean why stop at just one cross-promotion skin, especially when WoW has more fanboys/fangirls/fantranses/fanfluids?
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Patchwerk uses the same skin (mostly), but he is a much newer character :)
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Love the vote :D
And for whatever reason, I'm really not surprised about Tracer presented as a lesbian. And btw thank god for finally a proper character design, when she's not THE lesbian character, but the character with backstory and personality as every character needs and who happens to be lesbian. IMO it's a long-term character-design flaw that they just try too hard at designing a proper freemale protagonist, or a non-heterosexual character, because they try to make these the fundament of their personality, instead of just a thing about them. So, I'm really happy how they built up Tracer :)
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I'm surprised it was Tracer exactly because what you said. I mean I don't know how the sentiment between LGBT players was, but when they announced that there were characters with different orientations I rolled my eyes and went like, "Of course Zarya is, it's the easiest way forward" But for them to have taken the time and build a character who happens to be gay, and not someone whose only characteristic is that they are homosexual and a PC/NPC.
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Headcannon's going the way of that the man/woman/girl was a husband/wife/SO/child of Reyes (Reaper) and now he's just stalking them being creepy and emo.
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Ugh. Not about the move, it's a good move. Ugh about the many many incoming supposedly manly men whining and moaning because a fictional character in a video game doesn't like who they want it to like.
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¯\_(ツ)_/¯, I don't really care about character's sexuality.
While I play overwatch I only want to kick some ass and kill, I don't think if someone is gay or not.
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I actually enjoy the characters lore very much. Everything from the shorts to the comics is very well produced and a really good product and it just traps me in wanting to know more.
OFC I'm not gonna play Tracer now (Mostly cos she's shit ATM unless on very specific comps) but I still like seeing she "has" a girlfriend and stuff.
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It might be since English isn't your first language (apparently). If you don't care about something, then you don't have an opinion on it. You can't dislike something, and not care about it at the same time. If you dislike it, then you care about it enough to have a feeling about it.
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I don't understand your point. Also that actively revealing this about their flagship character is a rather bold move, considering it migh not have the best reception in some parts of the world which I don't think outweights the goodwill you can get by "pandering" to the "LGBT crowd" or "SJWs" or whatever name calling.
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After the debacle about Tracer's butt ending with Blizzard implementing an actual pin-up pose I think it should be clear that even if Blizzard may have certain agendas when they design their characters, it's not pandering/virtue-signaling to SJWs. This is a whole lot better than what Bioware is doing these days, for instance. More Lando Calrissian than Mace Windu.
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Bioware learned from the DAII debacle, them being inclusive doesn't mean pandering. Do gay men play video games, yes. Do women play video games? Yes. Do lesbians play video games yes. Did they handle it better in DA:I yes, they did. Hell in Mass effect, it was never really an issue.
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How can they add subtlety or class to their stories when they themselves lack either?
DA2 was the worst of it, yes. But if ME3 and DAI were not pandering, nothing is. Though that's perhaps the least of their problems as a company.
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One person ranting on twitter about white people amuses me because it's fucking stupid and alienating. Also I don't boycott games that I want to play because of one person. Or listen to other extremes on the issue. Sorry, a youtube video telling me to dump a company that I personally enjoy isn't going to change my mind. If it's going to change yours then quite frankly you were already leaning towards not buying the game to begin with. Is this game going to be a game where they whine about white people all day? No.
Bioware has always tried to be inclusive, that's not pandering. If anything it's what causes them to be so popular. they aren't hurt in sales because of it. If anything it helped them when DA:O came out and they haven't looked back since. Having a character where you can choose who they love isn't pandering. Where you can choose their skin color isn't pandering. You get to play as a straight white male if that's what you choose. Transgendered people are not anything new in the world. Gay people are not anything new in the world. Adding them to the game as side characters so you can learn more about the world and take a look through other people's eyes. Isn't pandering. You get to play as black gay dude if that's what you choose.
