I've posted several threads for my games I sell, this is my newest one: http://www.steamtrades.com/forum/fVlsa/h-skyrim35k-state-of-decay3kthe-walking-dead3k-more
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I used to go on Trader's Guild chat room and forums for my trading business. There's a good amount of people on, and as long as you follow their rules, you should be fine.
As for your trading, it might be depending on what you are trading and their prices if you're asking for something like tf2/dota2/csgo keys. Otherwise, it just might be an average, quiet time in trading. Sometimes I wouldn't get any trade offers until a week, then more offers show up.
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There are so many regular traders out there. When I'm looking for one, I usually just pick the most coherent description. Then it comes down to how active he/she is. I've previously added traders only to delete them soon after because hey are not online. It's very easy to find another more active trader who can give me what I want, when I want it.
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"I have the same prices, same games and all that, yet I have no buyers" - not really, im having hard time selling outlast for 2.5 keys, yet u sell it for 3, also i just finished trading all terrarias for 1 key each, u sell them for 2, your prices are a bit higher :P
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well, the best way to trade is to actually be active in trying to sell/buy what you have/want. if you just post something and bump the thread, you'll most likely get loads of lowball offers and maybe a few decent ones, you have to go look for who wants/needs what you have and add them, or post on their trade posts to get the sale
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1 - Your prices. You header your thread "Selling Games Cheap!" but here you say are fair or "I have the same prices, same games and all that" but that's not accurate. Skyrim 3.5 Keys, I can find it for 2.5. EYE for 2.5, I bought it for 1. IMO your prices are inflated, generally by .5-1 TF2 key. You say cheap, but then aren't cheap at all.
2 - You need to freaking organize that list. If I was looking to trade, that alone might make me leave your thread before even noticing your inflated pricing. Your list is just a clusterfuck. Thankfully it's very small but...
3 - Your list is very small. But yet you still treated it more like a shop list. It's off putting.
4 and 5 are rather interrelated, but - Your thread makes it obvious you're fairly new, and you don't have much of a presence. Yet you have 50 rep on SteamTrades alone. That sounds somewhat iffy honestly.
All in all, I'll be honest, looking at your thread there's no way I'd buy from you. The post is terrible, the prices suck, I've never heard of you anywhere to make me feel like I should ignore any warning signs, and the annoyances of your thread, to go out of my way to trade with you, and your prices don't encourage it either, so I'd very simply move on about 2 seconds after I opened your thread and look for someone organized with better prices and more rep.
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I didn't ask anything and I don't appreciate your tone of text sir
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when i have a problem with selling games, i lower prices. that normally works
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There's also the problem with 0.5k, usually ppl charge that as a ToD, but you also require 1 refined metal when I see that I simply leave because it's too bothersome to get those (It's no longer as simple as going to tf2 store or steam market).
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Your prices are much higher than the normal sale price. If you want to sell anything you need to lower your prices by a key or 1.5 key each. Also, you shouldn't get into trading as a business, you'll just be disappointed. I really only card trade and key trade at this point, I card trade 1:1 equal value to help people out with their badges.
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So I've been trading for about 5 Months now, is it just me or does it feel like your the only one that is getting completely ignored? xD
So basically, the reason why I speak of this is because I want to know if there is anyone else on the same sort of step as me? Stuck? Trying To Make a sale?
I have the same prices, same games and all that, yet I have no buyers xD (hahaha fail trader, yeah I know xD)
If you are not a trader then you can just imagine. :D
So anyway, is there any better way to get more noticed?
I use:
Thanks for reading!
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