Also: Lions kill/eat baby/child lions that are not their own. This way, the lion lady with the dead children has got to make new babys with the papa lion that ate her children.
And I thought my family was fucked up.
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Did you know that every year, nearly four million cats are eaten in Asia.
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The speed of light is ~3x10^8m/s. If your CPU clock operates at 3GHz, that means that it switches at 3x10^9 times/second. That means that in the time it takes a transistor in your processor to switch once, light travels just 1cm (~0.4 inches).
Another way of looking at this, is that your processor has about 2 billion transistors in it. If each switches at 3GHz, you have 2 billion things doing 3 billion things per second. This means that each second, your computer is doing up to 6 quintillion (6x10^18) things. These must be done correctly, or else it will likely crash. It makes the whole things seem so much more impressive than how you are used to thinking of it.
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You can tell how a pig is feeling by it's tail. Curly is happy or excited, and straight is content or asleep.
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I love cute games.
watch this trailor please interesting :)
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I read your name as WASD, was that on purpose? lol.
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something interesting.
Can i join the Very Important Partymen table now ?:D
XD well,if it has to be hmm i saw a guy upper talk about spiders
Did you know if a Black Widow bytes you,you can die if you don't get morphine and stuff?:) pain gets so tough it can shut your heart and mind if you aren't managing to relax :(
But in most cases people get help on time.
Edit: But ,if you get :> "bitten" by Marvel's Black Widow ,Natasha Romanoff from Avengers (Scarlett Johanson) ,you can die of joy :( and there isn't any fast treatment for that :D
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It's pretty easy to recognize the fourth dimension as time. The zero'th dimension is a point as we all learned in high school geometry. The first is a line. To create a line, all you do is extend a point infinitely in one direction. The line is just a continuum of points. The 2nd dimension is a plane, that's a flat surface that goes on forever, like a picture on a piece of paper that just keeps going. To create a plane, all you do is extend a line infinitely in a single direction. Next is 3D. Well, the same principal applies and you apply in infinite set of planes along a continuum and you get 3D space. If you were to place all of the existing 3D spaces along a continuum, we get the 4th dimension. That flow of space, we observe as time.
Additionally, from the prospective of a certain dimension, the observer can only observe the lower dimension. If you were to "stand" on a line (the first dimension), you could only observe a point, everything would be hidden from you because it's behind the point you are observing. The same principal applies in the higher D's as well. In a picture, you would only see lines. Even in the 3rd dimension, we only see planes. each of our eyes sees a slightly different plane due to prospective, and that's what gives up depth perception. Following that logic upwards, if you were to be an observer located in the 5th dimension, you would be able to perceive all of history and future at once in the 3rd dimension.
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This came as an Epiphany to me as I was sitting in a multi-dimensional calculus class. Never did figure out why.
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S5 0014+81 is a Supermassive Black Hole located in the homonymous galaxy.
Its mass is 40 000 000 000 Solar Mass (Sun = 1). It's the biggest Black Hole actually know.
The Schwarzschild radius of this black hole is 118.35 billion kilometers. So, this black hole has an external horizon showing a diameter of 236.7 billion kilometers, 1,600 astronomical units, or 47 times the distance from the Sun to Pluto, and shows a mass equivalent to four Large Magellanic Clouds. What is even more astounding is that the monstrous black hole exists so early in the universe, at only 1.6 billion years after the Big Bang.
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Summing the infinite series consisting of all natural numbers (1+2+3+4+5...) yields -1/12
By far one of my favorite facts :)
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except that that's wrong
see here for a very long explanation of where the number comes from
or here for a simpler explanation
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It's true that this result is impossible to achieve through a linear sum. Perhaps I should have been clearer about this being an interesting instance of Ramanujan summation. I'm just a fan of his work, that's all!
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it approximates -1/12, or, more precisely, -1/12 is used as a temporary stand-in for any math requiring the infinite series.
Similarly √-1 = i. Any time you need to do math involving the square root of a negative number, you temporarily substitute i, and when the math is done, you sub i back out,\
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I want some people on my wl because nobody enters my wl giveaways , sad i know .
i have 2 runing giveaways
first wl gw Frederic: Evil Strikes Back
second wl gw The Dark Eye: Chains of Satinav
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