did a quick search and the general thought was to wait - but I could not work out from the comments if the person would have already seen the keys - as I had clicked send key already before I noticed the ban :)

any thoughts ?

8 years ago

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Reroll for new winners?

8 years ago

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what if they have already seen the keys though ??? this was the problem with my search on previous happenings of this - most said that they may have seen the keys already ??

don't want to reroll if I am going to get told off if they have used the keys :(

8 years ago

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Yes if they went online they could have seen the keys and it's always a gamble, if you can afford a new copy, you can ask a reroll depending on what the suspension was for (not activating gifts before) or else have the giveaway deleted.

Had a similar case last week, i was asked reroll or delete, i chosen reroll and key was unused for the new winner.

However if suspension is <7 days you can also choose to wait.

8 years ago

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yeah - it seems a pickle to me - will look to see if I can find another couple of keys, but not sure I have those bundles any more

8 years ago

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Which games are they? Tremorgames (doing tasks, surveys to buy bundled games) can be useful depending on the country you are in.

Also check after the 7 days if the winner redeemed it on his account, if not then it might be safe (unless it was put on an alt).

8 years ago

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Vampire Legends: The True Story of Kisilova

Clockwork Tales: Of Glass and Ink

anyone remember which bundle these were in?

8 years ago

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Several bundles.

8 years ago

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errrm okay?

8 years ago

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I know not much of an answer, just saying it's been bundled alot.

Enhanced steam addon, should give you more info.

8 years ago

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thanks - it was somewhat vague :) but I appreciate it anyway :)

8 years ago

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Check the games on http://www.isthereanydeal.com: search the game in search bar, then click on the good result. At the bottom of the price list, you'll see if and where the game has been bundled.

8 years ago

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found them - managed to snag a couple more - it costs me money, but saves me from my OCD so it will be worth it :)

8 years ago

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Clockwork tales, plenty of copies on Tremorgames. 99 coins (cheap)
Vampire Legends is 199 coins.

Both can be doable with 1 survey.

If you don't get many tasks to do because you are in one of those countries, someone can always work out a trade with you.
Or just with anyone on steamtrades, as i said in a post above it's been bundled, alot.

8 years ago*

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I don't know where your key is from. But some sites give you the possibility to request a new key if the one you have is used, however I've never done anything like that, I'm just aware that this is a possibility, if you want to know more try asking in the forum.
I'm sorry but I can't tell you more than you could also do like that.

8 years ago

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Check login times. If they haven't logged in since the giveaway ended, they haven't seen the key. If they have logged in, they've probably seen it thanks to spacecat.

Also, try checking their steam profile. If they own the games, they saw the keys.

8 years ago

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the person got a 2 week suspension - is this a lot ?

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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okay then - guess that is not someone who should really be winning stuff then eh?

8 years ago

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Pretty much. Though there might be some people genuinely not know, not read the FAQ, about that you should activate games on your own account, if they have several it can rack up to two weeks. Someone here was suspended 1-2 months for it (though it got removed after the person fixed it).
But he could have done other things, we don't know, only you know the winner without you having to call out.

8 years ago

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to true - even I have not grasped all of the complexities here :) Many thanks for the information, I have managed to snag the games again, but should I delete the comps - or request reroll - or just leave it and wait ?

8 years ago

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Send in a ticket for a reroll, you probably will be asked then if you want to have it deleted or gamble (used key or not) a reroll for a new winner.

Usually you have to wait 7 days though, but since he is suspended for 2 weeks, and if it was for regifting, or not activating wins you get a reroll granted anyway, support will know the reason.

8 years ago*

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Thank you - really appreciate all the information - I did do a search but all the conversations had various ums and ahs over what exactly to do in this situation !

I have a new key available, so will I be able to offer the new key? or just risk rerolling the old one?

8 years ago

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After a reroll you can edit the key section and put in a new key.

What i did was checking the profile of the winner, if he had an account with a large amount of games (making it less chance of it being an alt account) then checked if he redeemed it or not and then had the reroll done.
If the new winner takes too long to confirm the key, just contact him, that usually works (not every winner bothers to go after it when a key doesn't work)

What talgaby said, if he didnt see the key you atleast know its 100% safe. But writing support is all you can do, also because they know the reasons why this person was suspended, and what actions can be taken for you.

8 years ago

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Thankyou -appreciate the lessons here - will make me more diligent in the future :) not least to remember where I got my bundled games from - took me ages to work out that one :)

will end this discussion soon then and look into getting the ticket started :)

8 years ago

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I am a bit debating with myself though as there is not really a clear answer on if you have to wait 7 days first though. (worse case you are just being told to wait 7 days). Better to do it just after the 7 days. Not like the winner can see the keys anyway.

8 years ago

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Okay - many thanks - will wait the seven days - just to be on the safe side - they have 2 weeks to go on their suspension so it makes no difference if I wait :)

8 years ago

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ask for a reroll

8 years ago

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If they were online after you revealed the keys, and if they were suspended for running away with keys, then ask for forced received feedback.
If they were not online since the giveaway ended, then ask for a reroll on the account of winner being suspended (it is an actual category for that ticket type).

8 years ago

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happy cakeday!
... hope you like chocolate cake :-)

View attached image.
View attached image.
8 years ago

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(Not really, but cake is cake. So thanks. ♥)

8 years ago

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what kinda cake should I get you for your next cakeday then?

8 years ago

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forgive my ignorance, I lurk alot and don't often jump in, but how would I know if they were online at the time of the revelation (makes it sound like a religious intervention :)

8 years ago

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Check their profile. It shows the last time they were online (before they logged out).
If you are unsure, just send a request received feedback ticket and show that you have revealed the keys. This has the added benefit that if they ran away with them, they get their ass fucked again, and if not, then the feedback will become true when their suspension end and they can get the keys.
You have to know that you cannot ask for this before one week passes after the giveaway's end.

8 years ago

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But Is it still 7 days wait even if the person is suspended for 2 weeks? (Then again it could be lifted in some cases, if it was for not activating wins, then the person fixes it).

And if the reason was for regifting you also have to wait 7 days?

8 years ago*

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yeah - think I will wait the 7 days - they have 2 weeks to go on the suspension anyway, so will see soon enough :)

8 years ago

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you could try deleting the keys from those giveaways, waiting till they come back and see if they ask you for their wins. then you can reroll.

it's not 100% reliable but better than blindly rerolling and hoping they didn't see the key.

8 years ago

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is that fair though? - not sure on the etiquette here ? - and a search on this topic tends to suggest that neither did the other people, or persons offering an opinion, when they suffered the same problem :)

8 years ago

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Closed 8 years ago by Loupou22.