So, IS it fair?
Sure I can - I bought the darn thing! Lol. But naw, I can't expect everyone to agree with me q:
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Ha, yeah that's right!
So i don't think there are a way to avoid people don't play games he won.
For myself most bundle games i won, i never play. Just use Idle to get steam cards lol.
As same, i don't care people, who win my giveaway is play it or not.
The winner happy then enough.
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no you cant, and please dont gift if you expect something back. people give for the joy of giving, nothing else
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If you give something away for the joy of giving, then you are obviously getting something back—the joy of giving—and when cunts enter giveaways and then never play the games they've won, it takes away that joy of giving. That's why it's annoying. Personally, I don't see how I could get any joy out of giving a game to someone who is actually just taking that game from someone who would have appreciated it, played it and enjoyed it.
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It's a matter of quality of giveaways.
I for one try to avoid entering non-bundled giveaways, and if I decide to join (and win) them, then I immediately push them on top of my backlog, to hopefully play it ASAP. That happened with Borderlands PS which I'm still playing today.
On the other hand, if you expect from one to play 0.10$ "mostly negative" bundle game just because you're giving it away... I wouldn't, because I have more interesting titles to play. Probably somebody would do that if he didn't have any better game to play, so perhaps instead of creating a giveaway for everyone, it'd be better to make it SGT-protected only for people who didn't win too much?
For instance, I'm game collector, I like collecting games I don't have yet. I'm grateful for every win and I'm always happy to say thanks, even though I don't launch every title I actually win here. If giving a game to somebody like me takes away joy of giving for you - that's fine, just put proper note in giveaway description.
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I'm grateful for every win
That's the bottom line, really. It's not literally about seeing the person immediately start playing the game after they activate it, it's about them appreciating it. When someone doesn't say a word of thanks and just adds the game to their endless backlog, I can't help but think that the person probably didn't even remember entering the giveaway, and really doesn't give a shit about the game. I do have a problem with people entering the giveaways just to get that cat GIF, as I think it goes against the point of these giveaways. Of course, this is subjective. I do realise it may be too much to ask for other members to adhere to my ideas of what the point of the giveaways is.
I for one try to avoid entering non-bundled giveaways, and if I decide to join (and win) them, then I immediately push them on top of my backlog, to hopefully play it ASAP.
That is an excellent attitude. Also, yes, there's definitely a difference between a non-bundled / expensive game and a bundled / 90% off game when it comes to my expectations as to what the winner does with the game. I just really dislike giving games in the first category to ungrateful people who aren't going to play it, because I know there will be so many who were disappointed that they didn't win. The second category... well, it's less of a problem, anyway.
it'd be better to make it SGT-protected only for people who didn't win too much?
I haven't looked into the SGT filters, but I agree, this might be something that I should do with my giveaways.
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Giving away 1,471 games makes you significantly less of a cunt, though.
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I think you're wilfully ignoring the context of the rest of my comment and focusing on that one word. But yeah, I do think it's cunty behaviour to go around entering all the giveaways you possibly can, even when you're not interested in the games. The more people do that, the less likely it is for people who actually do want that game to get it.
Obviously, not playing a game you've won doesn't automatically make you a cunt. There are many possible reasons for that, and I can understand people wanting to win a game, but not wanting/having the time to jump right in after they do win it. I don't see a problem with that, at all.
Giving at least as much to the community as you get has a balancing effect, and will make you a valuable member of the community, so with people like this, I am, of course, willing to be a lot less judgemental. Admittedly, I had not considered these people; the people I had in mind when writing that comment were the ones that either don't give back at all, or give back substantially less than what they get. In other words, the so called leechers.
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Good point, I guess ethical would've been a more accurate term. Life ain't fair after all - it's a carnival. A carnival of BS.
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No you can't force people to play games - even if you bought it.
If you want to force people to play it, maybe join a private group which requires that. To force people to play games given out via public giveaways is not going to happen.
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Very true - and that I understand. But I mean for people who's playtime in the past two weeks is something like 400 hours. There aren't even that many hours in a two week period, but you get the point.
And yeah, trading cards are fun. Especially Yu-Gi-Oh, they're my favorite q:
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if someone has 400+ hour it probably means he's idling for cards ;) If you launch Idle Master for example it will first farm all games you're missing into 2h barrier, because after 2h cards start to drop for most titles. So if you for example have 40 games left to idle IM will launch all 40 of them and Steam will calculate their times separatelly, so after 2h you will have 80h plytime ;)
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I read that as "private getaways." Private giveaways are fun too I suppose! It would just take a long time to figure out who can join o:
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That's genius! Usually, one is not to trust a snake. But you're a smart cookie, my friend C:
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All I have to say is. It really sucks when you have to give someone a game when they have like nearly or over 2000 plus games in their account and have like, 40 - 100+ in their top ten games. And after that it's a steep drop-off to immediately go from 40 to 11, then 7, then 3, 1, 0.3, and then none in like 30 games. Then it's just nothing. The game you paid for is going towards THAT. This is why I have disdain and a bad taste in my mouth when it comes to buying games to giveaway here because almost all the time, my games that I paid money for (I don't buy bundles, I always buy keys to do trades with traders or buy them from the steam store.) go to someones meaningless game count.
