Will you buy this bundle?
Not bad... a wee bit overpriced in my opinion, but I'm comparing it to a regular bundle.
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If you are looking for buying Spellweaver Vampire Overlord pack (9.99€/$), I think it can be ok.
Otherwise, I think it is globally a awful bundle.
They recycle titles from their just previous cheaper Halloween bundle, and games that were or are still available for a few cents at DIG store.
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I disagree with that. Roogoo and Paranautical Activity are both good games in their genres, as are Reverse Crawl, The Detail and Legends of Solitaire. While Hidden Mysteries is supposed to be pretty bad, it's at least refreshing to see a HOG that's not a horror game about some woman who inherited a haunted mansion.
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Paranautical Activity has been given away free by the bucketload.
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And I wasn't making any sort of commentary on their monetary value. I disagreed with the assessment that all of the games are awful.
I swear, some people on this site have completely forgotten that games are meant to be played for fun and aren't JUST for gifting and trading...
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Thanks for pointing at Roogoo puzzle game :-)
I will try it since it is in current The Mighty Monday GameBundle 2 !!
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I liked it! It's not a thinking puzzle game, but more of a twitch reaction game. You spin circles and try to stack colored blocks through the right holes, it's hard to explain but once you get into it, it plays very quickly and you can do some crazy combos.
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The assessment wasn't necessarily that the games are awful, just that the bundle is. Which is true, $12 for 25 games (two-thirds handed out like candy, none exceptional) is a bad deal for most people here.
To some it might cost $4 (I sure didn't get any code), and within that group some might not have any (of the many) of the other bundles. But for most of the audience reading these comments, I think at least one of those conditions won't hold true, and this bundle largely presents no 'great' (or even decent) value to them.
There's just not much use assessing a bundle 'good' or 'bad' using game quality without also considering price. Exaggerating a hypothetical for simplicity, five AAA games might technically be called a 'good bundle', but if it costs $500 then that classification means little. It's the terminology's practical value which gives the discussion purpose--otherwise its more some robotic evaluation of a list within a vacuum.
Similarly, 'rarity' majorly impacts the real value (to each buyer). These evaluations are very subjective to the commentator's library, but people tend to step back and say "hey this would be a great deal if you don't have x and y already" when that condition is the norm, and not the exception.
In addition, though only tangential to the matter at hand, I'm firmly of the opinion that GreenManGaming can eat my ass.
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I really don't know why you're speaking for Omicron666 hours after they've already responded to me, saying they changed their mind on Roogoo after my post. I was clearly onto something considering the response I received.
And, please, I hope you have a better reason for disliking GMG than just bandwagon jumping after our corporate overlords told us we're not allowed to like them anymore.
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Da fug? I was speaking for myself trying to explain something that (at the time) seemed to just be a misconception of yours about what people actually intend when using a term.
But I'm starting to think that wasn't some isolated incident of reading between the lines for you.
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if I didn't have basically everything I wanted from this I'd consider it.
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Just keep in mind that GMG [officially] drops support for any purchases past the first week of purchase.
Last time I bought bundles from them, they expired half the keys on me.
Anyone buying this bundle should activate, trade, or gib off keys ASAP.
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Good to know... :X any source, because I haven't found anything in their ToS ?
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Anyone know how many, if any, of these games that have been given out for free?
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lol, definitely GMG.
I remember golden joystick pack. $1 -> $0.5 -> $0
Good news if we willing to wait :)
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It will sell out eventually? ;) 25 games and a DLC for 0.13 cents each it not very expensive (given you find a couple of the games interesting enough to play or a game horder like me :P). I think they made a wrong start by only making it available with vouchers, giving it a bad starting promo.
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GMG deals don't always have specific end dates. If something is hot, they could run out of keys at any minute and remove it from sale. I always tell people that if they see a good deal at GMG, buy it NOW, do NOT wait, because if you hesistate, it may be gone.
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ORBORUN: ΚZBAT-F70ΕG-FCΚG9 (copy/paste protected ;)
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Social notworking sites like Twitter, Facebook and Pinterest are causing more people to feel alone.
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you get paid GMG credit for every review you post that gets accepted. From personal experience they tend to silently not accept (not refuse, just never responds pretending they never got review) some negative reviwews. From times back ago when I farmed GMG credit via reviews I had +/-90% acceptance rate for positive reviews, +/-75-80% for mixed ones and only +/-50% for very negative reviews. Since you don't want to waste time writing reviews that will never get accepted from credit farmer perspective it's best to post positive reviews even if they are fake positives ;p
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Green Man Gaming Deal Update!
Indie Mega Bundle 2016 $3.49
EDIT: Voucher is no longer needed, you can buy this bundle here:
Store Page
Retail: $163.74
Chart by devotee, THANK YOU! :)
Info from Reforced, THANK YOU! :)
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