Honestly I'm sick of the two extremes on the either side. Manveer Heir is an extreme and should be treated as such, most people don't fall or believe what he believes. You're basically listening to the equivalent of the left KKK, and thinking that's what all people think or it's a majority of people like him and you're reacting to it by going to the other extreme which again. You're allowed to get angry, but for the same reason I don't think that all white people belong to the KKK, or all Black people belong to the violent portion of the Black Panthers. I realize there's an extreme minority in every population. There's an extreme feminist movement. There's an extreme men's right movement. Now that we have social media it seems like those voices are the loudest. They aren't.
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One person ranting on twitter about white people amuses me because it's fucking stupid and alienating.
Precisely. It's alienating. This is precisely what agenda pushing is when it's done ineptly (ie blatantly). And that one person is a senior designer. Who's twitter rantings have been okayed by his superiors. You don't think the character and beliefs of an author or corporate culture don't make their way into their work?
If it's going to change yours then quite frankly you were already leaning towards not buying the game to begin with.
Yes. Because Bioware burned what faith I had in them after DA2 and ME3, and Andromeda looks set to rectify nothing in that regard. Those who made the studio great have moved on, their current teams are dysfunctional, their corporate overlord EA has a history of gutting artistic integrity for the sake of short-term profit (RIP Origin, Westwood, Bullfrog), and other studios are doing what Bioware ostensibly aims to do but better. Namely CD Projekt, Obsidian, and Larian.
I linked Smudboy's video not because it convinced me. It didn't. I was disillusioned four years ago. I linked it because the guy provides clear evidence of Bioware's failings as both an artistic and business entity, beyond their inept handling of political subjects. If you can forgive those failings, more power to you. Enjoying something typically requires forgiving its faults to appreciate its strengths. Just be careful and don't fall into the trap of doing volunteer damage control on Bioware's behalf, lest ye be a fanboy.
Re: Second paragraph.
Of course it isn't. I have no idea where you think I got that idea from. I thought I was specifically dis-conflating representation of sexual/racial minorities with pandering.
Pandering is sacrificing artistic integrity for a cynical considerations. Appealing to certain demographics for the sake of money or public image is cynical, since it's a business/political consideration and not an artistic one. But cynical motivations do not preclude artistic merit, as I thought my Star Wars comparison made clear. You don't need to dig deep to consider the possibility that the characters of Lando Calirissian and Mace Windu were invented specifically to attract African American audiences. Difference being, one was a complex, rounded, well-acted character who ultimately contributed a significant role in the events of the saga, and the other was Samuel Jackson snoring through his lines achieving little of narrative consequence. Billy Dee Williams wasn't pandering, Samuel Jackson motherfucking was.
Yes, DAO had far better execution of gay characterizations than anything Bioware did since. Yes, Blizzard pulled off a GoGiH stunt without it being overtly condescending titillation (at least compared to what it so easily could have been). Inclusion devolves into pandering when one starts breaking narrative cohesion for the sake of inclusion, which is precisely what Bioware does. And their work really does suffer for it.
Re: Third paragraph
I have no clue where you got the idea that I'm against 'de gayz' in general. I'm criticizing one company, not a demographic as a whole. You seem dangerously close to moralizing from the pulpit yourself. Or did you just see my avatar and conclude I'm a /pol/fag who thinks homosexuality/transexuality is degeneracy? Well, /pol/fag, tangentially. Anti-degeneracy, not really.
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He's a senior designer, not head of the department. He's not in charge of story he designs characters and worlds. So his opinion doesn't matter to me in the slightest. He doesn't have input on the story. He's entitled to his opinion but if you look into every one, you'll find they all say stupid alienating shit.I wouldn't buy anything if I disagreed with stuff people are saying. I can personally ignore shit like that, because again it's at worst alienating and like shooting yourself in the foot.
Mass Effect III's ending wasn't the best. I'll admit that, but the thing is I had fun on the journey. DAII was a disaster. DA:I was a step in the right direction and quite frankly EA has learned to leave Bioware to do their own shit now. There's no rush to get the games out anymore. ME:A was supposed to be out earlier this year, they pushed it back. They'll probably push it back again. They learned from DA:II. They probably learned from ME3. Sol let's see. Jade Empire, Mass Effect 1-2, Dragon age Origins, Dragon Age Inquisition. Most of Mass Effect 3 till the ending. The only game that truly disappointed me was DAII, because it was lazy. So they stumbled, that didn't break my goodwill to them. they came back, and I enjoyed the next game immensely. So they showed me they listen to feedback, once they stop I'll stop giving them my money.
