Do you craft foli badges?
That's because either the foil card is expensive or because the game is not popular enough.
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Remember when foil cards worth over 10$ ? Pepperidge Beta Testers' Farm remembers.
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They can show dedication towards the game and have often the best-looking badge, but that's it. They don't even have a better chance for a non-common emote/background. They are, in many sense, collector items, because you really have to be dedicated to craft them.
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Dedication and money it seems for some of them, I have a foil card for Monochroma and was wondering if I should keep it or sell it, but if it gives nothing more, it seems a little overprice... Although I guess it only worth what someone is willing to pay for it.
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If you don't want to craft the foil, I advise putting it up on the market. Foil collectors tend to go to 5× normal card price at best (a few rich exceptions to even higher), and the more get into circulation, the saner those prices get, which in turn gives the sellers actual income finally instead of them waiting for years for that one fool on the planet who'd pay that 5-10 dollars for a single card.
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Yup, it's crazy sometimes. A friend of mine who doesn't care about cards at all sold one of her cards, a foil Blackbeard from lego PotC, for 9€, but only because I told her to. The next card then was sold for 2€ or something. I just looked it up, it seems like prices rose again but generally speaking you should try to sell them as soon as possible. It's crazy that people are willing to pay 23 dollars for a single foil card.
I don't know, I felt like sharing.
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And believe me, as a person who is on the buying side when it comes to foils, I don't understand them. I have a few buy offers up at prices that are affordable for me and look fair to sellers (3-5× of the base card price), but one of them has been sitting up there for over a year with the lowest current price being almost four times as that with 0 sales in the past 12 months. One would think sellers eventually catch up on the uptake…
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Foil cards can be a curse when you get ones that are worth barely more than regular cards (as tends to happen with any bundled game) or worse still are actually worth less:
edit: Not to mention fairly low demand and no, $0.03 offers are just bad jokes...
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I do if I legitimately love the gameand it's cheap-ish. Plus it's always nice to have your own profile badge, something that you don't see every user sporting.
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Foils are terrible. A pain to sell, not something I use for crafting.
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I think I only crafted three foil badges total.
One because I was new to the whole "cards" thing (L4D2), and the other two (Fly'N and Blocks That Matter) because they looked cool. I can't remember what I paid to craft them but it wasn't an insane amount, otherwise I wouldn't have done it. I think it was like 1€ or maybe 1,50€ each but no more than that.
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I actually had to look that word up, haha.
Also, bitch please, one of them is the famous Golden Badge That Matters, that's freakin' cool, man :P
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Well, I'm not a huge badge crafter and right now, I'm just collecting cards for one specific badge at level 4, but apart form that I've actually stopped crafting them completely.
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Jeez o_o Well, alright, just looked at how many games you actually own.. I'm not as surprised anymore :D
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I'm not crafting badges as a hobby. I actually craft certain badges that can get me valuable emoticons and backgrounds. I spent around $3.5 crafting a 5 levels badge. I got x3 emoticons that sell for around $0.5 and a second for $0.45 and a third for $2.2(all prices without fees). So yeah, the sum of the prices is around $4, which is pretty good. I leveled up, got a shiny badge and cool backgrounds and msot of all made a $0.5 profit which is not that bad.
P.S: In case you want to investigate about the game(I did of course, and found it to be very proftable). Its name is STARWHAL.
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I craft foil badges it I think the badge is beautiful.
I have foil badges for 2 or 3 RE and Saints Row games + Lucius (I really wanted this one!) and a few others.
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I crafted one foil badge for my favorite game of all time, Kerbal Space Program. The first summer sale when the summer cards expired, after crafting a summer badge or two, I traded the regular summer cards for KSP cards. Someone sent me an offer for a KSP foil card forsome of the summer cards. After maxing out the regular badge, I posted offers to trade the summer cards for KSP foil cards. I got a few more that way, then I sold the rest of my summer cards before they expired.
Then the summer sale where they had the team contest, I was lucky enough to get a couple of foil summer cards which sold for quite a bit. I was able to make trades for a few more KSP foils, but I was still a few short when the event was over. I put in low bids for the remaining cards I needed and just waited. I eventually managed to get them and still had a profit from selling the other cards.
Edit: I got two identical foils for one game once. I sold them.
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I was just clicking around community market and looking at foli cards and I found this one:
In total It was bought 3 times, where first time was nearly 2 months ago!!!
This must be one of rares foli badges probably
And small poll for you:)!
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