I didn't vote for any poll cause i'm not sure how I feel entirely and taking away someones ability to join games is a bit extreme. Like, maybe that game you give away and they entered WILL BE the one they play and put like, 100+ hours in. Who knows. But still, the mark such people leave on people who paid for those games and gave them away isn't a wound to be trifled with.
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It's a bit hard to tell why people don't play games they win. Some win, get a game, get a +1 to their library and they're happy. But some might not have time or mood to play for a while.
Look at me. Bought Witcher when it was released. I just looked at that CD and left it somewhere. And I actually got around to playing it one year later. I just simply had no time. Witcher 2 - works like shit on Linux. I'd have to reboot to Win to play... Don't really want to do that right now - not playing.
Same can go for games that have been won (in some cases) ;)
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Hmm, makes sense to me. I wonder why not all games that are both Windows/MAC compatible do that though?
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I've seen games have different appIDS before, but I didn't think about it being possible for one to own both of them. I wasn't sure if the OP thought someone winning two copies of the same game meant they'd end up with both of them in their library.
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For example, someone has Deus Ex Human Revolution Directors Cut and enters giveaways for Deus Ex Human Revolution.
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Directors cut simply has the DLC automatically implemented into it (and it's the only version currently available).
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Technically - yes. But in reality people enter with absolutely no intention to even look at it again if they win.
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I only enter giveaways if 1. They're in my wishlist or 2. They catch my interest and I've never heard of 'em before, but I do a little review searching on Youtube to see what it's about first.
As for not being played, sometimes these giveaways are weeks long and a lot can happen in that time. I could be all gung-ho Call Of Duty for days or weeks and then suddenly i wanna play Minecraft and get hooked for days or weeks as well. Just depends on timing, but I do try to try the games out at least as soon as I win 'em for a while.
As for the other side. I don't care if they play it now or in a year. If someone wins the lotto and puts it all in a bank or spends it all on more lotto tickets you can't help what they do.
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So what you ask is if he wins then he should immediately play which for me is false .
I for example will reach 500 games in Library . but you see the majority of the games are games that I already played and finished several time so you can not obligate me to play a specific game just because I won it , maybe I already played it , maybe I am not in the mood this week , maybe I have exams and so on , so for me is a big NO to the question :D .
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Well, not quite. I'm not saying if you win, you better open the game in five minutes or you're blacklisted, that would be flat out ridiculous. I'm mainly talking people who have 200 hours playtime in the past two weeks, yet "don't have the time" to play games they won months ago. I understand when people simply don't have the time to play games for a wile (busy working, schooling, other stuff), or just haven't been in the mood, but that's different than people who just play games to boost their game count o:
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If you say 200h in 2 weeks then that means that they use idlemaster for sure . 24h X 14 = 336h so having 200h is not posible . You know the context is very important , I also use idlemaster for cards , heck i have now 11 E from cards and i want to buy CS GO and TES III probably .
What I want to say is that you can not judge a book by his cover , you don't know why the winner is not playing the game, I for one only participate in GA that I know have games that I will play sometime this does not mean that there are no people that get cheap games just for number (have a friend).
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It's possible - just over 14 hours a day. Sleep 6 hours, game all day.
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I thinks even pro -gamers don't play that much every day so by my opinion is a big NO :D
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Pro gamers don't play all day because it's their job - you don't rest from work by doing same thing.
But 14 hours a day is easy. For example, a kid or a teen on a holiday or on a sick leave.
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You should reread my answer , I said 14h everyday not 1 , 2 or 3 days .
14*14 = 196 h , no one , even the best pro - gamer would do that .
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You make a GA. Someone wins it. That is the end of your influence.
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Well, sounds like somebody doesn't want to be a giveaway winner.
If seeing what games other people like to find games I might like is stalking, then everybody who uses YouTube, Facebook/social media/dating sites, etc. is a stalker by your logic.
I care because I'm the kind of person who donates what little I can to see the enjoyment of others, make another person happy - not just to show off a meaningless number that claims I'm a "good person."
I don't like you either.
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i never expect people to play my games if they win
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Too many games. Some people (like me) even dont play games they bought themselfs and i think this is more important than "leeching gibs problem" this is the origin. Reasons of not playing may diverse and mix: supporting devolopers with affordable coin or do it for collection reasons with no matter what quality of game is... others. If i know that the game is actually good and i would really like to have it in library, but have no time to play/mood to play. Why can`t i enter giveaways and win some?
