Here's a poll for you all!

Long-winded description (you can skip this if you want): I've been seeing so many deals and coupons being handed off to people with cancelled subscriptions / non-subscribers, that now I am questioning the value of the Classic Plan (vs. simply cancelling). The trend of what I see going on at HB is, notably, devalue-ing the Classic Plan by constantly removing Classic's benefit of "more games than any other subscription" by giving all 12 games to Premium subscribers too; constantly removing Classic's benefit of "cheaper price than the Premium subscription" by giving non-Classic subscribers coupons for $6 / month, which is half the price of Classic's $12 / month; etc. In the past, HB had also been giving great deals to new subscribers and none to current subscribers. It's hard for me to not see this trend eventually push the Classic subscription into a position of being worthless (or even a negative asset) rather than gaining in value. This is my personal view & I'm interested to see other people's: What do you feel?

There's really nothing else to see here. (basic sg-tools Lvl 0) :)

Have a great week, everybody!

Update: Thanks to everyone who's responded so far!

The poll right now (7/7/21 @11 pm UTC) looks like:
6.8x more people are happy about their Classic subscription than are unhappy
17.0x more people were happy about cancelling their Classic subscription than were unhappy

3 years ago*

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If you had a HB Classic Subscription, did you keep it?

View Results
Yes & I'm happy about my decision
Yes & I'm ambivalent about my decision
Potato for everyone else who never had a Classic Sub!
No & I'm happy about my decision
Yes & I'm unhappy about my decision
No & I'm ambivalent about my decision
No & I'm unhappy about my decision


3 years ago

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