I'm not moralizing, I don't care if you're against the gayz or anything, my point is this isn't a game where you are forced to play one character. You can be anyone, you can play as anything they give you the option to do that. Transgender people exist. Gay people exist. Straight people exist. Black people exist. Asians exist. White people exist.Throwing those people into a game doesn't mean you're pandering to a certain group of people. Bioware doing this doesn't equate to them pandering, if anything they listen to the feedback, they tightened ship on DA:I after DAII, listened to the criticism about the romance options and changed it, so it was better done in the next game. That's what they do, to give you at least the allusion you can be whoever you want to be. If you don't want to be romanced by a gay man then don't choose the heart option.
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Funny how everyone seems to just want to pander to that crowd, with no one being actually in it. Literally anyone who shows acceptance to LGBT characters is accused of simply wanting to pander to people.
Apparently, no one actually likes gay people, we all just pretend to so others will like us. Gay acceptance is a self-fulfilling prophecy and also I don't exist.
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Yeah, it's funny how some people go defiantly anti-pandering to pander to the other crowd ...
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I'm not up-to-date on superheroes so forgive me my ignorance.
But what is the problem if there is a supergirl, female Thor or black Captain America?
Supergirl is really old already so there's nothing new about her. I saw the movie in the 80's I think.
And the others? If it bothers someone then why?
Otherwise no problem really. And concerning companies wanting to reach all kinds of markets, well, that's nothing new is it?
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Pointing out a trend, doesn't mean that there is a problem. You can add the black girl replacing Iron man, and asian hulk to that list of inclusivity replacements.
Though, it is annoying for fans of the original characters when they get screwed to pander to said demographics. The Thor replacement was particularly bullshit.
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Looks like I haven't read anything about comics in a long time, I'd never heard about these replacements.
I guess it's a case of vote with your wallet and avoid them then. Nothing else you can do about it.
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Yeah, but it's annoying how they go about destroying the legacy of some of my favorite characters; For example with Thor, he heard a secret which magically made him unworthy to wield the hammer, and at the same time, the writer made Odin incompetent to put Freya in the top, so that the comic is now fronted by both her and the now (female replacement (a preexisting human character)) for Thor (which took his name as if it was a title).
Basically in one issue the character dynamics were retconned to turn into a story of female empowerment, to the detriment of past story and character....
And if you want to complain, you get called a chauvinist pig, as if the problem was there being women, not the fucking with established characters. Who complains when a new female hero is created?
DC is ok, Marvel is the one doing the most of these things, as obvious by their "all new all different" label, which is pretty much crap IMO, didn't find anything worth reading since that started.
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That sounds terrible with Thor.
What next?
Making Jesus a white Dude? ...
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I remember that one.
Was great :D
Edit: Was a joke, they already changed history and made Jesus white aeons ago ;)
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bit of drama:
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I have no idea how Thor is built upon the CMU or MU or whatever Universes. But how does Thor being a male God mix with Thor being a woman. What's the story arc that lead to that or how?
Black Captain America doesn't really matter, and the rest I think are pretty replaceable (As in if instead of X guy Tony, or Bruce or whatever, it was a woman, the story still makes sense) but with the Norse mythos? I'm lost at how it can work.
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It doesn't really.
They had no problem fucking with it and making it so Thor is now a title.
Falcon cap is actually ok, and had some build up, like X-23 (female) wolverine. Iron Man, Hulk and Thor replacements less so.
(more details on Thor above)
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I read the details on Thor. And I just don't understand. It could've been handled much better if you created an spinoff with some other Norse God that's a woman while Thor is on a forced McGuffing RedHerring chase or something. And reboot it like that and after a while you can rereboot the original Thor and run two series in parallel. I'm all for diverse representation of people in media, I literally don't mind who's the MC, but I want good characters pls.
