Do you play visual novels? Or do you play multiple-endings games maybe?
Visual novels are always nice, think the earliest one I experienced was the goosebumps books which let you make choices, before i had a pc or consoles.
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I don't like too much visual novels, maybe because there is a lot to read and english is not my main language
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I remember when I was leaning english and though of buying a book, thinking that it will make the process faster. I bought one randomly in my favorite genre and later found out, that its written with pretty uncommon words. After one hour gooling-every-third-word I gave up and rather watched some movies with subtitles :D It helped greatly^^
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After my long and dangerous climb to the top of Ostankino broadcasting tower I decided to spare the city of mutants only to find out in the sequel that this wasn't the canon ending.
Most game developers lack the narrative finesse to carry over all possible outcomes in a sequel which irks me a lot.
Happy cake day
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I also spared them, I though to myself - why should they die, are they any worse? Well I know that they maybe killed a lot of people :D But people killed a lot of them too, right?
Alternative sequel with this ending would be interesting. Friendship, betrayal? Who knows what would happen hehe.
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i was a lot into visuel novels but havven't played any recently
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Don't know much about visual novels, i dont remember ever "playing" one. Games with multiple endings are fine as long as they are good and the different ending scenarios aren't dependent on something that makes you repeat the whole game(or big part of it), and if they are dependent on something like that make sure that the game has replayability worth, or its just a hassle.
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Yeah I totally get you, I always try to get all endings when a game has them, but if practically nothing changes in the "different" route then its a bit pointless and boring to read the same text twice or even more times. In that case I always play the game, get a few endings and I let it sit in my library for a few years before touching it again^^
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I don't really play visual novels, and I prefer games with multiple paths, not just multiple endings because I get bored easily if I have to re-play the whole game only to change dialog option #4 with PNJ #54 in town #23 by dialog option #2 so that it unlocks the secret door #8 in town #17 instead of the door #89 I took in my previous play 😂
Thank you for the train 😉
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Well, Visual Novels are my favourite genre, cause I enjoy reading, like multiple choices in games and also like cute anime girls
They also was main motivation to learn English. I prefer Japanese ones, but sometimes play something like DokiDoki or Life and Suffering of Sir Brante (we may count it VN, it even have VNDB page). So yeah, I like them a lot.
Happy Cakeday ^^
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Didn't play one even if I like anime but i'll search in my library to see if I have one maybe I'll give it a try anyway... I saw a yt guy playing LateShift it looks kinda interesting ( not anime tho) is more like a irl movie with multiple endings and choices
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I'm not much into live-action games, but this one looks promising^^ When someone mentions "live action game with choices" I always start thinking about Super Seducer, I saw a part of gameplay from that one and it felt like those people interacting weren't actually people :D
LateShift doesn't remind me of it in a slightest, thanks for the tip, I'll keep an eye out for it^^
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I believe the live-action form of a Visual Novel (VN) is referred to as a Full Motion Video game (FMV), although I've also heard the term "interactive movie". The only games along those lines I've ever enjoyed were 7th Guest and 11th Hour, and they were more like cutscenes in between every game action ([uzzle solving and sometimes changing rooms) you make, rather than the "game" itself being the videos.
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I like visual novels but only play / read one very occasionally, and generally tend to prefer the ones that are more hybrid in genre instead of a straight forward VN, multiple ending are welcomed but not necessary at all for my enjoyment. My favorite would have to be Analogue: a Hate Story, partly because it might have been the first VN I ever encountered and partly because of how well it uses the context of its plot to justify the way it dripfeeds its story to the player, the writer even came up with an in universe reason to explain the limitations of a conversation tree which at the time I thought was brilliant.
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I just LOVE visual novels. And the best usually have multiple endings. Fate/stay night, Saya no Utah, Tsukihime, I have seen many of them.
One of the best things about them it's that since they can't do much about gameplay, they have to concentrate on story. And the stories are great!
