It is moderated. It's just that the staff member have their hands full from just SteamGifts alone and may not take action to correct every situation in ST quickly. The mods will get to them when they get to them. Just make sure to report each incident on the SteamGifts support section, or the support members may not know about it.
Fake/misused feedback - occasionally removed after support tickets are filed
Bans for scammers - frequently done
Punishing actions against rules - addressed most of the time after support tickets are created
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So you didn't report that false negative?
I said all of this because i am seeing these things everyday. Maybe there should be a report button, too? I mean even some of the mods or admins have missused feedbacks for months. it looks like deserted.
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They may be associated but they are seperate sites. If I have an issue there I shouldnt have to come here to get it resolved.
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I've said it before and i will say it again, more moderators are needed.
I would even do it myself in my spare time, 20 or so support tickets answered a day might help.
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Careful what you wish for! :) In my experience the burnout on thankless volunteer unpaid moderator type positions is very high... Not many people are able to roll the boulder up the hill all day long, only to see it roll down and start again from the bottom tomorrow... :)
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I've been a moderator countless times (even signed the nda's Associated), And seen many come and go on other sites..
Many people take on too much, i just do what i can when i can.
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Im sure if one of the staff created a Thread, asked for some applications, checked and balanced a few things, made sure those that signed up acted in the correct manner, a few good mods might come out of it.
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lol thats why you must enter mod mode, this is something i started doing myself.
I basically become this corporate person, with no sides, totally in the middle with no preferences, with one job, to uphold the rules and help.
Once you cut out personal preferences and opinions its just easier xD
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I think its pretty clear i wouldnt mind answering a few tickets here and their, but its not up to me.
Plus i think a mod actually needs to be liked xD
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I think a mod needs to be more than a likable person (and from past experiences with moderators for sites in general, likable doesn't even seem to be a consideration for most) :P
I'd say someone who regularly uses the site and has a decent amount of rep would be the best fit there, someone who's trusted and understands trading enough to be able to spot scams, fake rep, and everything related to it (as well as the site rules).
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oh ofc thats also paramount, but i dont see a skilled person that no one likes becoming a mod xD
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lol i wont comment on that, but i will respect decisions and will say when your moderating a lot, you tend to jump to conclusions sometimes.
And thats from experience xD
And as for how power is used, it can corrupt when people bring it into their personal space, thats why i have mod mode :)
I've never been hated as a moderator Except for a week when my aunty died some years back :(
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^^This. I was a mod(volunteer) for 2 years in a site which is bigger than steamgifts+trades. It is not a hard job if you have time and if you enjoy to tidy up things. I bet there are more, trusted people who are willing to do this job at a site they like.
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Only 20? :P I think they probably answer a lot more than that.
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As much as I hate it, this site needs ads. The ads then go to pay moderators and bandwidth. Moderators who are paid are motivated to spend more time here, and (depending how they are paid) could even make this a job. That way the owner of the site makes a little money, the mods make money and have more time and motivation to do their job, and the people have a relatively safe place to give things and trade.
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yep site already has ads, and i would say your also correct on barely covering costs part.
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I'm pretty sure steam gifts is covering costs. I know that a large portion of cg's gifts are bought using ad revenue.
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Based on experience, I'd say your perception of reality is off a bit.
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cg is very slow and picky about these things. There aren't even any mods in the Steam group and that's left to the spammer/scammer hordes -
So while every so often it's easy to complain about support being overworked and understaffed, and it's true, nothing's going to be done about it because there is no infrastructure to implement any changes with a semblance form of autonomy and feasibility. Hopefully SGv2 will resolve those things. :)
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i agree a tad, but i think the lack of mod recruitment is due to hidden plans at work in sgv2 which kinda links with what you have said.
Afterall why recruit several more mods if the new system (if one exists) allows for much faster, better moderation.
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It just shows a certain level of stubbornness and/or incompetence imo. They like to hide behind a (reportedly) 2-month+ ticket backlog and use it as a cop out for various things, and yet they have sat on their hands for months rather than bring in a handful of new people to assist. Personally, I would have done that several months ago. Instead I see the same small group of names answering tickets. If the number of users is growing then so too does the support staff need to to as well in order to keep up.
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well they are not short on volunteers, that much is clear.
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There was a thread in the past with current mods willing to help out on steamtrades but they were denied or something of that sort.
Also while there is no shortage on volunteers (hell at least 10% of members would probably volunteer), as you posted yourself, you would do what 20 tickets a day? I doubt 10 new staff members doing 20 tickets a day would put a dent in their backlog.
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I agree with getting new staff members. I don't understand why the staff team isn't growing. I get that the staff needs to be trusted but seriously, this site has a big enough community of regulars that I'm SURE there's some more trusted people willing to volunteer. cg just doesn't ever seem to ask for them nor really show acknowledgement of these problems existing.
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Moderating isn't a paid job so its hard to find good people to work for free. I've moderated various places in the past and I usually end up quitting as I spend a shit load of time doing work (for someone else) and I get nothing in return and often you are not even appreciated.
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"biggest trade community for games" khm tf2outpost khm
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or just make smart trades? why are we even trading cd keys? (because their hella cheap thats why)
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The fact that it isn't so heavily moderated is the reason i use it. I get pissed off at that "1 post per 24 hours" crap reddit and steam does and then they try to drop rules on trading that no one is going to follow and people start getting banned for stupid reason.
The only thing that needs moderation on there is the negative feedback crap. When people start leaving false negative feedback is when the mods should step in and that's it.
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I once reported a false positive on my ST profile by some guy who was +repping everyone he could find in hopes of getting +rep in return, made a ticket about it here on ST, they responded pretty fast and suspended the guy. Sadly he was not banned though, he might easily be a genuine scammer.
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Aaaand apparently somebody found a way to exploit reputations:
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True ST lacks the same attention given to SG, though support is unpaid and the site accepts no form of donation, it's completely free. In experience anything support related it my take a whille but they've never failed me so I belive in the end they do what they can.
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I aware that support is voluntary and site is free but if they(site owners) want to really provide support they should implement a business model to earn money(ads,donations etc.) and get paid employees or at least get more voluntary staff.
Anyway support respond this report in one day. i wish they always like this(at least respond in 1 week) and moderate the forums a little. I'm not asking this just for me but the sake of site and community.
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If a moderator is looking at this I have a question. I mistakenly hit the Close button on my thread. Can you reopen the thread somehow? in other forums you can reopen a thread in case you closed it, especially by mistake like that.
Creating a new one not only loses the 300 comments I have on it, but also forces me to get over 150 links form steam to link all the games all over again. (since you cant Edit your thread anymore and therefore cant copy the code).
this is quite an important and irritating issue. Thanks
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I mean this is the biggest trade community for games in steam universe. But lack of moderation killing it. Fake and missused feedback(note that trust and rep is core of trading), not banned scammers, all actions against rules etc. It needs an active "voluntary or not" moderation or soon someone probably will open a new site with better features and moderation which takes the place of deserted steamtrades..
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