I have a simple question: how does one decide which people to whitelist? I've done a handful of GAs (< 10) so far, I've whitelisted two guys that seemed "nice", and I have many more GAs on the way but how do I go about expanding that list?

Sorry for asking kind of a stupid question, but the FAQ presents the option matter-of-factly and I don't fully understand how the community works here.

9 years ago

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its the same like blacklisting: every body whitelists for its own reasons. some just for getting whitelsited back, or cause of the ratio of a person or cause he likes his comments or gifs,...
if you added people to your friendlist and are playing and talking with them much, why not whitlisting them?

others dont know whom to whitelist, so they start a whitelist thread (can be invition, or just saying something and getting whitelisted),...

9 years ago

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You can whitelist however you want for what ever reason you want. Come up with something you really appreciate and grow it from there.

9 years ago

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Why even start a whitelist if you don't even know whom to put there? You might as well gift to everybody then, involve yourself in the community and as you get to know people you might come across certain individuals that you like more than others and the day might come that you want to reward those special people of yours with special giveaways.
This is the day when your whitelist comes in handy.
I don't think any other reason is really what the whitelist is about. You don't have to use it if it doesn't make sense to you.

9 years ago

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+1 Nothing more to add :)

9 years ago

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Thansk eeev, I guess that is the answer I was looking for. Whitelisted :P

9 years ago

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Glad I could help:)
Welcome to Steamgifts, nerfexpertise! I hope you're enjoying your stay here with us crazy causal gifters ;)

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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I whitelist all the creators of my won and received giveaways. I also try to whitelist users who have whitelisted me before, but this one is a little tricky because you can't see who whitelisted you unless they make a giveaway.

9 years ago

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I WL creators of GA which i won....and every week a did one GA (alteast 3 keys) to give something back to them. But you can WL as you want, this is just one idea how you can do it.

9 years ago

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I will quote myself from an older post about blacklist and whitelist: "They are both faces of the same coin, they do the same thing: exclude/include. The verb doesn't matter, because they are like a wall that separate two sides, if they are including or excluding depends on your point of view. Knowing that, everyone is free to use them like they prefer. A lot of people love whitelist and hate blacklist, but they really do the same dirty work, they are the same thing. The only difference to obtain the same result with them is the quantity of work needed: is it simpler to exclude or include a determinate number of people? It is only a mathematical and mouse clicking difference."

9 years ago

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Its people that I have gotten to know over the years plus people I enjoy on SG. Simple as that. I keep it small because I want the chances to be greater for these people to win rather then entering a GA with 3000 entries.

9 years ago

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I whitelist you!

9 years ago

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I whitelist people after they do that thing that I like when massaging my shoulders.

Sadly, that doesn't come up as often as I like, so mostly it's just people being cool or following back when they add me.

9 years ago

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I whitelisted everyone who always thank me in my giveaways :)

9 years ago

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Once you start creating or participating giveaways you will start meetig with new people.
I whitelist people I enjoyed having a conversation, shared thought or helpme about a subject so they will be in my heart (shortcuts folder) :)

9 years ago

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