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Uh, Supergirl has been a staple for a long time, also if she's not available then you get Power Woman, with her awesome boob-window. Sam Wilson was Captain America's friend and took up the mantle when he got old. Thor Odinson is still kicking around with a new story and is probably getting his powers back. Trying to increase readership, is marketing. It has zero to pandering to certain crowds, since god knows when, comic books have mostly featured white superheroes, which is fine, but to pretend that white people are the only people on the planet is stupid. Why wouldn't a kid in India want to read about superheroes, that look like him? Also there was a "captain america" who was black during the time of Captain America. No one complains when Dick Grayson becomes Batman for a while, no one complains when someone else dons the batsuit, hell Batman beyond Terry became the new fucking Batman. The world didn't end.
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I read what you said, I'm scoffing at the idea that Supergirl is 'resurfacing'. I have a strong dislike of Superman and everyone in the super family as an idea, and the only time I read anything with him in it is when there are other heroes around to make it bearable. Even I know what's been going on with Supergirl. She had her own comic book in the New 52, so again not a resurfacing. Static Shock was more a resurfacing than Supergirl was. Whether or not the comic book sells is another thing entirely. She's been there. The fact that you're now noticing her doesn't mean that she's resurfacing.
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Again, she's been in television shows in the past, her showing up in video games in the new Injustice game is well irrelevant, also Superman is one of the most popular and well-recognized figures in comic book history. Right up there with Batman. Batgirl and Supergirl, 'best friends'. There will always be people who don't know who a character is, especially when we're talking about superheroes. Supergirl is at least a B-list superhero if not A-list. Also she had her own animated movie a few years back, she's apparently shown up in around seven video games as of now. She's not resurfacing. The fact that you don't pay attention to her until she showed up in a format that you cared about ie Injustice 2, doesn't mean that she's suddenly having a resurfacing.
You know who became relevant all of a sudden? Green Arrow. Super Girl has been in pop culture far more often than Green Arrow has. Same with Iron Man, same with Captain Marvell and Doctor Strange. Marvel is guiltier of doing it than DC is. I mean for fucks sake Guardians of the Galaxy a comic book that barely anyone read and now we have people who know who Groot is? I knew about them, never read a comic book with them before and now they're huge? Let's not even begin to talk about the inhumans.
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Your original argument was flawed, saying that she's resurfacing is implying she went away and wasn't part of the world and now because of what? She's back and you didn't notice her for awhile? She didn't go anywhere to begin with. Resurfacing implies that she went away. She didn't go anywhere. My argument is and always has been, SuperGirl has remained a B-list to A-list hero. She didn't resurface, in any sense of the word. She got her own TV show, because Superhero properties are hot right now and they already did a Superman Show (Smallville), which she appeared in, she was featured in Justice League, she had her own animated movie. She shows up in various comic books and video games. If anything Supergirl was a poor example to use. You want to talk about Guardians of the Galaxy, Green Arrow, Doctor Strange, Ant-Man or hell even Nova resurfacing after all this time then we can have a conversation. But Supergirl didn't resurface.
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Well, when minorities are overrepresented, it's easy to take it as pandering to their demographics and their "supporters/allies"(pick your word, basically the groups that go "very nice and bold" when a character of that group is portrayed).
Like black people being the token minority in mainstream comics and being overrepresented in comparison to, for example, latin/hispanic people despite making up about the same % of the US population
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Oh, it's about Overwatch. xD I wonder why games without a storyline get so much popularity, while games with a storyline rarely gain some popularity. :/
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Sadly, people nowadays prefer mindless fun rather than something complex, which will ask them to think or something. :/ And also, people nowadays prefer multiplayer games, just in order to interact with people.
