So right now(also several days ago or maybe a week) if you buy "Divinity: Dragon Commander" which is available at -95% on g2a you will get $40 CV, (also it was at -85% on Steam during latest sale, a few days ago, meaning in Russian price is....well 95% corresponding to US) this means go buy it and farm CV....well or maybe not.....maybe you should just stay in this thread and watch it getting bundle with others who will here. Anyways if it doesn't get bundle, you will end up farming CV, so not bad deal I guess.

I just wanted to make private GAs and saw several ppl creating several giveaways for this game, so I thought why not make everyone know about it, why can't we all participate in this? like happened with Mortal Kombat Pack, which got bundled too and ppl tried to offer it to me for $5 when in reality it was just 1.4€.

Now you already have a thread about this, so you won't have to create another one to whine about not getting your CV, which is understandable in some situations, but well...we are all affected by this.

We have Popcorn, pizza, cookies and 2 anime games to spend the time here talking about if you consider games at 95% getting bundle is fair or not if the price in Russia is extremely low, and also watch this game getting bundled :)

If it doesn't end up in bundle, you will farm CV, so profit... the fact it self of just creating giveaways of it it's okay, create if you want.

At the end it was added to bundle list

Yeah and comment something here....

Gib 1 lvl 1
Gib 2 lvl 2

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9 years ago*

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Do you like some games recently getting in bundle that shouldn't have? (like Talos, Evil Within, Wolfenstein, etc)

View Results
Yes, I think they got to bundle fairly
No, I don't agree that it was fair putting these games into bundle list
I think Support sometimes goes of the edge with the bundle list
I think these games could go in bundle but give little more than 15% of total value, let's say 25%, 35% or other number
other (comment)
I don't care about CV
I just came here to watch drama
I hate you for revealing this because now it will for sure get to bundle and I will lose CV :(

Except it was already in a bundle

9 years ago

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But it's not on bundle list ....yet, which is what I'm talking about.

9 years ago

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That doesn't mean anything. We all know how up to date it is.

9 years ago

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This means you can buy it at 95% and get full CV, and it's there for several days actually.

9 years ago*

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It was in the $12 tier, so it wasn't added to the Bundle Games list. :U It probably will be now. Either these people on G2A are getting rid of their spare Humble keys they couldn't sell/trade, or there was a price bug on some website.

9 years ago

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Was it $12, I thought it was $9 for some reason.

9 years ago

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Oh, you're right. It probably was $9 :P Humble usually has their tier 3 at $12, so I was a tad mixed in the mind.

9 years ago

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Just checked and it was $9, for 16 games I wouldn't be suprised if it was given that date than this one. They've also used $15 for that tier so $12 really isn't all that much of a standard.

9 years ago

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Yeah, it was $9. And Tier2 was actually quite high, making purchase of Tier3 quite cheap, and since it was like 2 games, it made both Tier3 games cost like $1.25 .

9 years ago

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Yep. Welcome to Humble.

G2A prices shouldn't reflect the bundle list though, because people can resell at any price (someone could, say, offer a bunch of keys at a cent each just to get rid of them, getting a game bundled even though the price could shoot up). Grey market sites are problematic anyway.

9 years ago

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I agree on that. I think it should just be affected by the "official" stores (GMG, IndieGala, Humble etc)

9 years ago

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You made me hungry with those descriptive foods

9 years ago

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Oh, I have two of these on reserve.
Oh well. :P

9 years ago

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Also you can talk to ArchiBoT if you feel lonely (shameless ArchiBoT promotion ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)/\ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ/)

9 years ago

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haha i love archi bot

9 years ago

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Damn, It's G2A... I really wanted it for myself. Oh well.

9 years ago

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probably they are just reselling it from Humble Bundle, so keys should be okay, even if fact it self buying from g2a won't be pleasant to everyone, but I don't think it's a bad deal.

9 years ago*

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Bought and sold several things there, the only problem I ever had is this one time someone bought a key at x2 the price somehow, then refunded, and g2a said they couldn't refund me the taxes I paid for said refunded sale. :(

9 years ago

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Time to ban russia? :v jk

9 years ago

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but Vodka...

9 years ago

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actually now since it got hit all the way back to the 29th of October when my game is from Humble...

ban ru-cis and save steamgifts.

plus there are several unpleasant people from there that plague hidden link GAs too

9 years ago

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Once region locked giveaways were permitted cancelling them after won't be really fair or correct,.

9 years ago

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Most likely HB resell, as people have said. And to my knowledge the bundle list here doesn't care about the grey/black market prices, because then if you want to troll people, you could take a 100-dollar hit and sell two Fallout 4 copies there for a dollar and blam, instantly going to the bundle list.

9 years ago

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last time I checked there was a huge difference between 2 and 100,000 (just scroll down a little on g2a, you'll see a seller with 764028 keys for 1.68€)

I get your point, but IMHO you've picked a poor example to make your point :P

9 years ago

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That number is how many keys they sold since they started trading on G2A, not their stock. There aren't even 700000 keys in existence for that game.

