Whether or not it's a good idea remains to be seen. As I mentioned it's a bit of an experiment, so it's a possibility that it fails completely. I guess we'll see.
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Well those are his games, he can do whatever he wants with them.
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So this is pretty much a pay what you want thingy?
No offense i had seriously no idea there was a kickstarter project for Wasteland 2, but i dont see reason to ask for donations in order to enter a giveaway, which is a shame because no matter how much i love the Fallout franchise (mainly FO1 and 2), i won't put money into a project when i can simply pay for the bundle myself.
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I´m not asking for donations, I´m giving thanks to the people who´ve made this possible. If I wanted to ask for donations I wouldn´t have waited until the goal had already been made.
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Yet you're asking people to donate in order to enter the giveaway.
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There´s a difference between asking for money and offering thanks for something people already did on their own. If someone donates money to enter in a free giveaway, they´re idiots. You donate to contribute to Wasteland 2, and the giveaways are just my way of saying thank you.
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Well fair enough i guess, i understand your point (and support it), biggest problem i see here is the fact that ALOT of people WILL join even if they havent donated to the project.
Someone mentioned making a temporary group or something similar and gather the ones who helped with the project to avoid this.
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People are going to enter anyways you know( I won't )
You shoulda privately gave the links. Not many will read your post lol.
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It is a good idea. But people will enter anyways lol.
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You shoulda made steam group and invited backers. Would been easier imo.
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The problem is that I don´t know who backed and who didn´t. This way I can simply check the winners and ignore the rest. If they´re a backer, good for them. If not... well, I guess people are gonna get banned for not reading.
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Don't think they would get banned but I think you could reroll it.
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Who laughs now? Me of course!
I don't have any problems with this sort of giveaway, but yeah i think u would have done better making a giveaway group and a thread to gather people into it, you could even limit the amount of users in the group...
You are indeed, breaking several rules for making this giveaway.
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I guess you missed the part where this whole thing was approved by lokonopa.
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Taken from SG rules:
Do not ask for any sort of payment/exchange in order to enter a giveaway. This applies to group rules as well.
While I understand what you are doing, it might or might not be breaking a rule. Should've checked with the mods over at the support tab before doing it.
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Although a nice idea, this is not the way you should realize it. Winner of those private giveaways should receive the game. PERIOD.
If you want to use SG you should ask people here to send you proof of backing the project i.e. by email and then you reply with the link for the private giveaway.
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Winner of those private giveaways should receive the game. PERIOD.
If this was a public giveaway, I'd agree. Private giveaways are granted a bit more leniency when it comes to how they're handled, and since this thread is the ONLY place I posted the links, I think it's no more than fair to require people to at least read the thread before jumping at the links. If they fail to do so, that's their own fault.
I agree that making an exclusive Steam group would be a more secure method, but it would also be more of a hassle for all entrants as well as myself. Besides, what's done is done and unless this turns out to be a complete fiasco (and I'm not saying it won't still; again, it's an experiment) I'd prefer to just wait and see for now.
One thing I will promise you is that I will simply refuse to send the gifts to people who didn't follow the rules of this thread, no matter what others might demand of me. If the worst comes to happen I will simply hand-pick the winners and learn to live with the negative rating on my profile.
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I think what you should to is Cancel all the giveaway, and do the Group idea.
Have a time of the day your in the Group Chat where people post there kickstarer links, if all checks out, you invite them into the group. Doing it that way makes it where you can choose how much time you want to spend on it, and have the Giveaway's entered by only people who have followed the rules.
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I don't deserve any funding myself, since I'm not in any way a part of inXile or Wasteland 2. I'm just a fan, celebrating the project's success.
Also I don't think most people are really trolling, they're just voicing their concerns. That's a good thing.
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well if you create a give away its to give out to the winner and if the winner and if you dont give the game to the winner wont you get banned from the site?
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They´re private giveaways, so I get to choose who gets to join. If someone joins that doesn´t deserve to join according to my rules, I can have the giveaway rerolled.
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That's gonna be a lot of re-rolling, but, thanks anyway :D
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FAQ/Rules and Guidelines say nothing about being able to make up your own rules for private giveaways.