The narratives are in-depth enough to suck you into a different reality. Playing a visual novel gives you the same feeling of watching a really good movie or reading an amazing book.
What I also love about visual novels are the endings. I usually never bother to finish a game for the second time for the ending. But visual novels make reruns more appealing. Finding all endings make the game feel complete—you get to experience the story from all angles, allowing you to get to know the universe and characters.
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Oh! I didn't know that there are Fate games on steam! Now I'll have to check them out :o
I love those VNs based on anime (or vice-versa), when I fell in love with the story I want to see more of the characters. Currently I'm really looking forward this game: Its not VN but I loved the anime a lot and ironically the main character is my favorite one too, so hopefully we'll get more background story for her^^
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Sadly, the fate games are not on Steam.
Steam goes crazy with nudity on anime characters ;(
I didn't know there was a VN about Overlord. Is it canon?
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Aw, I saw and though that there's maybe a way how to get it even now.
I'm not sure, but people go crazy about it^^
I don't mind if its not, I just wish to see a bit more about this character, she didn't have much screen time :c
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I mostly play games for the story and interesting (and not too stressful) gameplay, so certainly open to Visual Novels. The last one that became dear to my heart was Eliza. Though I do wonder where the boundary between Visual Novels and other genres lies... I'm thinking of the upcoming Mask of The Rose - which might have so many opportunities to influences pieces of the story that it might as well be called a RPG. Games like this make me really excited.
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Appreciate the hints, but I haven't got a clue how to get to ending 2. I went over this thread and the GA's several times and just can't find what I'm missing. But it's ok since other people seem to be able to find ending 2, I must be overlooking something, but I don't think I'll find it
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I have found 3 of the 4 endings, and I THINK I have the 5 characters needed, but the carving thing tells me nothing. Put them in the order discovered? Nope. Put them in order alphabetically? Nope. Put them in order alphabetically but put the lower case letters before the uppercase letters? Still nope. Either I have the wrong characters, or I just don't understand the puzzle.
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Uhh, thats a hard one. My top 10 is probably different from top 10 I would recommend :D I love many games because I have many fond memories of me playing them when I was younger or with friends. In my top 10 would probably be games like Ford Racing 3, Metin 2 or GTA: SAMP. But now there are many new, graphically better looking not-dead games.
So depending on whats your favorite genre I would recommend OneShot, Helltaker, Songbird Symphony, The Divine Speaker, Epistory and one of my tops - SOMA. I just loved the story. If you're into horor genre, then Bendy and the Ink Machine, >observer and Alien: Isolation are must play games^^
If you were asking specifically for games with multiple endings, then I'm sorry but I didn't play that many of them. If you have any recommendations, I'll be glad to go through them^^
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Visual novels rock. I remember when I played Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward on the Vita, because it was free in Playstation Plus. After the first ending I wasn't impressed at all and only gaining more achievements motivated me to try a second ending. Then I couldn't stop till I had them all and absolutely loved the game.
I hope I'll play more of them when I get my Deck. Got plenty in my backlog.
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Happy Cake Day and thanks for the train! I love games with multiple endings and finished The Complex a couple months ago and was hooked. I do try and get all endings possible. I have several in my library and also on my wishlist.
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i backed their Kickstarter way back when! really need to get around to playing it one of these days, heh
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Sooo.. anyone likes visual novels with multiple endings? :3 I personally love them and other games with multiple endings too! Like OneShot for example, I'll never forget that game.
Well anyways, I decided to create a little train for my cakeday. Last year I made it late, so I figured out, why not making it this year early?^^
Have fun, don't get lost.
Jump on!
P.S You don't need to be on WL to explore the train, but if you'd like to get into that one other cart, then leave any comment in this thread. I'll maybe randomly add you, who knows.^^
Searching for the first three endings? Well don't forget to bump the thread when you're at it. You can also try to (not) get lost in the train.
Have you ever played "odd one out"? You can now prove your skills^^
Unsure about the order? Check the third ending, you'll find more clues there.
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