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The game is without a story, but not it's world. Surprisingly, even League of Legends is having hundreds of pages of lore (especially from older seasons before Riot fucked up the backstory of multiple characters) - but I'm sure that the minority of people who even know about these stuff. But I can't really blame them for liking something simpler - huge groups of people spent months, years in Unreal Tournament, Quake and such even back in the day, instead of playing the actual story-driven monster-sized game. It makes it feel more bite-sized, easier to fit into schedule and doesn't have as much waiting time in them as in some games where just barely anything happens for a few hours. It's hard to get back into the bigger games, because while it doesn't feel like that IF you're in them, but they are most often padded with repetitive actions and mechanics. (For example I'd like to continue with Stick of Truth, and while the story and presentation are top-notch South Park material, the actual gameplay of literally shuffling around and the turn-based fight that will take the vast majority of time is not especially invitating)
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I read everything and I understand what you mean, but I wanna talk about Stick of Truth. :P While I'm not a fan of South Park and I don't like their humor, Stick of Truth was an awesome game for me, not for its story, but mainly because of its battles. It had some other nice things as well, but that's what I mainly liked in this game - the battles. Of course, I was checking out the story too and it had some interesting parts, but not that attractive. :P
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I'm looking forward to them tbh, I really hope they will be varied - so many turn based strategies fail on too many fights against same enemies / groups, where the fight turns into the same rotation. The timed attacks, front- and backline makes it a little more unique, I hope it will stay fresh during the game :)
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Well, it has accompanying comics, and that's where this was revealed actually. So if you like comics, this is just a progression of the story.
If not, I suppose it really doesn't mean much.
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It's just fuc.king game... ok , on rules 34 all females are futa and lesbians... so it doesn't matter.
What do you want now ? Zoo.philia acceptance ? Winston gay or robophila ? That's never ending...
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Gonna copy-paste from someone here but...
Two consenting adults, be they man and woman, man and man, woman and woman, or any other combination not specified by the above, are now granted the right (as they always should have had) to enter a legally binding contract and obtain all its attached benefits.
Children cannot give consent. Children cannot legally sign contracts. Children cannot get married.
Animals cannot give consent. Animals cannot legally sign contracts. Animals cannot get married.
It’s very easy to make [Samus]’s mistake here if you persist in thinking of marriage as “a man and his chosen marriage object” rather than, you know, “two people choosing to marry each other.”
Says something about how some people view heterosexual marriage.
None of these people have ever expressed a worry that dogs will start wanting to marry men, or that houseplants will start wanting to marry cats.
This way of thinking only makes sense if your view of straight marriage depends on “man actively choosing, woman passively chosen” and gay marriage only fits into your worldview as the distortion “man actively choosing wrong thing,” as though it’s a Sesame Street comedy sketch with Mr. Noodle trying to marry a pocket watch by mistake, presumably with his pants on his head.
Interestingly enough, I’ve never heard someone warn us about women wanting to marry anything, either.
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I don't understand what you 're trying to say.
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The bog standard "if we allow gay marriage we'll allow people to marry their dogs too" because some people have no concept of agency, consent or anything sexual besides "i like hot girls", which is why he's "at least" okay with this because lesbians are a fetish of his.
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Well, I'm hoping they would reply and remove any doubt ;)
And what is rule 34? Some kind of internet thing I missed?
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Rule 34 is cartoon porn of whatever or fanfics or stuff like that yeah. Just search for "X rule 34" being X literally anything you can think of, and you might find it.
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you made me google futa, and i can't ever forgive you...
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Sadly it's still a bold move. Have you seen some of the opinions here? Or even worse, have you wandered into the forums by accident? They are a complete shitstorm of pro-Tracer vs anti-Tracer groups right nowl And not to mention that the comic is not available in Russia for example.
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"And not to mention that the comic is not available in Russia for example. "
There's actually nothing that prevents it to be published in Russia (I'm a translator myself and just finished translating Doctor Strange: Fate of Dreams novel that contains a paragraph in which the heroine fantasizes about having sex with another woman, for example, and it was published just fine and didn't even get the 18+ tag). But Blizzard still say something like "it can't be published because it violates Russian laws", which is complete BS. It CAN be published in Russia, but I bet they simply want to create an extra stir about it, sadly. :/
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The law exists (as of 2013), it just has some interesting wording. This comic would definitely violate it, as it indicates the relationship between two same-biological-sex individuals is equal in worth to that of a traditional relationship.