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Not really a nice thing, but people also buy games, and play whatever their heart desire - the best one can hope for that sometimes they'll play and hopefully enjoy the won game.
And as always in topics like these - if I won anyone's game who feels it's not nice that I haven't played it yet - feel free to message me/reply here. I only enter for games I want to play since like a year, or more - the question is when I want to play them, and usually I also don't know that. So, if I won your game and want me to play it, just tell me, and I'll give it a high priority, playing it in the next 1-2 weeks :)
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Yeah, I think that's a better and nicer way of wording it. I do understand people may not want to play right away - or simply don't have the time to play for a while. Some people even just want to wait until they have absolutely nothing to do. Me, personally, any time I spend money on anything, I want to use it immediately. That's why I'm not a very good grocery shopper, I want to eat all the food I get within five minutes of purchasing q:
And that's very kind, and I admire that. Just make sure you don't demean yourself for somebody else: if you're unable to, have other stuff to do, etc. do it on your time. Well, unless you work for support or telemarketing, you don't want to keep a customer waiting ;) haha
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I have a really big game library, too. And of course I did not play all the games yet (you can't do that with so many games). If a game looks interresting and I wanna play it someday then I always buy it if there is a good discount on it (which means in my case 75% off - or more). But if I buy the game it doesn't mean that I will play it right now, because the chance is good that I'm already playing a game I wanna finish first. I do the same with books for example...
I don't buy games (or try to win them) if I'm not interrested in playing the game. Why should I? That will just mess up my library...
The same with bundles. If I buy a bundle, most of the time I will get some games I'm not interrested in. But then I do not redeem them. I keep them instead to trade them, gift them to friends, or give them away here.
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I have a moderately large game library and I try to play everything I own. I enter GAs because I hope I will want to play the game in the future - but you can't know whether you'll like a game until you try it - so I don't think expecting people to finish all their won GAs is fair. To try it, at least in the short/medium term, isn't so much to ask I feel.
I make GAs because of one of two reasons: a) it's a game that came in a bundle and I don't have any interest in it - in which case I don't really care if anyone else plays it or b) because I want to share a game I really enjoyed - in which case I would certainly like the winner to at least try it. But there are plenty of reasons why I wouldn't be able to check that a game I gave away had been played (private profile, plays offline etc.), so I don't fret about it too much.
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9,825 Comments - Last post 42 minutes ago by CurryKingWurst
So many people seem to participate in giveaways just to boost their game count, and they never play the games. I've seen single accounts that've won $100's worth of games, and upon looking at their profiles, they've pocketed them, but they've never even launched them. Heck, I've seen people win a game they already owned, leading to two copies of the same game in their library, both of which have never been launched
What are your thoughts on this? People spend their hard earned cash on these games to giveaway, and I feel that winning a game just to have a bigger library is taking advantage of the generosity of others. I also think it's unfair to other participants, there's people who would love to play these games, but maybe they can't afford it.
Also, I'm thinking about doing another giveaway soon, but I have one big concern: if the winner has a history of not playing the games they've won, am I able to request a new winner? I can't stand these leeches, I want to make sure the game goes to someone who's actually interested in the game, and plans to play it.
Edit: I didn't think so many people would respond, or this would be such a controversial topic. Lol. So I can't reply to everyone, but let me just say: as an open minded person, I see both sides of the debate, and agree that each side has reasonable responses. As someone who understands financial issues, however, I just think it's unethical (I should have used that word in the first place) to enter giveaways if you're not interested in a game in the first place. I also believe it's not right to accept the reward knowing it will never be played, and your intention is to add on to your 1,000 game library or your $1,000's of won games, when there's people out there who would kill to win said game. If it's a giveaway for some $1 game, no big deal what's done with it. But when you enter AAA titles or other such games that many people are interested in, it's taking away from someone who'd get an actual use out it.
Another point I'd like to bring up revolves on donating money to charities. When you go to a convenience store and they ask if you'd like to donate $5 to starving African children, don't you care where the money actually goes? Does it not bother you than a majority of the time, it goes to feed the wallets of money hungry shop owners? It wouldn't bother me if they asked straight up if I want to donate to help keep the store up and running, it's the lies that get me.
Or what about tip jars at fast food restraunts? Tips are for waiters/waitresses who literally make under $2 an hour and rely on tips to survive, not for some moron who doesn't even know how to operate a cash register and makes an undeserved $9/hr, and they want tips so they have more pot money (what? I'm just using a random example, I don't know anyone who does this. What are you talking about?). Why tip those who don't need it? Why giveaway to those greedy, self-centered leeches?
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