The other feature of creating of a giveaway is the choice of making your giveaway private. When made private, you will be given a unique URL after creating the giveaway. You can share this link as you please, but please be aware anyone with this link would be able to enter your private giveaway. Unlike Group giveaways, Private giveaways do not appear on the site, profiles, search, etc. Though, members will be able to see a private giveaway has ended in two ways:
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Uhm, making a Steam group and group giveaways would be a lot easier. People posting their Kickstarter's and Steam's profile here then getting invitations so they could participate in giveaways.
This way you can have to make five rerolls. Continiously. And the people who actually backed up the project keep wasting their points on SG.
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Double digit entries already :)
This is a great thing you're doing, thank you!
I was planing to donate when I muster up some money on Mechanical Turk. If that comes to fruition, F3 will probably be the only one I'll enter - don't own it and haven't played it yet (though I played the others, even the leaked Van Buren demo) :D
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I expected they'll be at least smart enough to not ask.
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Theoretically yes, because I won't actually be checking on anyone until the winners have been chosen. It'd be too much of a hassle to check every entry. You'd have to be really fucking quick though, because I'll probably be online when the giveaways end and I'll be checking the winners right away. If you don't have your link up at that time, you're not a winner. So realistically, no. That's not really an option.
Also, for God's sake don't be an idiot and donate just because of these giveaways. Donate for the love of the game, not for a free giveaway. Otherwise you'll just make me sad.
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What happens wen someone wins and did not donate? they already got to the $900,000 goal
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Can you point out that rule?
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Good call. I can't really control who enters anyway.
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I didn't know that Wasteland 2 was in project, but, anyway, I don't know this game (yeah... sorry :/ ). But I think that your idea is really great !
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Some numbers
This way it's just wasting SG points of people who actually supported W2, especially that one wanting Orcs Must Die. Chance of winning for her against so many competitors is so small (since she's the only one atm obliged to try) that reroll looks like a sure thing.
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Eh, if it really turns out to be problematic I'll have to have a little chat with one of the admins, but for now I'm willing to give the people of SteamGifts the benefit of the doubt.
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Thank you based loko! Also Cult!
As most of you will probably be aware, the Kickstarter for Wasteland 2 has been fully funded by now. I don't know about you guys, but I'm psyched as all hell about this. So, to celebrate the sequel to a classic game, I decided to give away some of the games that were inspired by the classic Wasteland game. I'm talking of course about the Fallout series. I also threw in Majesty 2 and Orcs Must Die because they're fun and cheap so hey why the fuck not?
Anyway, since the project was made possible because of Kickstarter, I decided against simply giving away these games. I want to thank everyone who contributed to making Wasteland 2 a reality. To do that, I will only allow people who are backing the Wasteland Kickstarter to win these giveaways. So when entering any of these giveaways, post a link to your Kickstarter account in the comments to show that you have backed Wasteland 2. If your Kickstart account has a different name than your SteamGifts account, please put your SteamGifts name somewhere in your Kickstarter biography field, to prevent people from simply posting someone else's profile. Here's my own profile, in case anyone was wondering (spoiler: no one cares).
[EDIT] If you would rather not post your Kickstarter profile where everyone can see it, you can choose to keep it private for now. If you win, I will contact you on Steam so you can show me your profile in private. However, in this case I'm going to have to add a hard rule that only people who donated before the end of the giveaways can win, to keep people from trying to cheat the system. [/EDIT]
I don't care how much anyone contributed or anything like that. $1 is as good as $10.000 to me. All I want to do is thank the people who contributed to a game I care about, no matter how big that contribution was. Also, if you want to join in but haven't contributed to Wasteland 2 yet, it's still possible! The goal has been met, but all funds above the minimum will be spent on making the game bigger and better (and available on iOS and Linux), so there's no real upper limit here.
Anyway, on to the important links:
What this is all about
Fallout Collection giveaway
Fallout 3 giveaway
Fallout New Vegas giveaway
Majesty 2 giveaway
Orcs Must Die giveaway
For the record, I am not in any way affiliated with inXile or Wasteland 2. I'm just a fan!
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