9 years ago

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oh, sorry, I've never used g2a. it would have made sense to display the available keys next to the seller shrugs

9 years ago

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If there really would be seven hundred thousand keys on the open market, the publisher of that game would be really happy. :) Not even the entire CoD franchise could do that, all platforms combined.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Not really, since keys are only at resellers and they only order enough stock that would sell within reasonable time (usually a few months). And all CoD games are flash and burn: most sales are done in the opening few weeks, then people just wait for next year's edition.
So saying that the dozen or so games would probably not stock 700k keys can be more than reasonable.

9 years ago

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I'm sorry, I apparently misread your statement (completely missed the part about open market) and i agree with you. 700'000 valid keys on the open market would be quite a lot (when there isn't a brand new COD release right around the corner)

9 years ago

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Bundle list is a clusterfuck if you look at the " not bundled, but discounted" games. Some got bundled at less than 95%, others got added months later, ot not at all.
DIvinity Dragon commander is 40$, while 700 Rubel in Russia. 85% discount makes it 105 Rub = 1.57584 $, making it a 96% discount. And it's not the first time that Dragon commander is at -85% worldwide...

9 years ago

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it should be added to bundled list, because it was like $1.5 for each game in 3rd tier of that bundle but i really hope they dont start adding games to bundled list because of gray market sellers too now. Theres already too much "danger" for your game to be bundled because of like 40 legit digital distributers, plus steam russian prices and now if we had to worry about 3rd party sites too.... we might as well add all games that are older than 1 year to bundled list and get done with it.

Bundled list is already getting too big for its own good, and soon enough every half decent game will be on it :o

cv should be either adjusted or go away completely. Its a system thats actually discouraging people from giving away games, on a site dedicated to ... giving games away. So yeah, imo it does have its own shortcomings but people tend to ignore it.

9 years ago*

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If pricing is this simple, tell me this: why are people selling the Resident Evil 5 DLC bundle pack from Capcom HB tier 3 for 10-12 dollars at best? Wasn't it just 150 cents too? Or why couldn't I get keys for Remember Me (tier 2, so effective price like 80 cents?) for less than 5 dollars (and costs still 4 dollars even on the black market)?

9 years ago

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eh i was talking about bundled list, when it comes to pricing (sadly) it is that simple.

but no need to get on my back here, im one of the good guys ! :D Im not in a favor of CV at all, and i firmly believe how cv in its current format is going to choke itself because soon enough GA's are going to be made of latest bundled games mostly.

Theres a reason why there werent (m)any giveaways during this sale, when it comes $2-$3 games that have $10-$15 base price. They were either bundled already or recently added to the list because it was like $.00004 in russia. So naturally nobody buys games like those anymore to give them away, because getting $1,5 cv for $3 is not many people have high aspirations for :P

cv system has another bunch of problems, that will get more evident as more games get added to bundled list but one of these days ill make a topic with a list of (top 10?) flaws curent system has :)

9 years ago

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lol CV got pwned, lesson learned, stick to bundled games unless you truly have extra cash to share

it was bundled because of g2a prices?

9 years ago

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it was also 85% on Steam during Autumn Sale, meaning 95% on Russia corresponding to US price, they added other games that give just $15 CV because of that, but not the one that gives $40, but g2a was another reason for this probably.

9 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

9 years ago

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Wondered where all these GAs are coming from, but guess that explains it :P
I'm sure it's going to the bundled list

9 years ago

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If there are many GAs for it and not bundled -> bundled retroactively. It is almost a rule of nature here. (Except for the "current hot game" of course. :))

9 years ago

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I just came here to watch drama

9 years ago

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But I have no popcorn ç_ç

9 years ago

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popcorns are overated ^^

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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I don't give a damn 'bout my C value.

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9 years ago

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Divinity is on the bundled list going back to October.

9 years ago

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It was added today/yesterday, that 29th October doesn't mean it was added on that date, it just means all GAs created after that date will be considered bundle.

9 years ago

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So anyone who got it and did a GA and got the full 40CV will get it reduced?

9 years ago

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Yes, there is ppl who created like 5 or more copies because of this price without telling anyone they got it for very cheap.

9 years ago

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that sucks for those.

9 years ago

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well they will learn. It will suck for those who only created 1-2 copies as bundle leftover, thanks to those who tried to abuse.

9 years ago

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I didn't even know it was in a sale around the same time as the humble bundle. Thank god my level didn't go down. I paid for the top tier of that bundle to give away the games in it including Divinity: Dragon Commander (cuz i'm not rich, so I try to just do what I can afford). I understand it being added to the bundle list, but I don't think it should have had the date set back to Oct. 29. If they didn't catch it in time I feel that should be on steamgifts and not the users. Even though some may have cashed in on CV for that its not fair to the other users who didn't.

9 years ago

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It went on the bundle list backdated to October 29 because it was offered at 85% off during the Halloween sale, which made it over 95% off at the Russian price. That started a few days after it was offered as a Tier 3 HumbleBundle game. So those who gave it away from Humble a few days before the Halloween sale still got full CV for it. The other Tier 3 game, Spintires, didn't have a parallel sale, so it is still full value.

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

9 years ago

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But I give Bad Rats, isn't that awesome?

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

9 years ago

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Thanks for your GA.
Got the gift :D

9 years ago

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