The law prohibits things that supports homosexual relationships as being valid constructs; as far as I know, it doesn't apply to homosexual fantasies, as those are based in lust (and presumably by the Russian legislation standpoint, perversion) rather than assertion of the need for legal or ethical rights for homosexuals.
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Obviously I should know more about Russian laws as I'm actually living in Russia.
There's no law in Russia that prohibits things that support homosexual relationship. There is a law that prohibits the distribution of certain materials to children (many people in the West seem to be oblivious to the fact that this law only concerns children, so let me emphasize on that), so most LGBT-related media (books, movies, comics, etc) usually receive the 18+ tag to comply with the restriction, but even that is not the ironclad rule.
So basically, nothing is banned in Russia. You can still see movies like Brokeback Mountain, Total Eclipse or Milk on Russian TV (and the first two are actually being shown quite often, at least once in every 2-3 months), read books like, dunno, Paul Golding's "Abomination" (bought it just fine and it's now sitting on my shelf just as fine), and play games like Dragon Age. So the comic violates nothing; at worst they could slap the 18+ tag on it and that would be enough to publish it in Russia.
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Current utilization of the law indicates that the law would apply to the entire IP. As Blizzard would have no desire to make the base Overwatch game 18+, they wouldn't release the comic under such a premise, either. Moreover, even if that isn't the case, you're talking about a process [to get it approved as 18+]- and until that process is cleared, then yes, they would be prohibited from releasing the content in Russia. So nothing they've said is inaccurate in any way, as far as I understand the message that they displayed for their Russian playerbase. ["In accordance with Russian law, we cannot share this comic with our players on territory of Russian Federation."].
Perhaps that has different implications in Russian, but here that could be taken to signify "we cannot share it [currently]". Delaying the release of a minor promotional piece release just to cater to one country with troublesomely prejudicial legislation isn't something most companies would do.
Besides, even if you're correct and Blizzard was just mocking this up, then good for them! The law is wrong and irrational, and like China's pollution or the shark-hunting law in Australia it should be called out and have attention drawn to it- especially before it risks escalating, as such legislation all too often does. There's no shame in such an action, while there's certainly shame in treating the calling out of one's dirty laundry as being victimized.
It's like saying "Oh, that woman is just calling me out for spouse abuse because she's trying to get more sympathy for women". Well.. duh. That doesn't excuse the injustice in any way. Whether Blizzard's premise is marketing or moralism, they're still in the right to shine light on such things.
Of course, the reasonable thing to do would be to prove that they were mocking it up in a manner that doesn't actually fall in line with the actual law, and thus are approaching the topic in an intentionally misleading way. But they have the benefit of being able to claim they simply misunderstood the legislation- so perhaps you're right about everything, in relation to Blizzard's mentality on the subject. And yet, even if that were true, it still wouldn't excuse the law itself, regardless of how expansive it may or may not be.
Put more simply: Regardless of Blizzard's mindset on the matter, they wouldn't have "ammunition" if it wasn't being freely offered to them in the first place.
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Actually the comic is "blocked" in Russia solely by Blizzard, only when you select EU-Russian language option. If it was prohibited by law, it would be unseeable at all.
And yeah, Jinnai is right, nothing LGBT-related cannot be banned completely, the law just applies age restrictions.
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Having read Castiglia's comment I have to agree in the current world climate it is a bold move that can cost them money and player base.
Why? Well, in a lot of eastern european countries it has become normal to ostracize lgbt people, liberal thinkers or even just people who don't agree with the state view.
Even countries who used to be considered modern like Hungary which are becoming more and more right wing fascist states.
Some people who frequent these forums are quite vocal in their oppostion of same sex relationships and compare them to deviancy or pedophilia.
So, some may regard it to pandering to a trend, some may also see it as taking a stance without being overtly aggressive and getting on a box in speakers corner.
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I'd agree if they had originally published it in such a place, there is not much boldness in doing in California.
