They kind of did by adding restrictions to brand new accounts. New steam accounts will need to purchase minimum of 5 dollars/euros? (not sure) before they're able to send friend requests and post.
For existing bots, all you can do is report and block. Not sure how much is being done about it though.
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But those scamming shitheads are using accounts they hacked or bought earlier......
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The way I see it, Valve's under no obligation to do anything about it. So they probably won't. If it's not going to line up their pockets with cash, it's not worth looking into for them. But who knows what the future will bring.
At any rate, just block the obvious bots and move on.
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Captchas can be "gamed" by outsourcing the work on mturk or something similar, but it would provide a barrier. I don't think Valve really has an incentive to eliminate bots as they can count those accounts towards their "total number of users" for posterity/ bragging rights.
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What more you expect them to do ? They already preventing new accounts from crap like this but there is still shitload of old accounts made by bots. It`s trading sites like CSGO Lounge which should restrict private / new / shady accounts out of use... BUUUUUT Since 90% of cs:go players are also private / retarded / shady i doubt it will ever happen ;)
Also this problem is not as big as it used to be half year ago while every bump at Lounge or Outpost gave you 5 - 6 - 7 invites and you couldnt tell if its real or fake . Now you can easily see who is that at steam. So just get used to it like most of us did especially now since like i`ve said its not as big problem as it used to be.
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Yahoo and Gmail at least both have spam filters that try to deal with it, but it's hardly doing much. Phone calls on the other hand, you can absolutely report if you live in the US (dunno else where's laws) it is entirely illegal here to make calls attempting social engineering to steal private information of any kind.
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Gotta disagree, it doesn't work well, but phishing schemes are something that will get your email on a spam filter list.
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Because most of us don't give any money to MSN, Google or Yahoo. At the same time, most of us constantly give money to Valve/Gaben. That's the difference and i don't get what's so hard to understand about it. You're comparing a store to free email services. While i don't agree with the OP's blanket statement that they've done "nothing" he is right to demand better treatment as a paying customer, simple as that.
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It's quite hard to actually do anything about them that will not negatively impact honest customers. As long as there is another human overseeing these bots, there really is not anything you can do, if they are using stolen accounts. Limiting the amount of connections that can come from a single IP would negatively impact internet cafΓ©s, student dorms and so on.
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Add them to ignore list, there are about 50-60 of those in my ignore list. After the new rules I'm occasional getting 1 invite from a bot. Making new bots not worth it nowadays, after $5 rule was introduced. All you need is to add old ones into ignore list.
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They didn't do anything about it? They keep doing everything about it all the time. Steam is getting more and more restricted because of it, but it's impossible to just stop it. They added that annoying link filter to steam to warn you that the link could be dangerous before letting you access it, they restricted steam features unless you paid 5$ at least on that steam account and someone told me that you needed to wait a month before buying new games with a new account, but I'm not sure if that's true. The whole reason Humble Bundle minimum price became 1$ instead of 1cent is because of those assholes who would just buy those bundles in bulk and then use those cheap keys to make fake accounts to let themselves look like they're legit users. They added a report trader function to be able to mark scammers, but instead the scammers are mass reporting legit users if they fail to scam them.
It's all so annoying that people abuse the system and ruining it for others, but nothing can be done about it. It's mostly coming from Russia, where people are extremely poor and extremely immoral. They'll be assholes to anyone who isn't their friend, even if it's a Russian person as well. Not all of them are like that, but unfortunately the asshole ones are the ones you'll be hearing about most of the time.
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Everytime I bump my threads up on CSGO Lounge, I would be flooded by those phishing bots.
Why is Valve not doing anything like making users enter a captcha code everytime they add someone?
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