So... my apartment is a bit of a mess right now so obviously I decided to do something truely useful and put together a list of my favourite Steam badges so that I don't always showcase the same 2 or 3 on my profile. While putting together that list I thought it might make an interesting topic for a thread since there's probably no other place with so many Steam Trading card enthusiasts like here. So without further ado... Here is my list:

Bad Rats Badge - Bad Rat Junior
Obviously this THE BEST badge of them all. And since I haven't seen this game to rule all other games mentioned for some time and I'm noticing so many newcomers here recently I thought we need to teach them the ways of our people (insert dancing spider GIF) 😅

HITMAN 2 Badge - Professional
A highly professional rubber ducky... What else is there to say.

Despotism 3k Badge - Aspiring Despot
My current Indie affair

Terraria Badge - Night's Edge
My first and always Indie love here on Steam

FTL: Faster Than Light Badge - Captain
This game should be waay higher up - potentially the top spot but just like Bela Lugosi and Boris Karloff
you can't put Terraria and Starbound next to each other without causing a bloodbath.

Starbound Foil Badge - Matter Manipulator
The "pickaxe" of starbound.
Starbound Badge - Wire Tool

SEGA Mega Drive & Genesis Classics Badge
The console of my childhood - also most ergonomic controller back in the beforetime. Generally we just used sharp rocks as controllers.

Prison Architect Badge - Major
This game is perfection

Bud Spencer & Terence Hill - Slaps And Beans Badge - Puffin
While I haven't played this game nearly enough yet every Bud Spencer & Terence Hill fan knows:
Puffin schenkt dir die Kacke die du brauchst

Party Hard Badge - Partying Hard

The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings - A guy who knows a guy who knows Geralt
Best badge name EVER! Or maybe 2nd best but we'll get to that later

Life is Strange Badge - Apprentice

Borderlands 2 Badge - Please don't shoot me!
Silly little robot 😅

Sadly I made the mistake of leving up the Chivalry: Medieval Warfare badge past level 1 otherwise this would be the best badge name ever of all times 😆
Chivalry: Medieval Warfare Badge
This badge reminds me of a SteamGifts original who no longer uses this site. Maybe some of the other old farts here will know who I mean...

That's it folks... This is my list.
What are yours?

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2 years ago*

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Mine is Auction Participant/Winner Badge :)

2 years ago

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Badge bros 😅
Auction Winner

What game did you win at the auction? For me it was Lost Horizon 😄

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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2 years ago

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The ultimate badge. Never forget.

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2 years ago

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2 years ago

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I was almost shocked to find a 7 year old thread I didn't comment in but then there I was on the last page badmouthing clickr games.

I probably wasn't happy about my lackluster results since I didn't post my lvl 😅

2 years ago*

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2 years ago

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Community Contributor (16)
Why I liked? Because I don`t farm those.

2 years ago

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19 years of service is my favorite badge.

2 years ago

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Sweet 😎
So you are like a founding father, huh?
What was that... Half Life (1) soon after release?

2 years ago

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Played Half-life in beta before Steam existed. I met Gabe Newell when I was working at a major computer manufacturer and he was working at Microsoft. Going to be 20 years for me in September. :)

2 years ago

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I'm generally not much of a fanboy (except maybe when it comes to writers) but Lord Gaben himself, as he lives and breathes, that's pretty cool 😄

2 years ago

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That`s my TOP5:
1) Human Time Machine - LiS has a special place in my heart <3
2) Save yourself
3) Holy knight
4) Hyperperspicacity
5) Super Mega Nyan

2 years ago*

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Those all have lovely artwork but the Life is Strange one is gorgeous 😄

I really have to replay LiS on the PS4 sometime. I played it a while ago on PC but the performance was terrible and I've always wanted to replay it and prevent that thing.
Eventhough I've heard it doesn't make much difference in the end.

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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When I was in college I was also into cabbage farming.

2 years ago

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My man of culture, fellow cabbage enjoyer.

2 years ago

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It goes nicely with your luchador mask 😉

As for the Rusty Lake games I got Rusty Lake Hotel for free from Google Play but didn't manage to get very far. I probably just didn't have the patience to play it for extended periods on my phone but I should give it another go. I'm pretty positive I have an old, unactivated Humble T1 that has Hotel


Edit: Nevermind 😅 I already have it on my account. Must have been a freebie because no cards and no card drops remaining.

2 years ago*

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Basically, what is on my badge showcase, but with some additions. The first row I want to fill with level 40, event badges you get with points and the 3rd row with level 5 badges from some of my favorite games. For now, however, my 3rd row has some funny placeholders since all my lv 5 badges and event badges fit in one row. I have to wait for more event badges to come so I can get enough of them. It'll take quite a while probably.

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2 years ago*

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Awesome 😁 I see somebody put some thought into this 😋
Reminds me a bit when I was figuring out what to do with my new 50 car garage in GTA Online yesterday evening.

Ok... the Sports cars could go on sublevel 1... and everything weaponized goes lvl 2 and the offroad stuff lvl 3 😅

Also great minds think alike

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2 years ago*

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2 years ago

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Those make me feel uneasy 😅
Damn, that fox reminds me of that Lars von Trier movie 😨 I was trying to suppress that particular trauma 😅

2 years ago

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uh oh, my bad teehee 😅

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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I'm willing to bet the Stardew Valley badge (normal and foil together) is one of the 25 most featured badges on Steam. It doesn't have a HUGE fan community like Assassin's Creed or Call of Duty but the people who played it are usually extremely passionate about it 😄

Had a real nice conversation about it the other week and will give it another shot soon.

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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HITMAN 2 Badge - Professional
A highly professional rubber ducky... What else is there to say.

Agreed, this is a fantastic badge. I also enjoy HITMAN 3's Gentleman Quack quite a bit, but regrettably I don't have it yet.

I was gonna go through my badges to pick out some nice ones that I like, but then decided to just link the Winter Sale 2021 ones.
They're just lil' fellers and it's honestly a shame you couldn't just buy (with points) as many of them for yourself as you wanted.
I got #3 myself, that one is perfect. :D

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2 years ago

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That is one fancy duck 😄
I still got to finish Hitman 2 so I had not seen the badges from 3 yet.

Yeah, those are adorable 😍 They are so overly cute and cuddly they immediately remind me of the satanic woodland critters from that old South Park Holiday Special 😆

it's honestly a shame you couldn't just buy as many of them as you wanted

Totally! I really wish Steam would let as display any (previous) level of unlocked badges.
Like transmogrification for Steam badges.

Yeah 😄 I was torn between the Lvl 3 penguin and the Lvl 2 racoon but in the end I went with the racoon. I guess I'm just a little rascal 😅

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2 years ago*

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I really wish Steam would let as display any (previous) level of unlocked badges.

Agreed, sometimes you want to get a level 5 badge just so it's nice and leveled up properly but... what if the level 1 badge just looks so much better? Let us choose which one we want to keep, Gaben!

The raccoon is a really good one too, I would've picked it if the penguin one had been like level 10+ because I would not have that many points. But lucky for me penguin was only 3k points and I got to have a cute badge of my favorite animal. ^^

2 years ago

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