Sending an email that doesnt hide the email address of other people that received it isnt very professional. Its a leak of private information. Plus this guy is outright rude (just check his - now closed - group recruitment thread). Dont deal with him.
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I can guarantee that the service I provide is hands down superior to G2A. Additionally, every single key is 100% legit. There isn't anything shady going on for me.
I also guarantee your key works, and don't require you to buy insurance.
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So another grey market seller?Just what the doctor ordered we can never have enough of them
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All keys are licensed by the developers. No gray market here friend.
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Question: Is your web store managed by official re-sellers? Authorized by the companies that sell the keys?
Many thanks for your answer in advance.
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I can also check the page myself.
I wouldn't touch a grey market with a kilometer length stick... (Had to do it once for my lil brother, who missed the Black Ops 3 sale, I was terribly afraid of his money, and I'm not going to go through that ever again...)
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Welp, checked the page... (Took me less than 1 minute to look at every feature...)
No FAQS, telling you about what the company does, or how he manages the keys, also, no way in knowing how they'll handle problems with keys, just... sending e-mail to them.
The games appear right away in the store (Fallout 4 is oddly 27.49$, nope nope nope), you need an account, obviously... (not gonna do that...)
Quick links (or link...), a Follow Us (with nothing to follow, lol) and a Contact Support (Which should be live, not crappy e-mails...)
And... that's about it! Oh! And they don't even have a website image on the top of the page! It's blank!
Nope, lol. I'm sorry, but no, haha!
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A grey market is a grey market. Just pray that you'll actually the game. If you're lucky, you will actually get it. xD
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Well, there are re-sellers that aren't considered grey.
Like GMG or Humble Store, they are authorized by the companies who sell the keys, and you can be rest assured that you'll get a guaranteed working key legally.
That's where I get RoW keys myself, because I live in South Africa, it's still the same cost, anyways, lol.
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"Our initial Launch includes just over 180 titles over the next coming months, L33T KEYS will do the following:
1) Expand the inventory and selection on a weekly basis.
2) Have a issue free transaction process.
3) Offer a marketplace for sellers
4) Implement a referral and rewards program"
Soooooo nothing special then? Nothing that would persuade me to use l33tkeys instead of any other key selling site.
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Hey Linerax,
We provide a legit place to purchase keys, based in the US. Not China, Not Hong Kong, and not from Vladimir Putin. This is not Kinguin, you wont be getting photographed keys. This isn't G2A. You wont be forced to purchase insurance for keys sold on my site. There is zero risk of keys being revoked, as the keys are obtained from developers.
There is Steam and then there is the clowns overseas. I want to provide prices and service that neither of them can compete with.
And by the way, when steam started up...I promise there weren't 3500 titles in their library.
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Not sure I understand the negativity. I just wanted everyone to know that an alternative exists to G2A and Steam. I am 1 guy with a wife and two kids and a full time job. The site will improve over time, but I wanted to get it opened to offer some good deals. This isn't a scam, It's a startup. All of the keys are sourced directly from developers, or a licensed wholesaler there of.
With all of the terrible experiences I had at G2A, and reading everyone else's complaints, I really wanted to provide something different.
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A referral system. I'm sure that will be really useful here.
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Our New Web Store is now OPENED!!
We strive to provide the best service and prices on game keys anywhere. Period.
We are 100% owned and operated in the U.S.A.
Our initial Launch includes just over 180 titles over the next coming months, L33T KEYS will do the following:
1) Expand the inventory and selection on a weekly basis.
2) Have a issue free transaction process.
3) Offer a marketplace for sellers
4) Implement a referral and rewards program
We expect that unforeseen issues may arise upon launch. Please be patient with our new site, we will make your purchase right, and you will see great improvements over the coming months.
Thanks for stopping by!
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