It's like me saying Allah/Yahweh/(pick your poison) doesn't exist from here (safe place), while doing it from within a theocracy or say, Indonesia takes bigger balls.
Maybe I just have a narrower idea of bravery/boldness, since it seems people are commonly praised for their bravery when doing mundane things.
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All things are relative. Now I'm not saying they are brave or it wasn't without longterm benefits, but lesser firms may have said "no, homos, lesbos, blacks etc.". We don't want to lose such and such nations income or be banned there.
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I like her style? :meatytears: And the scarf she bought her was cute c'mon.
And she's got the kind of personality you can rock anything you wanna wear cos you're over it and couldn't care less. I dunno if I'm making any sense.
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I don't know much about her personality since I don't play Overwatch, but I think even Lady Gaga couldn't get away with wearing ski glasses outside of a skiing range. And those pants look like they're from a bad Bruce Lee (or Kill Bill's Beatrix maybe) cosplay :/
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Please there is nothing wrong with hooking people through walls or payload ;) except when I am not playing Roadhog, then its about time for Blizzard to fix it :)
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The real question here is why do you assume everyone knows what you're talking about? I had no clue who those characters were until I read the comments. It might have been an idea to say what game you're referring to...
EDIT: Just saw that you said "OW team." Still, without context, how should I know what that means?
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Tracer is the poster girl to the (or maybe one of) most succesful launches of 2016 and a clear candidate to GOTY. How can people don't know who she is? Do, I dunno,Link, Altair or Fox or I dunno, Clementine or GladOS need context?
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How can people don't know who she is?
I don't know, maybe because not everyone has the same interests as you? It doesn't matter whether it's the most succesfull game or not. If you don't play it or are not interested in it, you won't know the characters...
Does, I dunno,Link, Altair or Fox or I dunno, Clementine or GladOS?
Sure, like it can be compared to some classics like Link... Maybe if you ask again in a decade and it has indeed become as iconic as that one...
BTW: I have no idea who Fox or Clementine are...
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But I mean, some things permeate just through cultural osmosis. I haven't seen Citizen Kane, but I know the deal about Rosebud. Or Star Trek, but I kinda know how it works just from the referencing and the parodying and the times it's been brought up.
I am not comparing OW to those, I am just saying that for the media we're in, OW has been pretty relevant I think?, so I thought that, at least by passing (on passing?, how's that expression?) people knew.
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I don't know either who Fox could be, at least I have a little too many ideas to pick from (maybe Star Fox?) but at least I can help with Clementine :) It's the Telltale The Walking Dead's character, a first-grader little girl - companion in S1 from almost the very start of the game, and playable protagonist of S2 (and likely S3). Really well done child character, one of the very best ever done.
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I just pulled some names from the top of the domepiece. And I think having tried Assassins Creed III now that it was free (what a slow game jeez, 2h in still in tutorial cutscenes) and I remembered AC1 fondly and I think Altair was the guy? I dunno, I was just spitballing names.
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Add me to the people who need context for Fox and Clementine. Altair was one of the assassin guys, right?
And while I've heard of Overwatch, I keep confusing it with Heroes of the Storm. Before this thread I'd seen a trailer featuring Tracer and maybe 2 pics of her, but didn't know her name.
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Maybe we can get a love story from many years ago (in OW world) between her and Zarya. Couldn't care less about her sexuality since it's by far the hero that i give less use xD
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I am not sure in what way would this be beneficial for them in a marketing way instead of just not bringing any sexualized topics about the characters, ever.
After thinking, I just this will bring the game even more attention than what it already has.
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183 Comments - Last post 50 minutes ago by lav29
So Tracer has been canonically confirmed in a relationship with Emily, I think it's a very nice and a very bold move by the OW team for two reasons.
1st of all. We have Zarya, who has a butchy look and people's bets were on her to be LGBT. So it's a nice bait and switch there. Then Tracer is the flagship of the game, or at least used to be. She is the most recognized character and the most present one on OW material, making it cool for the amount of exposure this will get.
Now, how will the gaming world, and or certain parts of it react to this.
Also the comic where this was revealed is not accessible on Russia
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